State party chair calls on University of Iowa Democrats to resign after 'anti-Semitic' post

The Israel-Hamas war has ignited a rift between student Democrats at the state's two flagship universities and state party leaders, with accusations of anti-Semitism and calls for resignations.

After University of Iowa Democrats posted a message on social media Wednesday saying they "shamelessly and fully support Palestine" and comparing the fighting in Gaza to genocide, Iowa Democratic Party Chair Rita Hart condemned the statement and called for the resignations of the student officers who signed it.

That, in turn, prompted the posting of an unsigned letter on the Iowa State University College Democrats' Facebook page on Thursday, in which the group said it has decided to disaffiliate itself from the state party, partly in response to the incident.

The division among Democrats in Iowa comes as Israel expands its ground invasion into Gaza in response to a series of attacks launched by Hamas on Oct. 7, killing more than 1,400 people and taking more than 200 hostages.

Israel's airstrikes and ground invasion have killed more than 8,800 people, including more than 3,600 children, according to the Gaza Ministry of Health, run by Hamas.

More: Grinnell College students stage protest walkout in support of Palestine

What did the University of Iowa Democrats' post on Palestine say?

The University of Iowa Democrats' post reads:

"We shamelessly and fully support Palestine. We recognize that every person has the unalienable right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, just as the United States has long said they stand for. The ongoing violence against millions of innocent people is egregious and the perpetuation of it by the United States of America and other western states is even more so. We have been taught the stories of mass murders and genocides of peoples around the world, including those of the United States. We now bear witness to the same systems of oppression taking place in a nation thousands of miles from our own. No longer will we watch in silence while atrocities are committed against men, women and children. We will protest, advocate and fight for the human rights of all, for the human rights of Palestine."

"May every Palestinian live long and free, from the river to the sea," the statement concludes.

Republican Party of Iowa Chair Jeff Kaufmann shared a screenshot of the University of Iowa Democrats' post Wednesday.

"There's being liberal and there's being insane," Kaufmann wrote on social media. "UIowa Dems are siding with militantly anti-LGBT Hamas terrorists — who gleefully slaughter women and children. Of course, we'll hear nothing but crickets from Rita Hart as anti-Semitic loonies take over her party."

A few hours later, Hart issued her statement saying the Iowa Democratic Party had requested the resignations of the student representatives who signed the University of Iowa Democrats' letter.

Hart's statement said the phrase, "from the river to the sea Palestine will be free," is an example of "problematic anti-Semitic slogans" in the University of Iowa Democrats' post.

"Let's be very clear. That is a call for Jewish genocide, and we wholly condemn that offensive language," Hart said.

The Anti-Defamation League says the phrase is an "anti-Semitic slogan" that would mean "the dismantling of the Jewish state."

Iowa Democratic Party Chair Rita Hart speaks during the 2023 Polk County Steak Fry at Water Works Park on Saturday, September 30, 2023 in Des Moines.
Iowa Democratic Party Chair Rita Hart speaks during the 2023 Polk County Steak Fry at Water Works Park on Saturday, September 30, 2023 in Des Moines.

Yinam Cohen, consul general of Israel to the Midwest, in an Oct. 30 email to reporters, said the phrase is "a call for the annihilation of the State of Israel, with the establishment of a Palestinian State on the entire area between the (Jordan) River and the (Mediterranean) Sea, which includes today's Israel, the West Bank and the Gaza Strip."

"The Iowa Democratic Party stands with innocent civilians, Israeli and Palestinian, that have had their lives ruined by the terrorist group Hamas," Hart said in the statement.

University of Iowa Democrat says post wasn't intended to be anti-Semitic

Matthew Charles, the University of Iowa Democrats treasurer and one of three students to sign the statement, told the Des Moines Register the intent of the statement was to protest the violation of Palestinians' human rights.

"Our intention was not to call for the destruction of Israel or the genocide of Jews," Charles said. "It’s simply to say that Palestinians should be free."

When Democratic state representatives and state party officials reached out to discuss the statement, Charles said the University of Iowa Democrats issued a second post with an apology, before ultimately being told to delete that version as well.

"We feel it is needed to reword our previous post in support of Palestine," the second statement said. "We have been informed of the ways in which a phrase we used, 'from river to sea,' can be interpreted in a hateful context and we apologize for making anyone feel unwelcome, unsafe or unheard in our use of it and emphasize our stance against antisemitism."

The post follows up the apology with a reworded version of the first post that keeps most of the same wording but ends with, "May every Palestinian live long and free." It does not include the phrase "from the river to the sea."

Charles said he was opposed to including the phrase "from the river to the sea" in the original statement but said the University of Iowa Democrats' original post says, "Palestinians should live long and free" instead of "Palestine will be free" in an effort to differentiate their statement from the phrase's anti-Semitic meaning. He said Hart's statement misquotes the University of Iowa Democrats' original post.

"I think the important part is that we immediately took the concerns into account and changed the statement as to not offend people," he said.

Charles said Thursday he's not sure whether he will resign as the group's treasurer, as Hart called for. He said the state party's response to the group's post feels like they're "kind of bullying us, even though we did what they asked."

"I think it’s definitely disproportionate, especially given how quickly we complied with their request to change the language and then their request to take it down," he said.

Iowa State University College Democrats say they're disaffiliating from the Iowa Democratic Party

On Thursday, the Iowa State University College Democrats posted an unsigned letter to their Facebook page writing that the group intends to disaffiliate itself from the Iowa Democratic Party.

"This is not a decision we have taken lightly, but one that we believe is in the best interest of our club and our commitment to advancing our values and principles," the letter states.

The ISU College Democrats' letter says the decision to disaffiliate was driven by several factors, including "the way the IDP has treated the University of Iowa Democrats."

"We believe in the importance of unity and solidarity among college Democratic clubs across the state, and the recent events involving the University of Iowa Democrats have deeply troubled us," the ISU College Democrats wrote. "It is essential for us to align ourselves with an organization that upholds the values of inclusivity, respect and fairness."

The group also questioned "the need for the IDP to exert control over our club."

"The College Democrats at Iowa State University have always operated as an independent entity, and our focus has been on engaging and educating our members and the community about Democratic values and issues," the group's letter states. "We believe that by disaffiliating from the IDP we can better serve our members and fulfill our mission without any external influence."

The letter is dated July 5, in what appears to be a mistake.

Representatives of the Iowa State University College Democrats did not immediately respond to emails and Facebook messages seeking comment.

Democratic congressional candidate says University of Iowa Democrats' statement wasn't anti-Semitic

In a series of posts on social media Thursday, 4th District congressional candidate Ryan Melton gave his thoughts on the University of Iowa Democrats' statement and criticized the Iowa Democratic Party's response.

He wrote that "I don't read the students' statement to be anti-Semitic and as phrased is in no way calling for an end to the Israeli state."

Ryan Melton, Democratic candidate for Iowa's 4th District, speaks during the 2023 Polk County Steak Fry at Water Works Park on Saturday, September 30, 2023 in Des Moines.
Ryan Melton, Democratic candidate for Iowa's 4th District, speaks during the 2023 Polk County Steak Fry at Water Works Park on Saturday, September 30, 2023 in Des Moines.

Melton, who is one of two Democratic candidates seeking to challenge U.S. Rep. Randy Feenstra for the conservative northwest Iowa seat, went on:

"I was not asked my opinion of the IDP statement before it was released, and the IDP statement does not represent me or many others that do good work in the party," he wrote. "Yes, it is very important to fight anti-Semitism, but per my read of the University Democrats at Iowa's post, the statement wasn't anti-Semitic. We should also fight Islamophobia, and I don't read the IDP statement last night as sufficiently meeting that obligation. One can be critical of the Israeli government's handling of this crisis while calling unequivocally for the end of Hamas and the protection of Israeli and Palestinian civilians, and that is where I along with most others are."

Progressive Caucus 'stands in solidarity' with University of Iowa Democrats, calls for Hart to apologize

The Iowa Democratic Party's Progressive Caucus issued a statement Thursday afternoon saying they stand in solidarity with the University of Iowa Democrats and calling on Hart to apologize to them.

"We would like to unequivocally say that we stand in solidarity with the University Democrats and will protest any effort to coerce a resignation from anyone in that organization," said the statement, which was sent by Iowa Progressive Caucus Chair Brian McLain.

Iowa Progressive Caucus members McLain and Vice Chair Tracy Murphy sit on the Iowa Democratic Party State Central Committee, the party's governing body.

"The statement that was made and posted to Instagram was one of support for a nation and ethnicity that has seen increasing struggles because of the apartheid State of Israel and the suffering that comes with it," the statement said. "There is nothing anti-Semitic about calling out the actions of a state and the perpetual effort to conflate any support of Palestinians with support for Hamas and genocide is utterly shameful."

The Progressive Caucus statement says that the opinions expressed in the University of Iowa Democrats' statement are in line with the Iowa Democratic Party's 2022 platform and do not constitute support for Hamas.

The Progressive Caucus statement accuses the Iowa Democratic Party of deciding to "publicly drag a group of young Democrats through the mud" rather than addressing the issue privately.

The group's statement says the Iowa Democratic Party's response to the University of Iowa Democrats' post, including calling for the resignations of student officers and threatening to cut funding to the group, is a "knee jerk reaction" that is counterproductive and damaging to the party.

"The Progressive Caucus demands that this statement be rescinded immediately, any and all harassment be ended immediately and a public apology be made to the University Democrats by the Chair of the Iowa Democratic Party, Rita Hart," the Progressive Caucus statement concludes.

Rita Hart defends actions. 'We have to take a stand'

Hart, in an interview with the Des Moines Register Thursday, said "we have to take a stand, all of us, against statements that are anti-Semitic, or that are Islamophobic."

"I called the president of the University of Iowa Dems," Hart said. "We had a conversation. She agreed with me that the statement was out of line and therefore took the posts down. And I told her at that time, that we would be calling for the resignations of those three individuals. I mean, there's a reason why it was not signed by the entire council. Because there was recognition that that statement was out of line, that it was not acceptable."

Iowa Democratic Party Chair Rita Hart speaks during the 2023 Polk County Steak Fry at Water Works Park on Saturday, September 30, 2023 in Des Moines.
Iowa Democratic Party Chair Rita Hart speaks during the 2023 Polk County Steak Fry at Water Works Park on Saturday, September 30, 2023 in Des Moines.

Hart said she worked with the president of the University of Iowa Democrats and hopes to continue having conversations with them.

"There are people across this country that have very different views on this Israeli-Hamas conflict," Hart said. "And there's all kinds of appropriate stances, but it is not appropriate to use anti-Semitic comments, and so we had to take a stand there."

Des Moines Register Chief Politics Reporter Brianne Pfannenstiel contributed to this report.

Stephen Gruber-Miller covers the Iowa Statehouse and politics for the Register. He can be reached by email at or by phone at 515-284-8169. Follow him on Twitter at @sgrubermiller.

This article originally appeared on Des Moines Register: Iowa Democratic Party chair rips UI students over 'anti-Semitic' post
