Seeking Remote Work in 2024? Experts Say Do This To Secure 7 Fastest-Growing Jobs

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The shift to remote and hybrid work shows no sign of abating. In turn, demand for such jobs persists. In fact, a new FlexJobs survey found that the majority of people — 51% — favor a fully remote job.

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While it always pays to be well prepared for a job interview, for remote positions, there are some specific questions candidates should ask, and steps they should take to put the chances on their side. For instance, staying up to date on the latest remote and hybrid work trends is one part of an effective job search, according to FlexJobs.

1. Pay Attention to Details

As FlexJobs career expert Keith Spencer explained, when seeking any type of new role, it’s extremely important for job seekers to pay careful attention to individual job descriptions, then tailor their resume and cover letter for each application.

“The goal is to think about what will be most relevant and impactful for your audience, meaning the recruiter or hiring manager, then convey your skills and experience in a way that will resonate with them and their needs and priorities,” added Spencer.

2. Highlight Your Remote Experience

Spencer underscored that, for remote roles, it’s helpful to demonstrate any remote experience you might have to show that you are capable of being successful in that type of environment. For instance, showing that you worked remotely during the pandemic, have taken online courses, or that you work with distributed teams or meet with clients through video conferencing platforms can help demonstrate you have the necessary skills to work effectively in a remote capacity.

“Even if you’ve never worked remotely before, you can still highlight the remote communication and collaboration tools you’ve used in order to show that you know, in a practical sense, how to perform in a remote setting,” he added.

3. Show Off Your Transferable Skills

According to Spencer, it can also be extremely advantageous to demonstrate that you possess highly valuable transferable skills. “In looking at the top growing careers for fully remote jobs, skills like communication, problem solving, organization, time management, and self-motivation are all particularly relevant and important to showcase to potential employers,” he said.

Top Growing Remote Career Categories

To help job seekers in search of remote positions, FlexJobs analyzed which emerging remote career categories showed 10% or more growth over the past year. A “fully remote job” is defined as any professional-level role that allows the worker to perform their job entirely from home. The below categories are ranked in order from highest to lowest growth:

  1. Sales: 48% increase

  2. Account Management: 15%+ increase

  3. Client Services: 15%+ increase

  4. Business Development: 15%+ increase

  5. Bilingual: 15%+ increase

  6. Medical and Health: 13% increase

  7. Education: 10%

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This article originally appeared on Seeking Remote Work in 2024? Experts Say Do This To Secure 7 Fastest-Growing Jobs
