Russia will target Paris Olympics, warns Macron

Emmanuel Macron has spoken of his concerns that Russia will target the Paris Olympics
Emmanuel Macron has spoken of his concerns that Russia will target the Paris Olympics - Gonzalo Fuentes/AFP

Russia will seek to disrupt the Paris Olympics, President Macron warned on Thursday, as Nato foreign ministers clashed over how to confront the Kremlin.

The French president disclosed details of a  “bizarre and threatening” phone call between Russia’s defence minister and his Parisian counterpart, in which Sergei Shoigu suggested France was involved in the recent terror attack on a Moscow concert hall.

Asked whether he was concerned that Russia may target the Paris Games this summer, Mr Macron said: “I have no doubt, including in the informational [news] space.”

He added: “[Russia] feeds every day into the idea that we shouldn’t do this or that, that there is a risk and that’s why we must stand firm. Strength of character, self-confidence and the relationship with the truth are the great strengths of democracies and great nations.”

On Thursday, at a meeting in Brussels to celebrate Nato’s 75th anniversary, Western foreign ministers were locked in talks on how to tackle Russia as the Kremlin warned it was now in “direct confrontation” with the military alliance.

Lord Cameron, the Foreign Secretary, ruled out Nato troops being sent to Ukraine, but The Telegraph understands that he was confronted behind closed doors by a Baltic colleague who accused him of losing his “Churchillian spirit”.

It came as a former head of MI6 said Britain may need to consider a system of selective conscription for military service, like the one adopted in Sweden.

The French defence minister, Sebastien Lecornu, held a one-hour phone call with his Russian counterpart Mr Shoigu on Wednesday night. According to his ministry, Mr Lecornu said France was ready to step up information exchanges to battle “terrorism”.

However, according to a read-out from the Russian defence ministry, Mr Shoigu told Mr Lecornu he hoped that the French secret services had not been involved in the recent attack on a concert hall in Moscow claimed by Islamic State group extremists.

“The comments by the Russian side were bizarre and threatening,” said Mr Macron, adding that any suggestions France might have been involved in the deadly attack were “ridiculous”.

France, he said, had been in contact with Russia as Paris had “useful information” to share on the origin and organisation of the attack that claimed the lives of at least 144 people.

“I asked the directors of the services at the appropriate ministries to have technical discussions with their [Russian] counterparts to express a message of solidarity and because we had useful information – I am not going to reveal it here – on the origin and organisation of this attack,” said Mr Macron.

“It’s ridiculous to say that France is behind it, that the Ukrainians are behind it. It makes no sense. It does not correspond to reality, it’s a manipulation of information which is part of Russia’s arsenal of war.”

Officials including Mr Macron watch synchronised swimming during an event to inaugurate the Olympics aquatic centre near Paris
Officials including Mr Macron watch synchronised swimming during an event to inaugurate the Olympics aquatic centre near Paris - Gonzalo Fuentes/AFP

The phone talks were seen by some observers as a change of tack for Mr Macron, who has in recent months toughened his line against Russia, refusing to rule out putting troops on the ground in Ukraine.

Defending his approach, the French president said: “We will have joint work with all those affected by terrorism. And when we have information we have technical exchanges.”

Mr Macron’s comments came days after France’s national cybersecurity chief said the Paris Olympics would be a “target” this year including for foreign states interested in “disrupting the opening ceremony or causing problems on public transport”.

Russia has accused the International Olympic Committee of “racism and neo-Nazism” after Russian athletes were barred from the opening ceremony of the Paris Games which will begin on July 26.

There were a reported 450 million individual cyber attacks during the last edition of the Games in Tokyo, twice as many as during the 2012 London Olympics.

Russian military intelligence services were blamed by the US for releasing the so-called “Olympic Destroyer” malware shortly before the opening ceremony of the 2018 Pyeongchang Winter Olympics in South Korea, from which Russian athletes were banned.

Last Sunday, Gérald Darmanin, France’s interior minister, confirmed that 800 people who “did not have good intentions” had been excluded from the Paris Olympics over security fears.

The list includes 15 deemed to represent the most serious threat to national security.

‘Have confidence’

On Thursday, Mr Macron urged his compatriots to have “confidence” ahead of the first Games in the French capital in 100 years.

“We need to have confidence in ourselves,” he said, adding: “Yes, there are risks, but there are risks in life and the best way to avoid risks is to do nothing. I don’t think that’s the mission of the French nation, or ever has been.”

Up to the final second “we will be determined, vigilant and at work. We’ll succeed and it will make the country proud,” he promised.

Concern has centred on the spectacular opening ceremony being planned on the river Seine that will see athletes travel several kilometres on a flotilla of more than a hundred boats – rather than parade through the athletics stadium, as is customary.

Macron urged his compatriots to have 'confidence' ahead of the first Games in the French capital in 100 years
Macron urged his compatriots to have 'confidence' ahead of the first Games in the French capital in 100 years - GONZALO FUENTES/REUTERS

Mr Macron insisted that the open-air extravaganza, with as many as 500,000 spectators watching from the banks and nearby buildings, remained the “favoured scenario” but contingency plans were being worked on.

“Everything is a cause of vigilance and attention, nothing is a cause of worry or paralysis. That is my and our state of mind,” he said.

In Brussels, Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg insisted Nato “is not and will not be a party to the conflict in Ukraine”, after the Kremlin claimed his plan to arm Kyiv meant the alliance was in “direct confrontation” with Russia.

“We don’t have any plans of having Nato combat troops inside Ukraine, there has been no request for that,” Mr Stoltenberg told reporters at the end of the Brussels meeting.

Direct confrontation

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov earlier told reporters: “Relations have now slipped to the level of direct confrontation” with the US-led alliance.

Nato was “already involved in the conflict surrounding Ukraine (and) continues to move towards our borders and expand its military infrastructure towards our borders”, he said.

Lord Cameron made the same point in an interview with the BBC’s Ukrainecast. He said: “I think that we don’t want to give Putin a target like that, and Nato can do lots of things to better coordinate the help we give to Ukraine.

“But fundamentally, for countries like Britain and all those supportive of Ukraine this is a question of political will. Do we have the patience? Do we have the will? Are we prepared to give the resources? Now in Britain’s case, definitely the answer is yes.”

However, The Telegraph has learned that on the sidelines of the behind-closed-doors talks, Lord Cameron was accused of losing his “Churchillian spirit” by a Baltic colleague.

Estonia and Lithuania have both said they are happy to send their militaries to Ukraine, following Mr Macron’s claims that Nato “should not exclude” deployment.

The meeting, which aimed to project Nato’s unity on its 75th anniversary, was riddled with disagreements over how best to support Ukraine.

The foreign ministers discussed a $100 billion fund to “Trump-proof” Nato’s military aid to Ukraine by shielding weapons deliveries “against the winds of political change”.

Donald Trump, who could be US president again by January, recently claimed he would not defend Nato member states who are not reaching the alliance’s defence spending target of 2 per cent if they are attacked by Russia.

The proposal put forward by Mr Stoltenberg would mark the first time the alliance assumes direct responsibility for the delivery of weapons, a process usually undertaken bilaterally with Kyiv and its allies.

Some member states argued this would be seen as a direct provocation in Moscow, with Hungary’s foreign minister Peter Szijjarto claiming: “This isn’t Hungary’s war and it isn’t Nato’s war either.”

Huge war-chest

Other “big countries” refused to immediately back the huge war chest, used to buy weapons and funding training for Ukraine’s armed forces, until Kyiv’s exact needs were established, Spain’s José Manuel Albares said.

One minister supportive of the $100 billion accused some of their colleagues who had previously promised to do whatever it takes for Ukraine to win of not putting their money where their mouth is, sources told The Telegraph.

Nato intelligence officials attempted to stress the importance of fresh cash for Kyiv amid delays to a $60 billion US aid package.

“The situation remains unstable, with Ukrainian shortages of personnel and munitions likely limiting their ability to hold positions,” a senior Nato official said.

“We know that frontline units are having to make very, very difficult choices every day about rationing munitions, about deciding, for the day, how many missions are actually going to fire against any given target. And, of course, that is a very difficult way, when you’re having to marshal ammunition quite so closely and you’re so worried about running out, to fight an attritional war.”

In recognition of the impact of the blocked $60 billion US aid package, the source added: “What is critical is that allies recognise the shortages that Ukraine is experiencing and they accelerate their timelines and support for Ukraine.”

Lord Cameron told his European counterparts that they had to join him in lobbying pro-Trump Republicans in the US Congress to help unblock the aid.

“I think the thing that can most change the narrative on Ukraine is that $60 billion flowing from the US to Ukraine,” the Foreign Secretary told reporters after the talks.

“We need immediate urgent support, and then we need to work on the more long term structures,” Mr Stoltenberg said in his post-meeting news conference.

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