Scientists uncover four new species of octopus in expedition off coast of Costa Rica


Scientists have uncovered four new species of octopus, the Schmidt Ocean Institute announced Tuesday.

The first discoveries came last summer during an expedition off the Pacific coast of Costa Rica when scientists found "two octopus nurseries affiliated with hydrothermal springs," the institute reported.

"Six months later, scientists returned to the nurseries and confirmed they appear to be active year-round."

Researchers spotted one of the species, dubbed the Dorado octopus after the outcrop of rock where scientists found it, brooding eggs at hydrothermal springs, adding to the evidence that "the Muusoctopus genus has evolved to brood their eggs in warm springs on the seafloor," the institute reported.

The Dorado octopus is a distant relative of the Pearl Octopus found at Davidson Seamount in California in 2018, the site of another deep-sea octopus nursery, according to the Institute.

"Brooding mother octopuses often curl themselves up with tentacles and suckers facing out," scientists said, as a way to ward off predators.

Researchers also shared that a female octopus broods for multiple years, during which she does not eat. Once brooding is done, the female octopus dies around the time her eggs hatch.

Watch: Rare 'Dumbo' octopus seen during a deep-sea expedition

Over 300 specimens were collected from both expeditions, scientists said. The findings will be archived at the Museum of Zoology at the University of Costa Rica.

"This marks one of the first times that all biological specimens will be housed within the Latin American country from which they were acquired following a deep-sea expedition, rather than being sent to the United States or Europe," the Schmidt Ocean Institute wrote, making it easier for local scientists to continue research.

The hydrothermal springs are as big of a finding as the new species of octopus. These springs are "nurseries of deep-sea octopus and unique biodiversity," said Beth Orcutt of the Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences and a lead scientist aboard Schmidt Ocean Institute’s R/V Falkor (too).

"It was less than a decade ago that low-temperature hydrothermal venting was confirmed on ancient volcanoes away from mid-ocean ridges," Orcutt added. "These sites are significantly difficult to find since you cannot detect their signatures in the water column."

Also discovered was a deep-sea skate nursery (a flatted fish closely related to sharks) and three other hydrothermal springs. The springs, 10 to 30 nautical miles from each other, "have different fluid temperatures and chemistries from one another, indicating unique reaction processes are facilitating their formation," researchers said.

The Schmidt Ocean Institute will continue its research this year in Peru and Chile. The Institute hopes its recent discoveries will inspire "new generations" and "international collaborations" that will "advance knowledge of our deep-sea heritage."

"The impact of the R/V Falkor (too) expeditions on understanding the deep Pacific waters of Costa Rica will last into the future and hopefully create awareness that evolves into policies to protect the deep sea of the country," said Jorge Cortés of the University of Costa Rica, a lead scientist in the expedition.

This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: Four new species of octopus found off coast of Costa Rica
