SEE IT: Disastrous ‘Mr. Potato Head’ restoration of Spanish statue draws jokes, ridicule

Mr. Potato Head might actually be offended by this comparison.

A restoration-gone-wrong of a statue in Spain has earned international infamy after a local artist spotted the crime against art.

Antonio Capel, an artist in Palencia, Spain, about 140 miles north of Madrid, shared before and after photos from the statue at a bank on the city’s historic main street.

Capel said the woman’s head fell off the building, originally built in 1923, necessitating the restoration attempt. But building owners brought in an amateur to do the job, according to Spain’s professional conservation and restoration association.

“This is not a restoration!” the group wrote in a tweet. “It’s an unprofessional intervention.”

The new look has been commonly compared to Mr. Potato Head, while some in Spain said it looks like President Trump, The Art Newspaper reported. The person responsible for the disfigurement has not been identified.

Spain has been home to more than its fair share of disastrous “restorations.” Capel recalled 2012′s “Monkey Jesus," in which an elderly woman turned a fresco of Christ into a work that seemed more simian than savior. Among other mess-ups, a statue of St. George got a cartoonish new coat of paint in 2018.
