Sophia Grace Brownlee Annonunces Sex of Her First Child

Sophia Grace

It's a boy for Sophia Grace Brownlee!

Brownlee, who rose to fame as a child following several viral appearances on “The Ellen DeGeneres Show,” revealed the sex of her baby in a YouTube video on Saturday, Nov. 5.

The news comes two weeks after sharing in another video she was expecting her first child. In her announcement video, she told fans that she has known the sex of her baby since she was eight weeks pregnant but would be using a later video to reveal the news online.

Brownlee finally shared the news with her followers using three different props. In back-to-back clips, the 19-year-old influencer cut into a cake to reveal a blue center, launched a confetti popper filled with blue paper and popped a balloon filled with blue confetti.

Prior to the official reveal on her channel, Brownlee shared how her family members reacted to the news.

“My family’s reactions were slightly different when I told them the gender,” she said. “Some people were expecting it, and they said they already knew that it was going to be that, and some people were super, super shocked slash happy because in our family we do tend to have more of one gender, so it was a little bit different.”

After the reveal, Brownlee admitted that she personally “wasn’t shocked” that she was expecting a son, explaining, “I just felt from the start that I was going to be a boy mom, and I was going to have a boy, so when I found out, I wasn’t shocked. Either way, I was going to be happy because I didn’t mind if it was a boy or a girl.”

While Brownlee was excited for a son, she said that her boyfriend, her father and her cousin Romeo were all thrilled with the news because there are “so many girls” in her family.

When she shared the news of her pregnancy on Oct. 22, the influencer acknowledged that many of her fans might be “very shocked” at the announcement and that she felt the same way when she found out she was pregnant.

“I got used to it now, and I’m super, super happy about it,” she added. “And I can’t wait to share this journey with you guys.”

In her first video, at about 21 weeks pregnant, she also opened up about how her pregnancy had been going so far. Brownlee shared information from her milestone checkups with her doctors, as well as her experience with morning sickness and some early sonograms of her son.

Less than a week after she announced she was pregnant, Brownlee took the opportunity to address the criticism she has been facing as a young, expecting mother during an interview with E! News.

“I feel like 19 is quite young, obviously, to have a baby,” she said. “Usually most people are like, ‘You should have babies when you’re 30 and you’re married and you live in your own house,’ which is completely fine. But obviously everyone’s going to have their different opinions.”

Brownlee said she’s trying to ignore the negativity, adding that “as long as you feel ready and it’s something that you’re happy about, then it’s really no one else’s problem.”

Fans and family have rallied around Brownlee following news of her pregnancy, including her cousin, Rosie McClelland.

The 16-year-old shared a photo of herself and Brownlee on Instagram. The duo appeared on “The Ellen DeGeneres Show” multiple times after their cover of Nicki Minaj’s “Super Bass” went viral in 2011. McClelland's photo captured the moment that Brownlee told her that she was pregnant.

“Congratulations to my beautiful cousin Sophia on the news of your pregnancy!” she added. “To say I’m excited is a understatement, I can’t wait to share this whole new chapter with you and be by your side watching you be the best mum ever! Love you so so much”

This article was originally published on
