The Six Perfect Snacks to Study for Finals

Settling in to study at McKeldin Library without an end in sight? The right snacks will get you through that last paper. Packing them all will put you on the path to success for a 4.0, whether you're editing your thesis or memorizing pages of formulas.

1. Water

Hydration is always key, but especially during finals. As our schedules are at their busiest, healthy eating can easily be forgotten. However, making sure you stay hydrated is a simple and quick way you can stay healthy even when you don't necessarily have time to cook. Bringing a reusable water bottle like the one below is a sustainable choice when studying. Even better, this one is easy to keep up with, because you can just refill your water bottle at one of the many fountains. Clicking the link will take you to a map of all the fountains on campus.

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Image from WikiCommons

2. Nuts

Nuts are the perfect snack for the beginning of a study session because they provide much-needed protein to last throughout the day. Also, you can munch on them while reading, so you don't even need to stop studying. Nuts also come in so many varieties, you can get creative and bring a bunch. This way, you aren't forced to have the same snack for hours at a time. Mixing it up keeps things interesting, which will keep you awake during the long days of studying!

Image from WikiCommons
Image from WikiCommons

3. A Sandwich

Even though snacks can go a long way, having something more substantial, but still easy to throw together, is the perfect bridge. A sandwich does just that. Similar to nuts, sandwiches have endless combinations. You can make sure you're getting protein and carbs just by having meat and bread, and you can even throw in a little color by having lettuce and tomato. While that isn't healthy eating at its best, a colorful diet never hurts.

Image from WikiCommons
Image from WikiCommons

4. Chocolate

Sometimes, you just need a little external motivation to get through the long hours at the library. Chocolate is a great way to get some inspiration when you are starting to slow down. Pro tip: if you're starting to slow down, reward yourself for every paragraph of your paper you finish with a piece of chocolate. When you're done with the whole bar, you get to take a longer break. More often than not, you'll finish the paper before you finish the chocolate!

Image from WikiCommons
Image from WikiCommons

5. A sugary snack

Once you've written a paper, studied for one final, and just want to read one more chapter, it can be easy to call it quits. You're so close, and you want to be done. If you're anything like me, you're exhausted and would much rather be taking a nap. A quick burst of sugar can make all the difference and give you that final push before packing up for the day. Just like the chocolate, you can also spread it out, maybe one Skittle for each page of your textbook that you take notes on?

Image from WikiCommons
Image from WikiCommons

6. Caffeine

Even when you're hydrated and have the best snacks, sometimes it's just not enough. If coffee is what you need to get through the long hours of studying, then go for it! A Starbucks break can be the perfect breath of fresh air to step away from staring at your laptop. Finals week can mean the craziest sleep schedule of the semester, and caffeine can be the difference in whether or not we can even function.

Image from WikiCommons
Image from WikiCommons

With this list, you will be ready to tackle each final that comes your way. Even during finals week, we need to remember to take care of ourselves. Good luck on finals, and Spoon hopes you have a great summer!
