What Is a 'Root Chakra' and What Are the Signs That Yours Is 'Imbalanced'?

Root chakra

The root chakra serves as the foundational energy center within the human body, according to the chakra system—an ancient system of spirituality and energy healing that originated in India. Positioned at the base of the spine, the root chakra is symbolized by the color red and associated with themes of stability, security and survival instincts. Understanding the root chakra's meaning is crucial in comprehending how physical, emotional and spiritual elements combine to create a balanced life.

In the chakra system, there are seven main energy centers aligned along the spine, each representing different aspects of human experience and consciousness. The root chakra, being the first in this series, lays the groundwork for the journey of self-discovery and personal growth. Parade spoke with Jasmine Nicole—a certified Reiki master, sound healer, past life regressionist, intuitive reader, women’s holistic health coach and spiritual life coach—to walk us through this particular part of the series. 

The energy of the root chakra is deeply rooted in our primal instincts for survival and self-preservation. It governs our basic needs, like food, shelter and safety, forming our foundation. When the root chakra is balanced and aligned, an individual experiences a profound sense of security, groundedness and resilience. However, imbalances or blockages in this chakra can impact our physical health, emotional well-being and spiritual growth.

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What Is the Root Chakra?

The word chakra originates from Sanskrit, an ancient language of India which means “wheels of light.” We have seven main energy centers or chakras going from the base of our spine to the top of our head: the root, sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, third eye and crown.

The root chakra, or "Muladhara" in Sanskrit, means "root support." It is located at the base of the spine and governs over the lower half of the body. The root chakra includes our nervous system, glands and adrenals, legs, feet, bones, large intestine and teeth. The root is associated with the color red and is symbolized by a 4 petal lotus—4 being a number that represents stability and strength, Jasmine explains to Parade.

She adds, "Its primary characteristics include security, survival instincts, life force energy, grounding, a sense of safety, and stability in the body and the physical world. The root chakra functions as the foundation for the other chakras and is associated with the element of Earth and the material realm. When we are rooted and embodied, we have an easier time bringing ideas into manifested form."

What Happens When Your Root Chakra Is Blocked?

When chakras are blocked, the flow of energy throughout the body becomes obstructed, resulting in physical ailments, emotional imbalances, mental disturbances, spiritual disconnect and even challenges in interpersonal relationships. These blockages can manifest as specific symptoms related to the affected chakras.

"A root chakra blockage may lead to feelings of insecurity, fear, anxiety, restlessness, greed, negativity and a scarcity mindset. This can manifest as a lack of trust in oneself or others, difficulty in feeling grounded, isolation, anxiety attacks and financial or career instability," Jasmine tells Parade.

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Signs of Imbalance

As Jasmine mentioned, signs of an imbalanced root chakra can manifest in various aspects of a person's life. However, she cautions that all imbalances originate on an energetic level before manifesting into physical, mental, emotional or spiritual disease. It's also worth noting that when the root chakra is out of balance, likely, the other chakras are also imbalanced or blocked. This is because the root chakra is the foundation. 

"Root chakra imbalances tend to originate in early life from childhood experiences," Jasmine says. "[It's related to] our environment and how we were programmed and conditioned by our caretakers since this chakra is linked to our survival and the first one that comes online in the womb."

The root chakra is also connected to our ancestry and the unresolved generational trauma that may have been passed down from previous generations. This will continue to show up until someone takes control of the issues.

"In relationships, it may result in codependency, lack of trust, fear of intimacy or difficulty forming deep connections with others and feeling isolated from the group," Jasmine says, explaining how root chakra imbalances can affect other areas of life.

In a career, your root chakra imbalance may lead to a lack of motivation, difficulty in making decisions, self-sabotage, lack of abundance or feeling stuck in a job.

In health, it may manifest as issues with the lower back, digestive issues, chronic fatigue, kidney infections, legs and feet muscle pain, or immune and nervous system issues.

Reasons to Align Your Root Chakra

A balanced root chakra is essential for your holistic well-being since the other six main energy centers build off the root, from the ground up. It serves as our backbone and foundation. And just like a house, we can't withstand without a solid foundation. Jasmine says that when the root chakra is balanced, a person feels safe in their body and supported by the universe.

"They’re secure, grounded, in a state of gratitude, an abundance mindset and overall stability in all aspects of life. This can lead to increased energy levels, self-confidence, better decision-making abilities, more wealth and a sense of purpose and direction," she explains.

There's more than one reason to align your root chakra, but doing so contributes to vital physical health, emotional stability, spiritual connection and mental clarity.

5 Ways to Balance the Root Chakra

There are several ways to balance the root chakra, but it ultimately comes down to taking time to consciously nourish our bodies.

"Developing a holistic daily ritual for your self-care routine will enhance your connection to Self, the body and the Earth—which creates a ripple effect into the wellbeing of our relationships, the collective and our overall quality of life," Jasmine shares.

1. Grounding Exercises

Walk barefoot on the Earth and spend time in nature daily, while also taking time to disconnect from the digital space and remaining present in the world around you.

2. Meditation

Practice meditation with a focus on the root chakra. You can also listen to healing frequencies such as 128, 256 and 512Hz.

"You can try going to a sound bath or having an energy healing or Reiki session to help cleanse and rebalance your energy centers. Practicing yoga poses that target the lower body, dancing and guided breath work exercises—like breath of fire or Kundalini yoga—are great for activating and moving stagnant energy from this center," Jasmine suggests.

3. Find Community

Never underestimate the power of finding a like-minded, conscious community to build connections and enhance feelings of belonging.

4. Work With a Therapist or Healer

"Working with a therapist, healer, coach or mentor can radically improve overall well-being, which offers us accountability, emotional support and guidance along our journey," Jasmine explains.

Can't make it to a therapist? Jasmine suggests starting a journal and shadow work practice to process unresolved trauma that tends to reside in this chakra.

5. Grounding Crystals

Carry grounding crystals, like red jasper, hematite, tiger's eye, obsidian and bloodstone.

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6. Aromatherapy

"Utilize aroma therapy and essential oil blends for self-massage of the legs, feet and lower body," Jasmine says.

7. Root Chakra Affirmations

Speak and write affirmations related to safety and security, such as:

  • “I am rooted in the present moment."

  • "All of my needs are met and I am grateful for all that I have."

  • “I trust in the goodness of life and I am open to all the abundance it has to offer.”

8. Eat Red Foods

Since the root is associated with the color red, Jasmine suggests eating red-colored fruits and root vegetables, like berries, apples, grapes, tomatoes and peppers.

9. Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle

When all else fails, maintaining a healthy holistic lifestyle helps balance the root chakra. This includes basic needs, like getting regular exercise, maintaining a stable routine and eating a healthy diet.

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