Reviewing the news: Pickles and lumberjacks

Articles in the May 7, 1924 edition of the Cheboygan Daily Tribune.
Articles in the May 7, 1924 edition of the Cheboygan Daily Tribune.

May 7, 1924: Busy at Tribune’s new home

The Tribune is pleased indeed to announce that under favorable conditions it will be publishing the Tribune from its new home in the Ottawa block with its own new up to date equipment within 10 days, possibly a week.

Carpenters, masons, painters, electricians and other helpers are busily at work with the preparations for placing the machinery which is now on the road and due to arrive any day.

Insurance adjusters were busy today completing the final settlements for the insurance companies and moving of the debris in the Tribune’s old home has been started.

The material which went through the fire has been appraised by experts from the several newspaper machinery companies and has been found to be valueless except for junk. The entire plant including presses, linotypes and all other material will be quickly disposed of for what it will bring for old iron, brass, etc, and the ruins cleaned up.

The Tribune’s loss was figured to be approximately $25,000 and was but partially covered by insurance.

The machinery, cabinets, type and other equipment for the new plant of the Tribune aggregated an investment of approximately $30,000.

With this new material and machinery, in the new location the Tribune will have one of the finest printing and publishing establishments in Northern Michigan and under favorable conditions within a few days will be publishing a better daily paper than ever.

When the Tribune gets into its new home and ready to publish in its own plant the public is to be invited to see the new model printing establishment and view the modern equipment and methods applied to the printing business. Until that time it is hoped the Tribune’s readers will bear with us.

No money or effort is being spared to make the Tribune a better plant and haste is the key note in the preparations.

May 7, 1924: Wolverine pickle station enlarging

Libby, McNeal and Libby, of Chicago who established a salting station for pickles at Wolverine last season are securing acreage in that locality this season and expect to contract with the farmers for about one hundred acres.

Last season one farmer netted $114 from one acre of cucumbers. The company this year has advanced the price to $3.50 for No. 1 and $1.25 a bushel for No. 2.

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May 10, 1974: Cheb. to hold Lumberjack Days

Lumberjack Days will be held in downtown Cheboygan during first three days of July as part of Cheboygan Week, it was decided at a meeting of the Cheboygan Business and Professional Association in the Citizens National Bank meeting room Tuesday.

The program will be worked out later. At the meeting suggestions included log rolling, log sawing and tug of war contests, and possibly a greased pole or greased pig contest.

It was suggested that during Lumbjerack Days people wear “Centennial” type clothes, and possibly let mustaches and beards grow.

This article originally appeared on The Petoskey News-Review: Reviewing the news: Pickles and lumberjacks
