Romance on a Budget: 25 Cheap At-Home Date Night Ideas

AI-generated image of a couple having a romantic date night at home
Cheapism / DALL-E 3

With the average couple in the U.S. spending around $159 (woof!) for dinner and a movie, going out for every date night can quickly add up. (I mean, seriously, have you noticed how ordering a mere three or four drinks at a restaurant can rack up a bill of $80 or more?) Times are wild — and these $18 cocktails might as well be robbing us at gunpoint.

If your wallet is feeling the pinch from always treating your significant other to fancy date nights, we’re here to offer you some good news. Switching it up with a date night at home can be an equally great and budget-friendly way to spend quality time with your partner, make cherished new memories, and save money in the process.

From having a movie marathon of your favorite films to setting up an indoor spa or romantic candlelit dinner, here are 25 creative and cheap date night ideas at home that your boo will love.

Shot of a young couple dancing together in their kitchen

1. Jam Out To Your Favorite Tunes

Set up an adorable retro date by digging up the soundtracks of your past and having a jam sesh to throwback records, tapes, or CDs. Share the tunes that shaped your lives and enjoy a musical journey down memory lane. For an extra sweet and thoughtful gesture, consider making a playlist and sharing it with your partner. The playlist can include songs that have special meaning to your relationship, tracks from significant moments, or simply songs that you enjoy or remind you of them.

2. Curl Up With a Good Book

Before getting cozy at home with a couple of good books, visit a local bookstore or library together. Whether you're a lifelong book lover or just looking for a new hobby, exploring the aisles while discussing your favorite genres can be a great way to connect and find common interests. ​​Once you're home, curl up next to your partner for a cozy reading session while indulging in a nice cup of tea or coffee. (Tis’ cuffing season, folks!)

3. Enjoy a Sunrise or Sunset Date

Embrace the beauty of the natural world by cuddling up with your partner and watching a sunrise or sunset at home together. This peaceful activity can enhance your bond by offering a moment to slow down, reflect, and appreciate the simple joys in life. Plus, it won’t cost you a penny!

4. Play Dress Up

Celebrate the year or month you met, started dating, or got married by immersing yourselves in the culture of that time. Watch a popular movie from that time frame or play some tunes that were popular then. For a fun twist, consider dressing up in the styles of that time (someone please do frosty tips for the 90s!) and recreate your first date at home.

5. Have a Dance-Off

Turn your living room into the ultimate dance floor and battle your partner with online dance tutorials. Whether it’s salsa, ballroom, or hip-hop, tackling a new dance style and learning new moves together can be a playful and intimate way to spend the evening. Plus, it’s a great way to get a workout in while having fun together.

For more creative date night ideas and savvy money-saving hacks, please sign up for our free newsletters.

Two guys cooking healthy together at home

6. Have a Gourmet Cooking Night 

Challenge yourselves in the kitchen by cooking a fancy meal together. Going grocery shopping, then prepping and cooking the ingredients together, can be a great way to learn new skills in the kitchen, experiment with different flavor profiles, and enjoy a delicious, memorable evening. Create a romantic ambiance with candles and maybe a bouquet of flowers to adorn the dining table.

7. Tackle Chores Together

Turn mundane errands and chores into an opportunity for connection. Whether it’s tidying up the house or doing the laundry, tackling these tasks together can turn the routine into something special and strengthen your bond (and patience) in the process.

8. Host Your Own Open Mic Night

Transform your living room into an open mic night and learn about your partner’s hidden talents and interests in a cozy, intimate setting. Your open mic night can include singing, playing an instrument, reading poetry, or even stand-up comedy. To enhance the ambiance, set up a small stage area, use a microphone if available, and dim the lights for an authentic dive bar experience.

9. Indulge in Some Candlelit Takeout

If you’re loath to turning on the stove, you can always elevate a simple takeout dinner by decorating the house with candles while enjoying a romantic dinner together. You can also add a creative twist by ordering takeout from the restaurant where you had your first date, or recreating the vibes by playing your favorite song in the background and indulging in drinks or desserts that you both love.

10. Spice It Up With a Taco and Trivia Night

Spice up your evening with some homemade tacos and trivia to enjoy a casual and fun evening together. Ideal for couples with a competitive edge, trivia games allow you to choose topics of mutual interest, such as movies, music, or sports, and learn about new subjects while gaining deeper insights into each other's preferences and knowledge.

Related: Date Night Prep: 10 Money-Saving Tips

Couple Star Gazing at Night in the European Alps

11. Have a Stargazing Soiree

Lay out a blanket along with some comfy pillows in your backyard or living room and enjoy an evening of stargazing together. Discuss your dreams, tell stories, share your deepest secrets, and enjoy the tranquility of a starry night sky while building a deeper connection. You can also treat your better half to some delicious (but still affordable) snacks and wines from Trader Joe’s.

12. Set Up a Home Movie Theater

Instead of “Netflix and chill,” which doesn’t exactly scream romantic date night, opt for a fancier movie theater experience — complete with a projector, snacks, and all your favorite films. Dress up as if you're going out and enjoy a cute movie night in the comfort of your living room. For a fun twist, build a fort out of blankets and pillows, and let your inner kid rejoice.

13. Plan a Backyard Camping Trip

Set up a tent in your backyard for a much cheaper and safer camping adventure. Enjoy roasting marshmallows to make s'mores, tell stories by the campfire, and snuggle up under the stars. Consider having a “no phones” rule to make the experience even more special and deepen your connection without any distractions.

14. Have an Indoor Picnic

Lay a cozy blanket on the living room or kitchen floor and have an indoor picnic with all your partner’s favorite snacks and drinks. This fun date night idea allows you to enjoy a satisfying meal together without having to worry about whether or not the weather cooperates. In fact, a rainy day could make this indoor picnic experience even more special.

15. Enjoy an Arts and Crafts Night

Spend an interactive and fun evening making a collage or scrapbook of your favorite memories as a couple. An arts and crafts night is a wonderful way to reflect on your journey together, have deep conversations, and create a keepsake of your relationship.

Fun in the kitchen.

16. Create a DIY Ice Cream Parlor

If you love going for a scoop or two with your other half, consider making your own ice cream sundaes at home with a variety of toppings like hot fudge, sprinkles, chopped nuts, whipped cream, and fresh fruits. Ideal for couples with a sweet tooth, this date night idea is also the perfect way to treat yourselves after a long day of work. Not an ice cream fan? Try setting up a hot chocolate bar instead.

17. Have a Karaoke Night

For couples who love to sing, consider setting up a karaoke night in your living room. Find songs on YouTube, turn on the subtitles, and channel your inner Whitney or Mariah as you belt along to your favorite tunes. Get creative and use household items such as microphones (the hairbrush mic is a classic). Spruce it up further with scorecards or other decorative pieces to rate each other’s performances and create a fun, game-show atmosphere.

18. Complete a Home Improvement Task

Tackling a DIY project like mounting the TV or hanging up paintings can be a unique date night that allows you to work together and enhance your home's aesthetic and charm. After the job is done, don’t forget to treat your partner and indulge in some of their favorite snacks and drinks to celebrate all your hard work.

19. Explore Each Other Through Personality Quizzes

Discover your partner’s love language by taking personality tests together. This simple, engaging activity doesn't require any special tools, is completely free, and offers valuable insights into each other's personalities. You can do the tests individually and then discuss the results as a couple, or sit down and complete them together. You might find the outcomes enlightening and even surprising, which can lead to a deeper understanding and connection with one another.

20. Complete a Puzzle Together

Enhance your teamwork by collaborating on a puzzle. Studies show that jigsaw puzzles can be a great way to improve memory and concentration, develop new problem-solving skills, and even reduce stress. If you’re not a fan of jigsaw puzzles, you can always opt for other mind games like sudoku, crossword puzzles, and even mad libs.

During an energetic crisis, a man and woman are playing a ludo game in the dark with lit candles.

21. Have a Game Night

When it comes to games, there is no wrong answer. Whether it's a classic board game like Monopoly or Scrabble, card games, or interactive video games, choose something that you both enjoy. A game night is a fantastic way to engage in friendly competition, share laughs, and make new memories. Tailor the evening to your preferences, and don't forget to include some snacks and drinks for an added touch of fun and relaxation.

22. Indulge In a DIY Spa Night

Who said going to the spa has to break the bank? You can create a luxurious, spa-like atmosphere for a relaxing and rejuvenating evening right at home. Light scented candles, play soothing music, and indulge in a face mask or a soothing bath with your partner. This tranquil setting is not only perfect for unwinding and relaxing, but can also be a great opportunity to have deep and intimate conversations.

23. Host Your Own Cooking Competition

Turn your kitchen into a cooking contest with your own remake of “Chopped or “Masterchef.” Pick a theme or ingredient, set a time limit, and see who can create the most delicious and creative dish. Playful challenges can add a healthy dose of competition to help your relationship stay fresh and exciting. Plus, a cooking contest provides a fun way to perfect your culinary skills and explore new cuisines.

Consider buying a chef hat or uniform for less than $10 on Amazon to create an even more authentic vibe and photo op for your at-home cooking competition.

24. Set Up a Wine or Beer Tasting

Organize a tasting event at home with an assortment of affordable wines or beers to sample. Set up a tasting station with different glasses and provide some palate cleansers like cheese or crackers. This date night idea allows you to learn about each beverage's characteristics, all while discussing your preferences and enjoying a sophisticated evening together.

25. Exercise Together

For couples who enjoy a good workout, consider doing joint workout sessions at home or outdoors. Choose activities that you both enjoy, whether it’s yoga, high-intensity interval training, or even dance workouts. Exercising together not only promotes health and fitness but also strengthens your bond through shared goals and encouragement. Plus, the endorphins you get from working out are always worth it.

Young Asian female lesbian in living room. Happy girls having fun use daily cucumber eyes mask patch together sit on cozy sofa couch at night.
MTStock Studio/istockphoto

The Bottom Line

By focusing on creativity, personalization, and shared interests, couples can still create special moments that are both romantic and budget-friendly. Whether it's cooking a meal together, setting up a home movie theater, or having a relaxing spa day, the essence of a great date night lies in the quality of time spent together, not the amount spent.

With a little imagination and effort, at-home date nights can be just as enchanting and fulfilling as a night out. Plus, your wallet will thank you.

LGBT Lesbian couple love moments happiness concept

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I make a cute date night at home?

Creating a cute date night at home doesn't have to cost a fortune. The key is to focus on personal touches and shared interests. For example, you can set up a cozy ambiance with candles and soft music playing in the background, or you can prepare a homemade meal followed by a themed movie or game night. Adding unique elements that you can work on together — like building a blanket fort or having a DIY spa session — can also make the evening more special and memorable.

How do you make an at-home date feel like a date?

Treat the occasion as you would a traditional date. This means getting dressed up, turning off phones to minimize distractions, and planning activities that both of you enjoy. Setting the scene with proper lighting, music, and a dedicated space for the date also helps in creating a romantic and relaxing atmosphere.

What is a good budget for a date night?

A good budget for a date night can vary based on personal finances, but it's entirely possible to create a fulfilling and memorable experience while on a budget. Planning activities like cooking together, watching movies, or playing games can keep costs low. Generally, setting aside $20-$50 can provide enough to cover art supplies, snacks, or ingredients for a home-cooked meal. 

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This article was originally published on Cheapism
