New SC medical law is dangerous, will hurt patients, longtime RN laments

SC law betrays profession

I am writing in response to Gov. McMaster’s signing of The Medical Ethics and Diversity Act.

As a registered nurse (now retired), I had the privilege of caring for many diverse and unique patients throughout my career. Never once did the thought cross my mind that I would refuse giving someone care based on my ideologies or discomfort.

The gift of being a medical professional was looking beyond one’s own beliefs and seeing the patient as another human being, not based on their beliefs, chosen lifestyle or outward appearance.

By giving non-judgmental, compassionate care, many times it was I who received a gift. The gift of being at the bedside of someone who, for whatever reason, made his or her decision, based on his or her own life situations, to proceed with a surgery or treatment.

I was not there to judge their choices, but to give them the best care possible. To refuse to care for a patient for whatever reason is unethical and tells me one should find a different profession outside the medical field.

Kathleen Zeiser, RN, Hilton Head

Roe’s burden?

The Supreme Court’s recent overturn of Roe v. Wade is going to place a great burden on conservative parents when their teenage daughter becomes pregnant. Will her parents force her into early motherhood thereby jeopardizing her college and career aspirations?

Of course not.

Instead, they will quietly take her to a blue state to have the “procedure,” but be back in time for the next pro-life rally.

Jeff Baker, Beaufort

Hollywood and violence

Clearly the USA is gun crazy, but there is a bigger problem than AR-15 assault rifles.

Hollywood produces mass murder TV, movies and video games as its main money-making engine. Machine gun mass murder is on nearly every channel 24/7 every day.

British TV may show a murder mystery; American Hollywood media is very different. Shoot em’ up, blow them up, bomb them is the main attraction. Even Marvel action hero movies are awash in mass killing.

American youths watch this every day. Video games are even worse. America has become a country that entertains itself with mass murder.

Hollywood and others need to be reined in on ultraviolence for profit. Abuse of first Amendment rights is killing us and our children.

Gary Ling, Charleston

Great Scott!

We just returned from a driving tour of Scotland with our grandchildren. Some observations:

You can teach an old dog new tricks. As a 75 year old, I learned to drive on the left side of the road with a stick shift!

Scottish drivers are very considerate.

Speed limits are followed. The ubiquitous speed cameras measure average speed between two of them and send you a very expensive ticket.

DUIs are a non issue. Penalties are quick and severe.

Gas was @ $10/gallon, which they deal with by buying smaller, more efficient cars (mine carried all our luggage and two small children in car seats, and got 55 mpg), invest in mass transit (usually full) and drive less.

Scottish history is replete with leaders using religion to convince the masses to sacrifice so the leaders could become more powerful and wealthy. Sounds like America recently.

Thomas Balliet, Bluffton
