Ride For Chase benefit planned for Sunday

Mar. 1—The Ride For Chase benefit for the family of Shannon "Chase" Sizemore will be held Sunday at Wayne National Forest.

The ride begins at noon and riders should use dirt bikes, ATVs or Side-by-Sides. Trucks and jeeps are not recommended for this particular trail. Riders should meet at 782 Township Road 199 in Pedro.

There will be limited parking so riders may park in the available spaces or at the Superior Trail Head and then ride to the starting area.

Wayne National Forest is giving a one-day pass to all riders. Everyone is asked to be considerate and not leave any trash on the trail. There will be trash cans available.

There will be hot dogs and hamburgers available to eat before the ride. Anyone wishing to eat should come early.

If anyone arrives late, call and someone will drop back and meet with you.

For further information, call 740-307-5008.
