Romantic Birthday Date Ideas for Spending Your Special Day With Your Special Someone

From what I’ve gathered as a single person who happens to have a birthday coming up (no need to send presents—Venmo is fine, thanks), one of the best things about being in a relationship is that you’re pretty much guaranteed to have b-day plans in the form of a romantic birthday date with your partner. Better yet, it’s their job to make those plans.

Of course, the other side of that deal means that when your S.O.’s special day rolls around, the pressure’s on you to come through with some A+ plans. Now, if you’re a natural-born planner who loves an excuse to flex those skills, then this opportunity is as much a gift to you as your partner. But if you find yourself coming up a little short on birthday date ideas this year, there’s no need to stress, my friends. Allow us to provide some inspo.

But first, a few important things to keep in mind when it comes to coordinating your partner’s solar return (that’s “birthday” in astrology, FYI) celebrations. For one thing, you need to know who you’re planning for. Yes, it’s your boyfriend/girlfriend/person, duh. But you’re gonna wanna make sure you take a minute to think about what kind of stuff they’d actually be into. Is this someone who would prefer an intimate night at home, or a dressed-to-the-nines occasion? Would they want to do something new, or stick to your tried-and-true faves? Do they like surprises, or would they rather know the plan ahead of time?

Two more things to consider: budget and tone. Exactly how much money are you (and your partner, if you share finances) looking to spend on les célébrations? As for the vibe, are you looking to sweep them off their feet with a romantic evening, surprise them with something fun and festive, or spend a laid-back, relaxing day together?

Fortunately for you, we’ve got birthday date ideas for every budget, vibe, and birthday—be it your first time celebrating as a couple or a major milestone (hellooo Dirty Thirty). Take a look and feel free to modify and/or straight up steal these b-day plans. (We won’t tell.)

1. Go to your special restaurant

Every couple has one: the restaurant they first met at, the restaurant that has some sort of special meaning to it, etc. If you’re looking to keep it low-key, this is an easy and obvious choice. No better way to celebrate a new year than by eating a meal you know is good while being in a familiar place—perfect for those birthday babes who want to just have a reliably good night.

2. See a show

Broadway, burlesque, comedy—whatever kind of live entertainment happens to be your partner’s cup of tea, dinner and a show is a classic date night for a reason. Not only does Going to The Theater™️ (be it an opera house or a basement comedy club) feel just a lil fancy, but it’s the perfect “activity” date for people who…don’t actually like activities that much but want to do something that feels a little more special (and thus birthday-date-worthy) than just going out for dinner.

3. Beach date!

If your partner’s birthday is in the summer (or if you happen to live in a forever-summer climate), then get thee to the nearest beach! A beach date is always a good idea because, hi, what’s better than hanging out in the sun with your partner and admiring each other’s semi-nude beach bods in public? Make the day extra special by surprising your S.O. with a new bathing suit or bringing along fixings for a birthday beach picnic.

4. Plan a romantic getaway

If you’ve got the time and cash, then nothing beats a birthday vacation. Whether you opt for an elaborate European vacay or an intimate weekend getaway, the only thing better than a birthday date night is a birthday date trip. (Also, birthday sex + vacation sex? Enough said.)

5. Cook their favorite meal

If the birthday boy/girl/person in your life is in the mood for a more low-key celebration this year, then why not flex your chef skills (if you’ve got ’em) and treat your sweetheart to a romantic, home-cooked meal? Set the mood with some music and candles and take your partner on the birthday dinner date of their dreams, right from the comfort of their own home. (Just don’t forget the cake!)

6. Treat them to a couples spa day

A birthday gift and a birthday date all in one! Treat you and your boo to a spa dayfeaturing a couples massage, ofc. Because really, what better way to start a new year than with a healthy dose of self-care?

7. Hop around to different museums

What’s more relaxing than spending the afternoon surrounded by stunning works of art you’ve never seen before? Enjoy the quiet of a museum as you walk hand in hand with your birthday boo between each room. This one is specifically for the history and/or art buff in your life, BTW.

8. Go camping

And for the outdoorsy types, a b-day camping trip may be just the thing. You don’t have to go for several nights, a one-night stay will do. But make sure to pick somewhere safe and pack the marshmallows for s’mores, because duh.

9. Go glamping

If you love the idea of camping more than the actual, uh, camping of camping, might we suggest a little glamping trip? There are several Airbnbs out there that offer this amazing and luxurious experience. All you’ll need to do is pack your clothes, toiletries, food, and some entertainment, and you’ll be good to go.

10. Host a picnic and wine tasting in the park

Whether you pack the basket yourself or buy it from a restaurant, make sure to get things you know they love—like their favorite cheese, wine, and desserts. (And don’t forget to throw in some special birthday treats!)

11. Go on a day trip in a fancy car

Nothing says happy birthday like renting a super fancy car that you know you can’t afford in reality. Visit the nearest town/city on your bucket list, walk around, see the sights, do the things, and remember to bring back a souvenir.

12. Check out your city’s food truck scene

Instead of going to a stuffy restaurant, spice it up by going to a food truck yard and trying a little bit of everything. It’ll most likely be less spensy, and you’ll get to try new things you probs wouldn’t normally find on the menu at your go-to restaurants.

13. Spend the day at a winery

IDK who needs to hear this, but a birthday is the perfect excuse to go day drinking. Take the day off, sip some vino, and enjoy the open skies with a little buzz.

14. Do something wild like a helicopter ride, bungee jumping, or skydiving

If your partner is the spontaneous type, treat them to something that’s going to get their adrenaline going. And if you’re in a city that doesn’t provide these experiences, you can opt for a helicopter ride or a small plane ride to a neighboring island.

15. Buy tickets to their fave team’s game

Beer, baseball, and hot dogs—is there any better way to spend a chill birthday? But if your partner prefers something a little more fast-paced, treat them to a basketball or hockey game instead.

16. Hit up your local amusement park

No matter what age they're turning this year, nothing will bring out their inner child like eating cotton candy and riding roller coasters all afternoon.

17. Go hiking

For another outdoorsy idea, plan a fun hike. You could either pick one of their favorite trails or go out of state to try a new one. Make sure to pack accordingly, and have a picnic once you’ve reached your destination.

18. Binge your favorite movies and order take out

Sometimes birthdays can be a lot of pressure. If you still want to make it special without all the fuss, treat your person to their favorite movie or guilty-pleasure TV show at home while ordering from your favorite restaurant. Chinese food and Real Housewives? Sounds like the perfect b-day to me!

19. Join a race together and then go out for a sweet treat

If you and your partner are one of those couples who celebrate Thanksgiving with a turkey trot (not that I'm judging or anything), this one’s for you. Spend a Saturday or Sunday running a 5K or 10K together—and then treat yourself to some much deserved birthday sweets.

20. Go to an escape room

I’ve only been to an escape room one time, but let me tell you, it brought out a whole new level of competitiveness I did not know I possessed. If you and your partner love to work together to complete puzzles, this might be the perfect birthday date.

21. Go to their favorite band’s concert

Or if they love all music, hit up a local jazz bar or whatever other live music offerings your city might be serving up on their special day.

22. Make a bucket list and plan your next outing

Start prepping for your next adventure together by brainstorming your couple’s bucket list. Want to go on an international trip together? Or how about adopting a senior dog from your local shelter? Spend some time together planning your next steps.

23. Go on a pizza tour around the city

Get one slice from each of your city’s famous pizza places and rank them on a scale of 1 to 10. You’re basically role-playing as sexy food critics. And once you've had your fill of pie, make one last stop for a bite of birthday cake. Don't forget to make a wish!

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