Splaine: What you might have missed in Portsmouth from the NH presidential primary

The 2024 New Hampshire first-in-the-nation presidential primary two weeks ago was international news. But in Portsmouth's Ward 1, there was more to the story.

Another election held that day was more personal for two good people. Portsmouth residents Jackie Cali-Pitts and Jennifer Mandelbaum ran for the Democratic Party state representative nomination. Mandelbaum advanced with 392 votes over Cali-Pitts, who finished with 253. A special election will be held March 12 between Mandelbaum and Republican Carol A. Bush of Newington.

Jim Splaine
Jim Splaine

Jennifer has experience in health care, and during her campaign she emphasized support for affordable housing, public health, gun safety, reproductive rights and strong public schools. She'll bring that perspective to Concord.

For 24 years, Jackie has been a remarkable public servant as a steady presence for causes of climate change, science, environmental issues, social justice, women's choice and equality. Fortunately, in a community like ours where every citizen can matter, Jackie's going to continue her involvement doing good deeds for others. That's who she is. Congratulations and thanks go to both.

The results of our presidential primary were reported worldwide, but more than just well-known presidential candidates received our votes. In our state anyone can be listed on the ballot who's 35 years old and pays $1,000. A total of 24 Republicans ran, along with 21 Democrats.

We know that President Joe Biden received a historic number of write-in Democratic votes, followed by U.S. Rep. Dean Phillips and Marianne Williamson, who were on the ballot. On the Republican side, ex-President Donald Trump topped the field, followed by former United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley.

But there were others. In Ward 1 on the Democratic ballot Paperboy Love Prince (that's his name), received three votes, Vermin Supreme got five. On the Republican ballot, Chris Christie received seven, Ron DeSantis, five; Mary Maxwell, three; Mike Pence, two; Vivek Ramaswarmy, one; John Anthony Castro, one.

Citywide, Portsmouth's Derek Nadeau received 36 votes on the Democratic ballot, nine in Ward 1. Throughout the state he received 1,612 votes, finishing fourth in the Democratic Primary.

City Clerk Kelli Barnaby and her staff, along with more than 100 election officials and volunteers serving in Portsmouth's five wards, did an incredible job. They worked long hours counting votes publicly, accurately, and efficiently. Theirs was a stressful job, meaning everything has to be done right, while being watched.

Two years ago, I was appointed by the secretary of state to be on an eight-member Voter Confidence Commission that spent a year holding 20 hearings and public meetings throughout the state to learn ways to make our elections even better.

We heard from some residents who believed the conspiracy theories of how fake ballots could be produced and counted or voting machines could be manipulated by out-of-state, even offshore technology. Our report is on the secretary of state's website: sos.nh.gov/elections/special-committee-voter-confidence

All of that was refuted by our studies, and from what city and town clerks and voting officials told us. Those who yell "stolen election" and "voter fraud" locally or in our state have no truth behind them. As we found out with numerous reviews, recounts, court cases and thorough analysis in other states, there's no truth to those accusations.

Thanks to Kelli Barnaby, her staff, and citizen volunteers, Portsmouth and New Hampshire run efficient, honest, accurate, transparent elections — always with paper ballots as backup. We do it right.

Volunteers over age 18 up to, well, any age are needed for the Nov. 5 presidential election in Portsmouth. Anyone wanting to see American democracy up close at its best can contact the city clerk's office. It's tough work, but you'll get free coffee, sandwiches and maybe homemade brownies and cake.

You'll also have a story to tell — that you were part of making our democracy work.

Today's quote: "Proving that the unknown small business owner stands a chance against the candidates with millions of dollars in campaign spending, campaign managers, and billionaire backers is incredible. I did it all by myself with no money, DNC [Democratic National Committee] support, and without selling my soul to corporate backers." — Derek Nadeau, presidential candidate from Portsmouth.

Wouldn't it be great to hear more candidates say that?

Next time: The Jim Hewitt matter — a lot to consider.

Variously since 1969, Jim Splaine has been Portsmouth assistant mayor for six terms, Police Commission and School Board member, as well as New Hampshire state senator for six years and representative for 24 years. He can be reached at jimsplaineportsmouth@gmail.com.

This article originally appeared on Portsmouth Herald: Splaine: What you might have missed in Portsmouth from the NH primary
