Roger Soldano: The moral dilemma of Evangelical support for Trump

In the present-day world of confusion, where religion and politics meet, the backing of Donald Trump by evangelicals raises significant moral and ethical concerns. At its heart, this support jeopardizes the fundamental principles of Christ's teachings. It prioritizes political gains, like securing conservative judges and anti-abortion policies, over moral integrity. This arrangement not only highlights hypocrisy but also jeopardizes the credibility of Christianity in the public mind.

Raised as a Catholic, I was taught that Christ emphasizes love, compassion, humility, and empathy for the marginalized. "Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me," Jesus declares in Matthew 25:40, emphasizing the connection between faith and the practice of justice and mercy. Yet, the fervent evangelical backing of Trump, whose presidency and now candidacy is marked by policies and rhetoric often antithetical to these core Christian values, raises critical questions about the consistency of such support with the teachings of Christ.

Roger Soldano
Roger Soldano

Witnessing Trump’s time in office and now reliving the disgust as he once again tortures good people with his campaign rhetoric is a blunt reminder of the ethical dilemma we face. The recurrence of Trump's divisive language resurrects the chaotic environment of his presidency, reopening wounds for those who uphold principles of integrity and empathy. As his campaign rhetoric fuels division and hate, it's distressing to see the erosion of civility and decency in our political arena. Once more, decent people find themselves subjected to the emotional strain inflicted by Trump's inflammatory language, emphasizing the pressing need to restore empathy, dignity, and ethical leadership in government.

Furthermore, Trump's behavior and how he's often used his power show a distinct difference from the humility and honesty that Jesus showed. He has a habit of being dishonest, which has been pointed out by fact-checkers many times during his time in the public eye. This conflicts with what the Bible articulates about not lying in Exodus 20:16, "You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor." The moral conflicts between Trump's actions and Christianity's instructions aren't just minor concerns — they undermine the essence of living by Christ's example.

Many evangelicals support Trump because they believe he'll continue to deliver on policies like anti-abortion measures and protecting religious freedom. These are big deals for them, morally speaking. But backing a leader whose behavior and values clash so blatantly with the word of God raises a tough question. Is it right to team up with someone who doesn't embody Christian values to get things done politically? It's a questionable move that could mean putting politics ahead of staying true to spiritual beliefs and moral principles.

In 1 Samuel 16:7, we are reminded that while humans look at outward appearance, the Lord looks at the heart. However well-intentioned, pursuing policy goals cannot justify support for a leader whose heart and actions often reveal a glaring disregard for the compassion, justice, and righteousness central to the Christian faith. Such support not only constitutes a moral compromise but also risks damaging the credibility of the evangelical witness, reducing the transformative power of Christ's message to a mere tool of political maneuvering.

The long-term implications of this compromise are profound. By aligning with Trump, evangelicals risk not only diluting the core message of Christ but also alienating those who see the contradiction between their political endorsements and the teachings they profess to uphold. This conflict can serve as a stumbling block to faith, obscuring the message of the Gospel and diminishing the church's role as an authority on Christ’s teachings.

In their unwavering support of Donald Trump, despite his unashamed disregard for moral principles and consistent display of unethical behavior, evangelical leaders and followers have exposed a damning hypocrisy impossible to ignore. By aligning themselves with a leader whose character directly opposes the core tenets of Christianity — honesty, compassion, and humility — these individuals have willingly traded their moral integrity for political gain. Their allegiance to Trump, a man whose actions embody the darkest aspects of humanity, lays bare the moral bankruptcy of those who claim to champion righteousness and virtue. This unholy alliance is a blatant reminder of the risks of sacrificing ethical principles for power.

Extending this hypocrisy to others in politics reinforces the lengths some politicians will go to hold onto power. When I see Speaker of the House Mike Johnson, who also embodies evangelical beliefs, embrace candidate Trump as America’s salvation against evil, I am forced to believe that evangelicals are striking a deal with the devil, choosing a candidate who, in return for his 30 pieces of silver, will opportunistically support a person marked by the erosion of truth, the glorification of greed, the normalization of cruelty, and even a civil rape conviction. It's a pact steeped in duplicity, betraying the very values they claim to hold dear.

— Roger Soldano is a retired Army National Guard Colonel. Comments can be sent to:

This article originally appeared on The Holland Sentinel: Roger Soldano: The moral dilemma of Evangelical support for Trump
