SNAP Schedule: When Can I Anticipate June 2022 Food Stamp Benefits?

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SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program), formerly known as food stamps, is the largest federal assistance program. Administered at the state level, SNAP provides food-purchasing assistance to low-income households.

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SNAP deposit schedules vary by state. Payments are usually distributed according to the last numbers of your identification number for your state’s program. However, some states may distribute benefits on a particular date each month. States also have different rules regarding payment days that fall on weekends or holidays.

To find your specific payment date for SNAP benefits, visit your state’s SNAP program website. You can typically find this information by entering the name of your state and “SNAP” into any search engine.

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Payments are deposited monthly into SNAP accounts, which are linked to EBT cards. Some states have different names for EBT cards, so yours may be called something different. EBT cards work like credit or debit cards. Cards can be swiped at point of sale terminals in grocery stores, major retailers and participating farmers’ markets. Make sure to enter your PIN to complete the transaction.

Benefits can be used to purchase eligible food items, excluding food that is hot when sold or ready-to-eat meals. SNAP benefits cannot be used to purchase alcoholic beverages, tobacco products, vitamins, medicines, supplements or nonfood items.

To be eligible for SNAP benefits, you must meet the required income and resource requirements, which are updated on an annual basis. Your state may also have additional criteria that you must meet.

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To apply for SNAP, you can find your local SNAP office or apply online by visiting the Food and Nutrition Service’s SNAP State Directory of Resources website. The USDA’s Food and Nutrition Service does not process applications.

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This article originally appeared on SNAP Schedule: When Can I Anticipate June 2022 Food Stamp Benefits?
