South Point math stars rewarded at Shakery

May 10—Students who excelled in mathematics were given a special treat on Thursday in Ironton.

The Shakery hosted 19 students, from third through fifth grade at South Point Elementary School, who enjoyed lunch for their work.

Diane Kelley, a mathematics intervention teacher at the school, said the group was comprised of students who earned a blue ribbon is Study Island, a "rigorous, web-based math program."

"It's very hard to get," Kelley said of the score for the program, which is based on Ohio academic standards.

The students came from the classrooms of Sarah Klaiber, third grade, Sheila Walter, fourth grade, and Channing Eaches, fifth grade. Principal Chris Mathes, who will be taking over as superintendent of the South Point Local Schools district in the fall, joined the group for the outing.
