'Sister Wives:' Janelle Brown says she's 'more at peace' without Kody


Janelle Brown says she's "more at peace" when her estranged husband Kody Brown is not around in the latest episode of "Sister Wives."

Throughout Season 18, the TLC reality series has followed the couple's troubled marriage, and Janelle Brown has been vocal about her desire to stay separated.

The latest episode, titled "Don’t Put All Your Eggs in One Basket," follows Janelle and Christine Brown as they host a joint Easter celebration with their children.

While reflecting on her first Easter without her husband, Janelle Brown says she’s taking it all in stride.

“It’s definitely a different holiday, but I’m not really missing Kody. I’m not missing Robyn and Meri. I’m finding a lot of peace, maybe the most peace I’ve felt in a long time, at this holiday,” she says in a confessional.

At one point, the mother of six says she doesn’t foresee herself “ever spending a holiday with Kody” again.

Janelle Brown describes her separation with Kody Brown as “amiable” and says the massive fight they had before separating was “the end of our relationship.”

In a confessional, Christine Brown says she’s “so sad” for her former sister wife while discussing Kody and Janelle Brown’s separation. However, Janelle Brown makes it clear that she’s not pining away for her estranged husband.

“We are not reconciling. I’m not hoping he’s coming around. I’m not going to settle for less than I deserve," she says in a confessional.

While chatting with Janelle Brown, Christine Brown suggests that Kody Brown is more of a "monogamist" now and is solely focused on his marriage to Robyn Brown. Janelle Brown agrees.

“It really feels like he slipped into the role of monogamy, and I think maybe he did it a while ago and was just trying to maintain his responsibilities with his plural family,” the reality star says in a confessional. “If I cared, it would bother me. But I don’t care. I really don’t. (Kody and Robyn) can have each other.”

Back in her conversation with Christine Brown, Janelle Brown says she would consider staying in her plural marriage if things were to change.

“I would if he could fully engage with me as a marriage partner again. We’ve been friends with benefits for years. And I think I’m ready now for something a little bit more. If he were to give me what I needed in a relationship, I would stay,” she says.

For now, however, Janelle Brown is looking for "something different."

"I’m more at peace when he’s not around," she says.

Christine Brown thinks that Kody Brown isn't interested in reconciling either.

"He’s not going to stop being Robyn’s husband to be Janelle’s," she says.

In his own confessional, Kody Brown reflects on the complicated dynamics of his plural marriage.

"It’s been weird because I’m married to the love of my life. I’ve got these other situations at different levels of discord and it’s hard to reconcile and (we’ve) just got all this angst in our lives," he says.

While addressing his relationships with Meri and Janelle Brown, the father of 18 says "there's no flame." He also vents his frustration about Janelle and Christine Brown's close relationship.

“Christine has so much influence over Janelle. I just think it’s pathetic,” he says.

Meanwhile, Janelle Brown seems to have accepted the current state of her relationship.

"I think he’s maybe been this guy for a few years and he was just kind of waiting for everybody to fall off or get away or go away or for everything to break down, unless it could be lived in the way he wanted everything to be lived," she says in a confessional. "He’s not pining in any way for the family that he’s lost, except for when his ego is involved and it makes him look bad that his family is no longer intact."

This article was originally published on TODAY.com
