Sanctions for councillor who harassed clerk

A councillor who bullied a former council clerk and bombarded him with emails has been sanctioned.

Angela Drakakis-Smith, parish councillor for Betley, Balterley and Wrinehill in Staffordshire, was found to have harassed Gywn Griffiths, continually questioning the accuracy of his meeting reports.

The investigation into her behaviour that saw Ms Drakakis-Smith removed from positions of responsibility could cost the authority more than £23,000.

Ms Drakakis-Smith has been contacted for comment.

After receiving multiple complaints about Ms Drakakis-Smith, the parish council decided to refer the matter to Newcastle Borough Council to investigate.

It found Ms Drakakis-Smith breached the code of conduct by failing to show respect for others, bullying and harassing Mr Griffiths, and bringing the parish council into disrepute.

Members of the parish council voted to accept the findings of Newcastle Borough Council’s standards hearing panel at a meeting on Friday.

Mr Griffiths said: "I am pleased at the final outcome of what has been a horrible experience.

"I hope that going forward, the councillor works more cooperatively and in a more harmonious manner with the other councillors.”

Conservative councillor Robert Bettley-Smith described the situation as extremely distressing and stressful for everybody concerned.

“We have put the councillor on notice as to her future conduct and behaviour," he added.

Ms Drakakis-Smith sat in the public gallery for the meeting. She was askekd by Mr Bettley-Smith if she wish to continue to be a councillor, to which she replied she did.

This news was gathered by the Local Democracy Reporting Service which covers councils and other public service organisations.

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