Ryan Reynolds on How His and Blake Lively's Daughters Feel About Baby No. 4

Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively, a couple who once joked about being “breeders,” are set to welcome their fourth child soon. The two have kept the baby's gender a surprise on purpose, but Reynolds did share how their three daughters feel about welcoming another sister or their first brother into the mix during an interview with Entertainment Tonight.

James, 7, Inez, 6, and Betty, 3, are excited to have a new sibling. “Oh yeah, they're in,” Reynolds said. “They love it.”

Reynolds and Lively themselves are thrilled, too. “We're very excited. You'd have to be a moron to do this four times if you didn't like it,” he said. “Yeah, it's gonna be nuts [having four kids]! But we're very excited.”

Lively spoke in June 2016 about how she and Reynolds envisioned themselves having a big family because of their own upbringings. At that point, she was pregnant with Inez, her second child. “I’m one of five kids. My husband is one of four, so we’re officially breeders,” she joked on the Today Show. “You can go on our website and we will give you some of our children.”

Reynolds spoke to Details in 2013 about how he hoped to have a bunch of kids with Lively, too. “We’d love to have a big family,” he said. “We both come from big families—my parents did four, Blake’s did five. A lot of people say it’s crazy, but we’ll only know when we’re there, you know? We’ll walk through that fire pretty happily, I think.”

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