Rise of the Ronin Gets Combat Deep Dive, Will Feature Online Co-Op

Rise of the Ronin

Rise of the Ronin is the next game from Team Ninja, set in Japan’s Late Edo period. While we’ve seen glimpses of gameplay in previous State of Plays, Team Ninja is now beginning to reveal more from the title’s different mechanics in the run-up to launch.

A new video, titled “The Fight BTS” shows off new combat gameplay from the title, showing how both ranged and melee attacks are viable options during encounters. What’s more interesting though is the confirmation of a 4-player online co-op in the game on its FAQ page. The online functionality will be limited to PvE encounters, unlike the PvP encounters in the developer’s previous games like Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty. The page also reveals that it will feature a character creator.

Players will be able to change select from three difficulty levels, with the easiest setting “Dawn” unlocking settings like increased health recovery and decreased Ki loss. Combat in Rise of the Ronin includes a variety of weapons, ranging from bayonets and flintlocks to spears and blowdarts. Despite being set in a historical period, the game won’t be relying too heavily on realism for its gameplay mechanics.

The game’s “bond system” will let you switch between its main character and other historical characters in your party during combat. These figures can then go on to either aid you or become your opponents. The "counter spark" system will allow players to deflect enemy attacks and use their movement against them, which will require precise timing of attacks.

Rise of the Ronin Pre-Order Bonuses and Editions

Rise of the Ronin will be available in two editions:

  • Rise of the Ronin Standard Edition - $69.99

  • Rise of the Ronin Digital Deluxe Edition - $79.99

Rise of the Ronin Deluxe Edition includes many bonuses.<p>PlayStation/Team Ninja</p>
Rise of the Ronin Deluxe Edition includes many bonuses.

PlayStation/Team Ninja

The Digital Deluxe Edition includes the following items:

  • Rise of The Ronin full game

  • Iga Ninja's Staff

  • Toyokuni Paired Swords

  • Bando Warrior Armour set

  • Japanese Formal Wear set

  • Digital art book

  • Digital soundtrack

Rise of the Ronin releases on March 22, 2024, and will be exclusive to the PS5.
