Sick of Shaving? This At-Home Hair Removal Device Is on Sale Now!

Girlhood is pretty great, but there are certain facets of femininity we could definitely live without. Case in point: hair removal. No matter how often we shave, wax or laser, our follicles always seem to grow back with a vengeance. We’re tired of traveling to the salon for pricey, painful appointments (think: Steve Carell in The 40-Year-Old Virgin). That’s where Lumi comes in! This hair removal device from Rose Skin Co. permanently eliminates body hair from the comfort of your own home! Say goodbye to razor burn and bikini waxes and hello to your new hair removal holy grail.

See It!

Get the Lumi Permanent Hair Removal Device for just $179 (originally $229) at Rose Skin Co.!

The Lumi Permanent Hair Removal Device is an at-home handset that is easy, effective and efficient. This handheld beauty tool relies on IPL (intense pulsed light) to gently get rid of unwanted hair without burning your skin. A safe alternative to laser hair removal, IPL also prevents future hair growth for long-term hair reduction. All gain, no pain!

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The festivities have taken their toll, and the bright-eyed version of you is ready to shine. It’s hard when you have new goals and resolutions to tackle all at once — and that’s precisely why you should be gentle with yourself. Although we’re all about taking it one step at a time, many of us […]

Results vary from person to person, but the Lumi delivers long-lasting hair removal after just 12 uses! And you’ll most likely see a decrease in hair growth after just three or four sessions. While this device may seem expensive at first, think about how much money you’ve spent on razor blades and Brazilian waxes over the years! This one-time investment pays off in the long run. No refills needed!

See It!

You can use the Lumi for smooth, soft skin on any part of your body below your cheeks, from armpits to legs. And with six intensity settings, you can adjust your level based on sensitivity. Rose Skin Co. offers a one-year warranty and 90-day returns so you’ll receive a refund if you’re unhappy with results for any reason. Plus, there’s free shipping!

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No matter how great your diet, how excellent your genetics, or how much you work to eat the best diet possible, you may eventually be plagued by cellulite. It’s a fact of life! But that doesn’t mean you’ve done anything wrong. It just happens to some people, and if it does, that’s totally okay. It […]

Shoppers love the comfort and convenience of this hair removal device! “The Lumi changes the game for at home hair removal,” one customer claimed. “It’s so quick and easy to use and not painful at all.” Another reviewer raved, “I absolutely recommend the Lumi! I’m absolutely loving the results! It’s So easy to use, pain-free and no more in-grown hairs.” And one shopper said, “Super easy and quick to use, and it’s so nice that there is no pain involved. Definitely recommend!!!”

Ditch your disposable razor and try the Lumi instead!

See It! Get the Lumi Permanent Hair Removal Device for just $179 (originally $229) at Rose Skin Co.!

Not what you’re looking for? Explore more hair removal products from Rose Skin Co. here!

Related: Peach Fuzz? Upper Lip Hair? This ‘Flawless’ Facial Hair Remover Is Now $16

Peach Fuzz may be Pantone’s 2024 Color of the Year, but that doesn’t mean we’re suddenly okay with the peach fuzz on our face. Hair is natural, but it can be frustrating when it visibly stands out or is emphasized by your makeup. So many of us struggle with our upper lip hair too! Many […]

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