Starbucks Fans Slam The New Cold Brew Lemonade

Starbucks customers—and even a Starbucks barista—are really going through it after trying the chain's new Cold Brew with Lemonade. A simple combination of Starbucks Cold Brew and lemonade, the beverage is being roundly dragged on social media.

First up was a TikTok from @kayli.cernan, a 21-year-old Starbucks barista. Their brief video shows them going on a roller coaster of emotions while making and then sampling the drink. There was the initial surprise upon being introduced to the new menu item; the subtle fear while mixing the cold brew and lemonade together; and then the disappointment that followed the first sip.

The video on TikTok has raked in 1.3 million views, with commenters echoing @kayli.cernan's sentiments. One user even claimed that the drink "was traumatizing to try."

Over on Reddit, the Cold Brew with Lemonade isn't doing too much better. An entire Reddit thread has been dedicated to criticizing the drink.

"I’m convinced the cold brew with lemonade is a sick joke put out by corporation-tried it & it’s probably one of THE most repulsive things I’ve ever tasted. Doesn’t even taste like something you should be ingesting," wrote the Redditor who created the thread.

Not every Starbucks customer was immensely unimpressed by the drink. One Reddit user described it favorably as "a coffee Arnold Palmer."

On the plus side, at least the Pumpkin Cream Cold Brew is on the way.

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