Roncalli seniors Owen Just and Elizabeth Kinzel are this week's Stellar Students

The Herald Times Reporter is continuing its tradition of highlighting Manitowoc County’s exceptional high school students in its Stellar Students series. This series features high school students selected and submitted by their schools.

Stellar Students this week are Roncalli High School seniors Owen Just and Elizabeth Kinzel. Here is more about them and what makes them stellar.

Read more Stellar Students: Valders seniors Julia Zabel and Emma Streblow are this week's Stellar Students

Own Just dreams of working for ESPN or broadcasting sports games

Owen Just
Owen Just

Name: Owen Just

Parents: Jeff and Sue Just

School: Roncalli High School

Grade: Senior

GPA: 3.3

What extracurricular activities have you been involved with during high school? I am involved in many different extracurriculars in high school including golf, basketball, football, Junior Leadership, school musicals and attending Badger Boys’ State Leadership Conference.

What is one academic accomplishment about which you feel particularly good? I feel proud that I was selected to attend the 80th annual Badger Boys’ State Leadership Conference. This experience helped me learn more about what it takes to run a government and gave me some ideas on how to improve my community.

What class or extracurricular activity influenced your decision regarding the career you plan to pursue? One extracurricular that influenced my decision has been working at WOMT as an intern and being able to broadcast Lincoln High School football and basketball games with Damon Ryan.

What advice do you have for those just starting their high school career? I would advise people just starting high school to try something new and different. Don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and try something none of your friends is doing.

What are your plans after high school? I plan to study communications at St. Norbert College. My dream would be to work for either ESPN or a sports team broadcasting games. I realize I won’t start there, but you have to set the bar high.

Teacher recommendation: “Owen Just is a stellar student. Owen sets goals and then works hard to achieve them. He is a leader amongst his peers. Owen is an announcer for WOMT. He is a great singer and actor. He pledges his time to those who need it. He is a great student, the kind others want as a partner. He connects his learning to life, and best of all, he is humble, kind and compassionate.” — Gina Blaser, science teacher

Elizabeth Kinzel aims for a career as an engineer

Elizabeth Kinzel
Elizabeth Kinzel

Name: Elizabeth Kinzel

Parents: Gregg and Heather Kinzel

School: Roncalli High School

Grade: Senior

GPA: 3.68

What extracurricular activities have you been involved with during high school? I am a gymnast for the Valders/Roncalli gymnastics team. This is my third year participating in the high school team and my 10th year in the sport. I compete in the uneven bars and the balance beam. I also am a member of the National Honor Society. In National Honor Society, I have helped clean a highway, sell goods at our school’s play and help students with homework. I volunteer for the Two Rivers Optimist Club and with many of their events. I have helped with Kites over Lake Michigan, leaf raking and the bike giveaway to name a few examples.

What is one academic accomplishment about which you feel particularly good? I am very proud of my Engineering Youth Apprenticeship at Kaysun Corporation. This is my second year as a Youth Apprentice there, where I am learning about engineering in the injection molding field. As part of the apprenticeship, I have designed fixtures that have been used in production and in our quality lab. Learning how to design, troubleshoot a problem and coming up with a solution has been very exciting!

Which class or extracurricular activity influenced your decision regarding the career you plan to pursue? My first engineering class at Roncalli really sparked my interest in the engineering field. After that class, I knew I wanted a Youth Apprenticeship in engineering and was grateful to be chosen by Kaysun. Working at Kaysun has confirmed my desire to become an engineer. I plan to attend the University of Wisconsin-Stout to earn my bachelor of science in plastics engineering.

What advice do you have for those just starting their high school career? My advice to new high schoolers would be to try as many things as they can. If you have an opportunity to go for an internship or an apprenticeship, take it. Look for one in a field that you are interested in working in after school. It is helpful to know now if you enjoy that career before you spend money to go to school for it.

What are your plans for after high school? I plan to attend the University of Wisconsin-Stout to earn my bachelor of science in plastics engineering.

What would you like to be doing 10 years from now? I would like to be an engineer, married and hopefully be starting a family.

Teacher recommendation: “Liz is such a breath of fresh air to have in the classroom. She works so hard to master concepts at the highest level. Her attention to detail is amazing, and it’s clear she loves learning. Beyond that, though, is her indomitable joy that is contagious!” — Michelle Bishop, science and STEM teacher

This article originally appeared on Manitowoc Herald Times Reporter: Manitowoc Stellar Students: Roncalli's Owen Just and Elizabeth Kinzel
