Satellite images show mass graves being assembled for victims of earthquakes in Turkey

New satellite images have revealed mass graves being assembled for the victims of the earthquakes in Turkey.

On 6 February, a powerful 7.8-magnitude earthquake and its aftershocks struck southeastern Turkey and northern Syria, followed by a 7.5-magnitude quake nine hours later, bringing down buildings and reducing towns and cities to rubble.

Over 36,000 people have died in both countries due to the devastating quakes.

In pictures released by Maxar, recovery and debris removal operations can be seen in progress in multiple cities across the affected area, including Kahramanmaras, where there was extensive damage to buildings at the city centre.

The satellite images also showed a rapidly expanding mass burial cemetary to the southeast of the city, as more earthquake victims are found.

Cemetery being prepared for earthquake victims southeast of Kahramanmaras, Turkey (Maxar)
Cemetery being prepared for earthquake victims southeast of Kahramanmaras, Turkey (Maxar)

Images from northeast of Antakya also show similar activity involving the construction of a new cemetery.

Satellite image collected on 11 February shows new cemetery established northeast of city Antakya, Turkey. (Maxar)
Satellite image collected on 11 February shows new cemetery established northeast of city Antakya, Turkey. (Maxar)

Images from the Syrian city of Jindires also show considerable damage.

Buildings before earthquake in eastern  Jindires, Syria on 10 October 2022 (Maxar)
Buildings before earthquake in eastern Jindires, Syria on 10 October 2022 (Maxar)
Collapsed buildings and emergency shelters after earthquake in eastern Jindires, Syria on 11 February (Maxar)
Collapsed buildings and emergency shelters after earthquake in eastern Jindires, Syria on 11 February (Maxar)

The pictures show damage to ports, shipping containers and buildings as well in the downtown areas of Iskenderun.

Overview of shipping containers and port facilities before earthquake in Iskenderun, Turkey on 26 June 2022 (Maxar)
Overview of shipping containers and port facilities before earthquake in Iskenderun, Turkey on 26 June 2022 (Maxar)
Overview of damaged containers and port facilities after earthquake in Iskenderun, Turkey on 12 February (Maxar)
Overview of damaged containers and port facilities after earthquake in Iskenderun, Turkey on 12 February (Maxar)

The financial damage in Turkey due to the earthquake has been estimated at $84.1bn, reported the Associated Press, citing a report by the Turkish Enterprise and Business Confederation.

Authorities in Turkey said on Monday that more than 150,000 survivors have been moved to shelters outside the affected provinces.

In neighbouring Syria, president Bashar Assad agreed to open two new crossing points from Turkey to the country’s rebel-held northwest to deliver aid, the United Nations said.

According to authorities, the toll in the northwestern rebel-held Syria has reached 2,166, according to rescue group the White Helmets.

Another 1,414 people have died in government-held areas, according to the Syrian Health Ministry in Damascus.

The overall death toll in Syria stands at 3,580.

The Independent is appealing for help in raising urgently needed funds following the deadliest earthquake to hit Turkey and Syria in almost a century.

For regular updates on the appeal sign up to our Morning Headlines newsletter by clicking here.

Additional reporting by agencies
