SoCal Gas says it further repaired ‘pothole’ filled by Arnold Schwarzenegger

SoCalGas is sharing an update on the “giant pothole” that Arnold Schwarzenegger repaired earlier this week.

The actor and former governor of California uploaded a video to his social media platforms on April 11 that showed him filling a “giant pothole” that he said had been “screwing up cars and bicycles for weeks.”

Two days later, SoCal Gas sent a statement to NBC News confirming that the “pothole” was actually an active service site that was used in January.

“On January 26, 2023, SoCalGas crews completed work to upgrade the pipeline system on Mandeville Canyon Road in Brentwood,” the statement said. According to the company, the excavation area was temporarily paved at the time.

SoCalGas said that typically workers permanently repair a service area about 30 days after completing the project but that the lengthy rainy season in California and other recent weather conditions delayed the crew’s return.

The actor said he'd been waiting 'three weeks' for the pothole to be fixed. (Twitter/Arnold Schwarzenegger)
The actor said he'd been waiting 'three weeks' for the pothole to be fixed. (Twitter/Arnold Schwarzenegger)

On April 13, Marissa Girolamo, a communications manager at SoCalGas, told NBC News via phone that crew members added to Schwarzenegger’s repairs a day after his viral social media post.

“We did leave the patch that Governor Schwarzenegger applied, however yesterday our crews went back to the site and we used special equipment to go over the patch to make it all stronger,” she explained.

SoCalGas said in a statement that the crew hopes to receive permit approval next week before returning to the excavation site again to permanently pave the area.

Schwarzenegger voiced his frustration with the delay in the road repair in his initial social media post.

“Today, after the whole neighborhood has been upset about this giant pothole that’s been screwing up cars and bicycles for weeks, I went out with my team and fixed it,” the 75-year-old “Terminator” star captioned a video that showed him and a few others shoveling the hole and adding dirt.

“I always say, let’s not complain, let’s do something about it. Here you go,” he added.

In the clip, a driver stopped and thanked Schwarzenegger and his team for helping.

“You’re welcome,” he said. “You have to do it yourself. This is crazy. For three weeks I’ve been waiting for this hole to be closed.”

His spokesperson shared a statement about the situation as well.

“There were numerous requests because of potential damage to cars and injury to bicyclists to repair this, and the pothole next to it,” the rep said. “And to be told that it would be done in two months is not an ideal response.”

Schwarzenegger also seemed to be displeased with SoCalGas’ reaction to how he handled the situation. On April 13, the former politician tweeted that he “just did them a favor.”

“And why don’t they talk about the second pothole I filled?” he asked. He did not provide more information about another repair.

This article was originally published on
