Skin Issues Caused By Coronavirus Lockdown, And How To Deal With Them


If you’re not one of the many essential workers either laboring to save lives during the coronavirus pandemic or provide those of us able to stay home with the necessities to stay there, you’re probably not going outside much right now.

Chances are you’re eating different foods. You may not be exercising as much. Or maybe you’re exercising more. You may not be sleeping well, or at odd times. And you’re likely pretty stressed out right now.

As a result of all of this ― plus all the other factors in your life ― your skin is probably freaking out in a number of ways. We talked to two dermatologists about how to take care of your skin when all your normal routines have been upended.

Thirty percent of people pick at their skin, and times of stress and anxiety can make people pick more than they normally would. (Photo: Ada Yokota via Getty Images)
Thirty percent of people pick at their skin, and times of stress and anxiety can make people pick more than they normally would. (Photo: Ada Yokota via Getty Images)

“Your skin is a reflection of your overall health,” said Heather D. Rogers, owner of Modern Dermatology in Seattle and Doctor Rogers Restore skin care. “Focusing on just your skin is too microscopic.”

You need to take care of your whole self.

Get enough sleep

“You need a schedule and you need to get eight hours of sleep,” Rogers said. She suggests setting an alarm to tell you when to go to bed, as well as when to get up.

This seems very simple, but inadequate sleep can cause your body to release more cortisol (the stress hormone) that can cause inflammation in your skin, which can manifest as acne or psoriasis.

Remember to exercise.

You’ve probably heard that exercise causes your body to release endorphins, those wonderful little morphine-like hormone molecules that elevate your mood.

Exercise also burns cortisone, Rogers said, making it a great way to reduce stress and anxiety and help keep your skin clear.

What if you’re exercising more?

“Exercise elevates testosterone levels, which can wake up acne,” Rogers said.

If you find yourself working out more than once a day because, well, you have the time, just remember to wash your face before and after (as well as taking a shower post workout).

“Please don’t sit around in your sweat,” said Nazanin Saedi, director of the Jefferson Laser Surgery and Cosmetic Dermatology Center at Jefferson Health in Philadelphia, “and wash your face.”

What about all that sun you’re not getting?

We all know the importance of wearing sunscreen to protect our skin from harmful UV rays, but what happens when we spend too much time inside? First, our bodies still need vitamin D, so consider taking a supplement or getting a UV light, Rogers said. The U.S. Institute of Medicine suggests an average daily intake of 400–800 IU, or 10–20 micrograms of vitamin D.

Supplements or UV lights can help boost the vitamin D levels of those who can't get outside. (Photo: undefined undefined via Getty Images)
Supplements or UV lights can help boost the vitamin D levels of those who can't get outside. (Photo: undefined undefined via Getty Images)

“Many people are inside in dry, conditioned environments,” Saedi said, “and this can lead to drier skin.” She suggests using a humidifier to help put some moisture into the air. (A bonus: Recent research shows that high temperature and high relative humidity may reduce the transmission of COVID-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus). “Also, try not to take too many long, hot showers: the hot water sucks the moisture out of your skin.”

Use skin masks, peels and exfoliators with caution.

With extra time on your hands, you might be tempted to indulge in all kinds of masks, exfoliators and peels. Rogers cautions about getting carried away with these kinds of treatments.

“You could really be jacking your skin,” she said. “All of that exfoliating and peeling affects your skin’s acid mantle. You have good bacteria and bad bacteria. You don’t want to get rid of all your good stuff. If you over treat, your pH levels go up and that can lead to skin problems.”

Don’t forget to moisturize after you wash your hands.

We’re all washing our hands much more often (or we should be!). Saedi said she’s been seeing a lot more hand eczema cases with her patients.

“All that washing and hand sanitizer dries out the skin,” she said. Many people are experiencing cracked and chapped hands. “If your hands are cracking, Vaseline is one of the best things you can use.”

You don’t even have to buy one of Vaseline’s hand lotions, you can just use the regular, original petroleum jelly if you want.

Avoid picking and scratching in your newfound free time.

Both Rogers and Saedi caution against excessive skin picking and scratching.

“Thirty percent of people pick at their skin,” Rogers said. Times of stress and anxiety can make people pick more than they normally would. The most common areas that women pick are the neck and back, while men tend to pick at the skin on their calves.

If you notice yourself picking at a higher intensity than you’d like, Rogers suggests using an ice pack or a package of frozen vegetables to quiet your nerves. “Nerves can’t itch and be cold at the same time,” she said, “so the ice cold will stop the itchy feeling.”

Avoid foods with a high glycemic index

A healthy, balanced diet is good for your skin, too. While there is no one miracle food that will give you great skin, there are foods you should try to avoid. “Foods with a high glycemic index are not good for your skin,” Saedi said.

Some foods with a high glycemic index (a relative ranking of how carbohydrates affect blood glucose levels) include boxed cereals, white bread, rice and crackers.

Anything rich in antioxidants ― foods like strawberries, spinach, raspberries and artichokes ― are good choices to support overall health.

Running out of skin care? There are household items you can use.

While none of the following should necessarily make up your entire regular skin routine, Rogers said that coconut oil has been shown to help with eczema and blocked pores on your body. “Don’t put on your face, though,” she said.

You can, however, use castor oil on your face. As a source of triglycerides (which help retain moisture in the skin), ricinoleic (an anti-inflammatory) and other fatty acids, castor oil can be beneficial to your skin. Just keep in mind that there isn’t a lot of real research about the use of home cooking oils so results can vary.

“If you have a dry scalp and hair, sleep with some olive oil massaged into your scalp and it should help,” Rogers added.

“All in all, take advantage of being less rushed,” Saedi said, “Take care of yourself. Moisturize. Be compliant with your skin care regime. If you’ve haven’t had time in the past to stick to a routine, now is an excellent opportunity to do that.”


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The Ordinary’s Glycolic Acid 7% Toning Solution

<a href="">Gary Motykie</a>, a board-certified plastic surgeon and owner of Motykie Med Spas, has worked with the likes of Kylie Jenner and Sofia Riche. &ldquo;I&rsquo;ve been using chemical exfoliants, specifically The Ordinary&rsquo;s Glycolic Acid 7% Toning Solution from Sephora," said Motykie, who is working on his own skin care line. "Chemical exfoliants or washes are a great alternative to beaded cleansers like St. Ives.&rdquo; &lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;<strong>Find it for $8.70 on </strong><a href=""><strong>Sephora</strong></a><strong>.</strong>

CeraVe Hydrating Facial Cleanser

To cleanse his skin and keep it moisturized, Motykie uses <a href="">CeraVe Hydrating Facial Cleanser</a>. &ldquo;It is a great, affordable, hydrating cleanser,&rdquo; he explained. &lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;<strong>Find it for $13.79 on </strong><a href=";tag=ceravehydratingcleanser-20&amp;camp=1789&amp;creative=9325&amp;linkCode=as2&amp;creativeASIN=B01MSSDEPK&amp;linkId=0e4014e09a748299b66df48c8fd1c8a9"><strong>Amazon</strong></a><strong>.</strong>

EltaMD UV Clear Broad-Spectrum SPF 46

Motykie also stressed the importance of using a sunscreen every day. &ldquo;After I cleanse, I use <a href=";linkCode=df0&amp;hvadid=312090121350&amp;hvpos=1o2&amp;hvnetw=g&amp;hvrand=4212700400594637055&amp;hvpone=&amp;hvptwo=&amp;hvqmt=&amp;hvdev=c&amp;hvdvcmdl=&amp;hvlocint=&amp;hvlocphy=9030973&amp;hvtargid=aud-800703102928:pla-421416265189&amp;psc=1">EltaMD&rsquo;s Broad Spectrum SPF 46</a>," he said. "In 2019 this almost goes without saying, but you should always apply SPF, not just on hot, sunny days.&rdquo; &lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;<strong>Find it for $35 on </strong><a href=";linkCode=df0&amp;hvadid=312090121350&amp;hvpos=1o2&amp;hvnetw=g&amp;hvrand=4212700400594637055&amp;hvpone=&amp;hvptwo=&amp;hvqmt=&amp;hvdev=c&amp;hvdvcmdl=&amp;hvlocint=&amp;hvlocphy=9030973&amp;hvtargid=aud-800703102928:pla-421416265189&amp;psc=1"><strong>Amazon</strong></a><strong>.</strong>

Vitafusion Gorgeous Hair, Skin and Nails

Packed with biotin and&nbsp;vitamins C and E, Vitafusion Gorgeous Hair, Skin &amp; Nails enhances skin, hair and nail growth and comes recommended by Elizabeth Mullans, a board-certified dermatologist who has been practicing for more than 20 years. The vitamins also promote the growth of <a href="">collagen</a>, an essential protein that promotes skin elasticity and helps it to appear more youthful and healthy. &lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;<strong>Find it for $9.98 on </strong><a href=";keywords=vitafusion+skin+hair+nails&amp;pd_rd_i=B0179RJ4UI&amp;pd_rd_r=8d7ba41d-f9da-4007-ad59-b4a2c0bad4e2&amp;pd_rd_w=pVIxW&amp;pd_rd_wg=tcxyJ&amp;pf_rd_p=a5491838-6a74-484e-8787-eb44c8f3b7ff&amp;pf_rd_r=528T20Z87ASRJNT5ZGDT&amp;psc=1&amp;qid=1572575936&amp;s=beauty&amp;sprefix=vitafusion+skin+hair%2Cbeauty%2C181"><strong>Amazon</strong></a><strong>.</strong>

RoC Correxion Eye Cream and RoC Sensitive Eye Cream

Mullans also recommends RoC Correxion Eye Cream because it's good for decreasing signs of aging around the eyes. RoC Correxion Eye Cream contains superstar ingredient retinol, which helps correct fine lines and wrinkles. RoC also has a formula for those who are sensitive to retinol and need something gentler. &lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;<strong>Find it and the </strong><a href=""><strong>sensitive formula</strong></a><strong> for $17.95 on </strong><a href=";requestUUID=1dac8581-c392-435c-99c0-fedfe8053bfe&amp;tgtp=1&amp;cmp=233895&amp;relRank=0&amp;tax=1085666_7192911_8534614_4575174_1570772&amp;pt=ip&amp;adgrp=236121&amp;bt=1&amp;plmt=1x1_B-C-OG_TI_1-1_PDP-Buybox&amp;wpa_qs=SZWS3ZDeIj81TLYLCudx6cRWNntQSDw-QCpMTGYE67EXNAGQHpqSbWZX3zxXohuXoLzORIyweG_GSNumAPnugWezGrPV5_798U67pADkBpw&amp;bkt=__bkt__&amp;tn=WMT&amp;mLoc=top&amp;pgid=15747289&amp;isSlr=false&amp;itemId=13269685&amp;relUUID=1dac8581-c392-435c-99c0-fedfe8053bfe&amp;adUid=d04f897b-0919-4f06-8bbb-77a17cb3b2b1&amp;adpgm=wpa&amp;pltfm=desktop"><strong></strong></a><strong>.&nbsp;&nbsp;</strong>

Drunk Elephant A-Passioni Retinol Cream

Calling retinol "liquid gold," <a href="">Zain Husain</a>, a board-certified dermatologist and the founder of New Jersey Dermatology and Aesthetics Center, recommends Drunk Elephant A-Passioni Retinol Cream. &ldquo;These products work by increasing skin cell turnover, boost collagen production and help keep the skin looking youthful by diminishing fine lines and wrinkles. It also helps combat acne and uneven skin tone and hyperpigmentation,&rdquo; Husain said. &lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;<strong>Find it for $74 on </strong><a href=""><strong>Sephora</strong></a><strong>.</strong>

Obagi Professional-C Serum

Zain is also a fan of vitamin C serums because vitamin C is a natural antioxidant and has anti-inflammatory properties. Zain said, &ldquo;I love Vitamin C because it assists in skin cell damage repair and protects against free radical agents that can harm the skin. Vitamin C also has anti-aging benefits including diminishing fine lines, reducing redness and brightening your overall complexion.&rdquo; If you want to incorporate a vitamin C serum into your routine, Zain recommends Obagi Professional-C Serum. &lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;<strong>Find it for $102 on </strong><a href=""><strong>Dermstore</strong></a><strong>.</strong>

Alastin Restorative Skin Complex

Retinol alternatives &ldquo;work by increasing collagen, the building block of our skin, without irritation or sun sensitivity,&rdquo; explained Deanna Mraz Robinson, a board-certified dermatologist from Westport, Connecticut. One of her favorite anti-aging products is Alastin Restorative Skin Complex, a peptide-based serum that improves collagen and elastin fibers in the skin. &lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;<strong>Find it for $195 on </strong><a href=""><strong>Alastin&rsquo;s website</strong></a><strong>.</strong>

Care Skincare Eye and Lip Nourishing Cream

Robinson also likes Care Skincare Eye + Lip Nourishing Cream, which she described as &ldquo;a dense cream with a light-diffusing finish that softens the look of fine lines and dark circles; it absorbs quickly and won&rsquo;t drift into eyes or interfere with makeup." &lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;<strong>Find it for $30 on </strong><a href=""><strong>Care Skincare&rsquo;s website</strong></a><strong>.</strong>

Isdinceutics Melatonik 3-in-1 Night Serum

Another favorite of Robinson&rsquo;s is Isdinceutics Melatonik 3-in-1 Night Serum, a vitamin C and bakuchiol-based serum that helps reduce fine lines and pigmentation and improve texture. &lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;<strong>Find it for $160 on </strong><a href=""><strong>Isdin</strong></a><strong>.</strong>

La Roche Posay Melt In Sunscreen Milk

&ldquo;Broad-spectrum, high-SPF sunscreen is the most effective anti-aging tool,&rdquo; said Sheila Krishna, a board-certified dermatologist who serves on the advisory board for <a href="">Smart Style Today</a>.&nbsp; &ldquo;Broad-spectrum means it protects from both UVA and UVB rays, and a high SPF is generally anything over 30.&rdquo; Her personal favorite is La Roche Posay Anthelios Melt-In Sunscreen Milk SPF 60 because &ldquo;it blends in very well into all skin types and doesn&rsquo;t smell strong. It has excellent protection and SPF and stays on for long periods of time.&rdquo; &lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;<strong>Find it for $21.99 on </strong><a href=";scid=scplp78961&amp;sc_intid=78961&amp;iv_=__iv_p_1_g_55817445277_c_274396799744_w_aud-261094963626%3Apla-311506078689_n_g_d_c_v__l__t__r_1o1_x_pla_y_6790012_f_online_o_78961_z_US_i_en_j_311506078689_s__e__h_9073503_ii__vi__&amp;utm_source=fro&amp;utm_medium=paid_search&amp;utm_term=skin+care&amp;utm_campaign=100090"><strong>Dermstore</strong></a><strong>.</strong>

SkinCeuticals C E Ferulic Serum

Krishna also recommended vitamin C because &ldquo;it is a potent antioxidant that absorbs free radicals from ultraviolet damage, pollution and general skin wear and tear. It also assists in collagen production and improves fine lines.&rdquo; She personally uses SkinCeuticals C E Ferulic Serum. &lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;<strong>Find it for $166 on </strong><a href=""><strong>Dermstore</strong></a><strong>.</strong>

Neutrogena Hydro Boost Water Gel

&ldquo;Neutrogena Hydro Boost Water Gel is a great moisturizer that uses hyaluronic acid to plumps the skin very nicely. I use it every day and I like that it is universal so works with most skin types,&rdquo; said <a href="">Sapna Palep</a>, a board-certified dermatologist who works at Spring Street Dermatology in New York City. She added, "It&rsquo;s an effective non-clogging moisturizer for people needing some extra moisture.&rdquo; &lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;<strong>Find it for $23.99 on </strong><a href=""><strong></strong></a><strong>.</strong>

Drunk Elephant C-Firma Day Serum

&ldquo;Vitamin C, topical retinol, and sunscreen are what I consider the &lsquo;holy trinity&rsquo; in skin care. I incorporate a vitamin C serum as a quintessential component in my morning skin care regimen,&rdquo; said Rina Allawh, a board-certified dermatologist who practices at <a href="">Montgomery Dermatology</a> in Philadelphia. &ldquo;My top pick is the Drunk Elephant C-Firma Day Serum, containing L-ascorbic acid, pumpkin ferment extract and pomegranate enzyme. This cruelty-free product helps to both exfoliate and brighten the skin. I found that the ingredients are safe, effective and gentle on sensitive, dry and acne-prone skin.&rdquo; &lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;<strong>Find it for $80 at </strong><a href=""><strong>Sephora.</strong></a>

Almay Smart Shade Anti-Aging Skintone Matching Foundation

Allawh also recommends using foundation to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. &ldquo;My top pick is the Almay Smart Shade Anti-Aging skintone matching makeup,&rdquo; Allawh said. This foundation is cruelty free and has an SPF of 20. &ldquo;I find that the lightweight liquid formula and buildable texture is ideal for my Mediterranean skin type.&rdquo; &lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;<strong>Find it for $13.99 on </strong><a href=""><strong>Almay</strong></a><strong>.</strong>

This article originally appeared on HuffPost.
