How to Do a Self Breast Exam and Why It’s Important

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Breast self-exam, or regularly examining your breasts on your own, can be an important way to find breast cancer early, when it’s more likely to be treated successfully—and you definitely don’t need to wait for your doctor to do one during your annual trip to the ob/gyn. Being self-aware of your body is a key part of being active in your own healthcare.

It’s also worth noting that breast self-exams are for everyone. A common myth about breast cancer and about breast self-exams is that they are only for women. “Men can and should also be aware of their breast or chest tissue, particularly trans men or men who have a family history of male breast cancer,” says Melissa Wong M.D., an ob/gyn at Boston Medical Center.

Below, you’ll find the answers to why self breast exams are important, how to perform the exam, and how often you should be checking in with these all-important self-evaluations.

Why should I do a self breast exam?

First: Why do one? “Getting to know your breasts is vital so you can pick up any changes—this is best accomplished by doing a self breast exam regularly,” according to Jennifer Wider, M.D., women’s health expert.

Aging plays a part as well. “With age, the tissue and structure of your breasts begin to change because of reproductive hormone levels caused by the natural process of aging,” says Jessica Shepherd M.D., M.B.A., F.A.C.O.G., ob/gyn from Baylor University Medical Center. She adds that with age, “there will be less elasticity, the breasts lose firmness and fullness and can develop a stretched and looser appearance.” Dense breast tissue is replaced by fatty tissue as the aging process continues.

Because young women typically have dense breast tissue, a mammogram is not always the best diagnostic tool for them, according to the Young Survival Coalition. For this reason, and because dense breasts also make it more difficult to feel a lump, it is crucial that women aged 20 and older become familiar with their breasts and learn how to spot any unusual changes. Current guidelines call for annual screening mammograms to begin at age 45 or 50.

Doctors recommend all people are aware of their own breast and chest tissue and seek medical advice should they notice any changes. “The more each person knows about their body, the more they will be able to play an active role in their health care,” says Dr. Wong.

How do you perform a self breast exam?

“Self breast exams are a way to examine the breasts to check for any change in appearance, feel, or sensation with a hand motion that covers the entire breast tissue looking for inconsistencies,” says Dr. Shepherd.

“First, look at your breasts in the mirror and note anything out of the ordinary (inverted nipples, discharge, changes in skin and/appearance, etc.)” says Dr. Wider. “You can perform in the shower or lying down in bed or both.”

Then, feel your breasts using the pads of the 3 middle fingers: start around the nipple and areola (under nipple too) and make circles going outward until you reach under the armpit.

“It is also important to feel the breast tissue while using one hand to feel the other breast and then switching sides,” says Dr. Shepherd. “It is good to use a firm, smooth touch by keeping the fingers flat and together. Then while using a circular motion, take the hand to cover the entire breast from top to bottom, side to side.” Body landmarks to remember for the exam is to move from your collarbone to the top of the abdomen, and then from the armpit to the cleavage area.

What should you be looking for during the exam?

First: what’s normal? Many women find lumps or changes in their breasts, since some of these are normal changes that occur at various points in the menstrual cycles. Finding a change or lump in your breast is not a reason to panic. Breasts often feel different in different places. A firm ridge along the bottom of each breast is normal, for instance. The look and feel of your breasts will change as you age.

However, if you do notice any new lumps, unusual growths, areas of hardened tissue, bleeding, pain, or new nipple discharge, you should have a formal exam performed by a medical professional, says Dr. Wong.

How often should you perform a self breast exam, and is there an ideal time to give yourself one?

“Monthly is a good way to start a routine and have some consistency in how the tissue feels,” says Dr. Shepherd.

Dr. Wider adds that “the best time is usually the week after your period ends.” The breast tissue changes during the month too with your menstrual cycle, and the week after your period is when the exam will be most reliable.

What else can you do to make sure you are breast cancer-free?

Be proactive and go to see a doctor if you notice any changes like hard lumps or knots in the underarm, thickening of the skin or dimpling, also any redness, warmth or pain and discharge from the nipple, suggests Dr. Shepherd.

According to Dr. Wong, even though self-awareness helps us to better understand our own bodies, “people still need to speak to a healthcare provider and potentially have a clinical breast exam every 1-3 years until the age of 40, and annually after that. For people with a history of breast cancer in their past or in their family, other imaging tests might be needed to evaluate the breasts.”

“The most important thing that younger people can do to be proactive about their breast health is to be conscious of their bodies,” Dr. Wong adds. “It is important that people have a sense of any changes that occur in their breasts or chest and bring any concerns to a healthcare provider. I recommend that women and trans men of all ages make sure that they see a healthcare provider annually, which might include a breast exam, a pelvic exam, and a pap smear when indicated.”

If possible, Dr. Wong also suggests that women also ask their families about any history of cancer in family members, including breast, ovarian, colon, and uterine cancer. “Having this information will help healthcare providers determine what preventative screening is needed.”

If you have a history of breast cancer in your family, speak to your provider about when to start screening or what additional tools (like ultrasound) may be helpful.

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