Stop Throwing Out Brown Bananas. Freeze Them Instead

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Everyone loves bananas (or as we call 'em, naners)!

They're great as a grab-and-go breakfast when you're running out the door. They're perfect for an afternoon snack to get you through that 2 p.m. slump. And they can be mashed up and mixed into my personal favorite weekend brunch: Banana Bread Flapjacks.

But bananas can also ripen fast, leaving you with a too-much fruit problem. Luckily, bananas are easy to freeze and have ton of great uses once frozen. We'll show you how.

browning ripe bananas in a container
Hearst Owned

Best Method: How to Freeze Sliced Bananas

We recommend always peeling bananas before freezing them.Though you can freeze them in their peels, it takes a lot of work to remove the peel from a frozen banana, and they're less versatile that way.

If you're able to do a little bit (like five seconds) of work, we recommend slicing up the banana before freezing it. This makes it easy to get out just the amount you want, and you can pretty much toss the frozen slices right into recipes like pancakes, muffins, or smoothies.

  1. Remove the peel and slice the bananas about 1/4-inch thick.

  2. Transfer the slices to a parchment paper or wax paper-lined baking sheet, arranging them in a single layer.

  3. Freeze until firm, for 1 to 2 hours.

  4. Transfer the slices to zip-top bag freezer or container, removing as much air as possible from the bag or container. Return to the freezer until ready to use.

a knife and a cutting board with bananas on it
Charlyne Mattox - Hearst Owned

Also Great: How to Freeze Whole Bananas

Don't want to take the time to slice 'em? Bananas can be frozen whole, or in halves. We find that halves work better when blending in smoothies, and it cuts down on waste, so you don't have to take out more than you really need.

  1. Remove the peel and halve the bananas crosswise (optional)

  2. Transfer the halves to a parchment paper or wax paper-lined baking sheet, arranging them in a single layer.

  3. Freeze until firm, for 2 to 3 hours.

  4. Transfer the halves to zip-top freezer bag or container, removing as much air as possible from the bag or container. Return to the freezer until ready to use.

How Long Do Frozen Bananas Last?

Sliced bananas will last about 2 months in the refrigerator while whole (or halved) bananas will last about three months.

frozen bananas in a bag
Charlyne Mattox - Hearst Owned

How to Keep Frozen Bananas from Turning Brown

Bananas turn brown when they have contact with air. You can prevent this by sealing your frozen slices or whole bananas in a container. Make sure to remove as much of the air as possible.

If using a zip-top freezer bag, pick up the bag so that all the frozen slices or halves fall to the bottom. Next, roll up the bag and frozen bananas from the bottom working toward the opening. This will push out most of the air. Once you have reached the opening seal the bag and return it to the freezer.

If you are freezing bananas in a plastic container and it isn’t full, push a piece of plastic wrap directly on the surface of the bananas before putting on the lid. This will also help reduce exposure to air.

How to Use Frozen Bananas

We love to put sliced frozen bananas in smoothies or thaw and mash them for muffin and bread mix. Frozen slices also make a nice garnish. Simply put a slice on top of your banana muffins or bread right before baking.

Once thawed, halved bananas can also be mashed and used in muffins, banana bread, pancake, or waffles.

Frozen bananas can also be blended by themselves to make a creamy vegan ice cream! If you want to spruce it up a little, try adding honey or agave to sweeten, mint leaves or cinnamon for flavor, or stir in some chocolate chips once it’s blended. Yum!

Griddled Banana Bread with Sorghum Syrup

Photo credit: Becky Luigart-Stayner
Photo credit: Becky Luigart-Stayner

Get the recipe.

Hummingbird Layer Cake

Photo credit: Becky Lugart-Stayner
Photo credit: Becky Lugart-Stayner

Get the recipe.

Olive’s Naturally Sweet PB&J Pancakes

Photo credit: Hearst Owned
Photo credit: Hearst Owned

Get the recipe.

Best Easy Chocolate Chunk Banana Bread Recipe

Photo credit: Brian Woodcock
Photo credit: Brian Woodcock

Get the recipe.

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