Shih-Tzu's Excited Tail Wags Over Meeting a Guinea Pig Are Everything

Brenda Areli55/Shutterstock

As a dog owner, I'd do just about anything for my boys to be happy. If talking in a baby voice gets some tail wags, we'll have a whole conversation. If someone's comfortable in the middle of the bed, we'll just have to make it work. And I know other dog parents can relate!

It's so much fun to watch all the different dog videos on TikTok to see what kinds of sweet and silly things make pups happy. Whether it's a reunion with their favorite person or a simple Starbucks pup cup, there's truly nothing better than a happy dog.

That's why Benito the Shih-Tzu and his owners simply had to stop and say hi to the pet store guinea pig! Meeting this little critter made Benny oh-so-happy, and we can all consider ourselves blessed that his owner caught the sweet moment on tape in a late February TikTok video.

OMG--how cute is this? The sweet Shih-Tzu couldn't contain his excitement at meeting his new friend, and his tail looked like it was going at 100 miles per hour! Benny hardly took his eyes off of his new friend, though if he had his way, I'm sure he'd be letting the guinea pig out of its enclosure already. If this isn't love at first sight, I'm not sure what is!

Related: Science Teacher Steps Up to Rescue Guinea Pig Found Dumped Near Her School

Meanwhile, the soon-to-be pet guinea pig was unfazed! The small animal just sat there sweetly as Benny watched with his tail wagging, and it's easy to see why so many viewers are rooting for them to end up as fur siblings.

When the little dog looked over at his mom behind the camera as if to ask, 'Can we please get this one?' I couldn't help but smile. And I know I wasn't the only one. Hundreds of commenters gushed over the adorable interaction, though I'm sure no one loved it more than Benito himself.

Can Dogs and Guinea Pigs Get Along?

The rivalry between dogs and cats is a tale as old as time, but not much can be said about dogs and guinea pigs. What pet owners and experts do know is that plenty of dogs have the potential to live peacefully with guinea pigs--even without a guinea pig cage as a barrier. Every dog (and guinea pig) will be different, though, so it's impossible to completely predict how a meeting will go.

Many dogs are able to control their hunting instincts enough to get along with small animals like guinea pigs, but it can also take time for both animals to desensitize to one another. This is a process you should research before undertaking, but with enough thought and patience--your dog and guinea pig could be great friends.

It doesn't seem like Benny got to bring home a new friend that day, but hopefully, he can go back to the pet store to visit whoever is there!

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