Sarah Herron Honors Late Son Oliver With Emotional Tribute on 1-Month 'Heavenly' Birthday

Gabe Ginsberg/FilmMagic

Sarah Herron is celebrating her baby boy, Oliver, on what would have been his 1-month birthday. On Tuesday, the reality TV star dedicated an Instagram post to her and fiance, Dylan Brown's, son.

"It’s been a month since Oliver was born. ❤️ This is him, this is his sweet little face. Perfect and covered in bright blonde peach fuzz. All 2lbs of him," Herron wrote next to carousel of pictures, leading with one of her kissing Oliver as he lays on her chest. The set also included images of Brown sleeping, Oliver's little handprint on a canvas, and a image of the gift bag that contains his ashes by her bed.

The image is the first time she has shown her late son's face.

"I’m not sure how to summarize the last month, or how we’ve managed to survive—it’s required a certain type of Wintering that only a grieving mother knows. But somehow, we’re here," she continued.

"What I hate, is that as more time separates us from the night we met Oliver, sometimes I can’t distinguish if the last month has been a nightmare or if my pregnancy was all a dream. And as each new day brings increments of space and healing… I am gutted that we are moving back in a direction of life that physically looks like the one we lived before Oliver. My body is healing, yet I remain in maternity jeans—a paradox of relief and grief at the same time," she added.

Herron went on the recap the time that has passed since their son died in January. In her note, Herron said that she has since found reasons to smile again, especially with her dog, Rio.

"What I love is that joy ~has~ come back sooner than I gave it credit for. I didn’t believe people when they told me it would. And we’ve been laughing—a lot actually. We’ve started cooking again, and going for walks. And Rio, sweet Rio… he has been my lifeline. He is my witness," she wrote in part. "I’ve gone inward and focused exclusively on healing. I still don’t really see or talk to people. The okay days are starting to outnumber intolerable days, and good days are even starting to find their way in," she wrote.

Herron concluded her message with a note to her son.

"Oliver is home on my nightstand in a white gift bag until his urn arrives. I have to find humor in even this, because honestly it is kind of funny 😊. I feel his spirit all around us, people all around the WORLD feel his spirit. And though his body isn’t here, I know this isn’t the end of Oliver Brown. Happy one month heavenly birthday, baby boy. We love you and miss you forever. ❤️," she shared.

Herron continued to celebrate her son via her Instagram Stories. Sharing the picture on her feed, the Bachelor Nation star revealed why she chose to show her son's face.

"This is my son's face. Far too beautiful to be kept a secret," she wrote over the picture.

Herron also revealed that an organization donated a sea turtle nest in memory of her son. Sharing her overwhelming joy, Herron also posted a picture of her and Brown, following a swim with sea turtles in Maui, and revealed that she would like to scatter her son's ashes in the same place one day.

Earlier this month, Herron shared that her son was born prematurely on Jan. 28. Sadly, he died shortly after his birth.

"On January 28th, at 24 weeks old, our beautiful son Oliver Brown was born. He passed away in his dad’s arms shortly after," Herron wrote. "There are no words for the magnitude of loss and pain we’re experiencing. It’s beautiful and simultaneously tragic. He had my nose and his dad’s mouth and long fingers."

"Oliver, our IVF miracle defied so many odds and fought through so many hard milestones to be here," she continued. "But the higher powers still had other plans for the three of us."

Herron shared that she and Brown were expecting their child in September, following a long fertility journey.
