Senior Golden Retriever's 'Excited Whines' Over His Tiny Stuffed Animals Are Irresistible


If you're a dog owner like me, you probably agree that the cutest dogs are the happiest ones. There's something about a wagging tail that could put a smile on anyone's face, but some pups like Gus take excitement to the next level. This precious senior Golden Retriever loves his tiny plushie toys, and he has the sweetest way of showing it!

On April 26, Gus's owner posted the most adorable video on his TikTok account, @goldengus8. In the video, Gus can be seen--and heard--whining excitedly over his favorite toy, which is so much smaller than your average dog's stuffed animal. Literally, everything about this video is as cute as can be... including Gus's eyebrows, too!

Aww, what a sweet boy! Gus couldn't be more excited to carry around his favorite little toy, and the way he proudly showed it off to his mom nearly had me misty-eyed. There's something so special about watching senior dogs have fun, but this guy takes it to the next level.

And naturally, everyone loves his long hair! Commenter @ammo80 agrees, writing, "He is so precious. I love his fuzzy furry little face." So do I! It gives him a distinguished, old man look that's a perfect match for his powdered sugar coloring, but it's also irresistibly teddy bear-like. It's no wonder why he gets everything he wants--including tiny dog toys!

The excited Golden Retriever has a charming effect on all of his TikTok viewers, but I'm sure no one loves these moments more than his mom does. She spoils her fur baby in every one of his videos, and it couldn't be clearer that he's one beloved furry friend. It's no wonder why he's such a happy dog!

Golden Retrievers and Dog Toys

Gus isn't the only Golden Retriever who loves dog toys more than life itself. In fact, many Goldens are known for being gentle and loving with their toys, treating them more like their babies than their chew toys. It's so cute to see that Gus is no exception!

Because Golden Retrievers are active large dogs, they need activities like play and walking to stay sane. Even as they get older, many Goldens stay on the more active side for as long as possible simply because they enjoy the movement so much. It seems like senior boy Gus has no problem with this, even if playtime looks a little different now that he's older.

Gus is still the happiest, tail-wagging boy when he has his miniature-sized pig toy in his mouth. And this priceless video was the perfect proof.

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