Reviewing the news: Ice cream and graduates

May 22, 1924: New ice cream company formed

The Petoskey Ice Cream company, just incorporated under the laws of Michigan, will have its plant in the building formerly occupied by the Petoskey News Printing company, June 1. This new company has just been formed with E. S. Martin as president; Joseph A. Magnus, vice president; E. A. Martin, secretary and treasurer.

The company is incorporated for $10,000 stockholders, including Petoskey business men, farmers and consumers. Ice cream, butter and other dairy products will be manufactured and products of farms in the Petoskey region will be utilized.

The plant now being installed will be one of the finest in the state, it will be modern in every particular, with large cooler, ice making machinery, and other modern equipment. The offices will be in the front part of the building with the ice plant occupying the remainder of the first floor. The butter making machinery will occupy the lower floor.

The May 23, 1974 edition of the Petoskey News-Review.
The May 23, 1974 edition of the Petoskey News-Review.

May 23, 1974: Pellston grandma and daughter to graduate

PELLSTON — Mrs. Lyle (Virginia) Diot Gardner holds the distinction of being the first grandmother to graduate from Pellston High School, and she will graduate with her daughter Gina. Mrs. Gardner, who is 53, has six children. Four are married and two are still in school. Regina Rose, 17, will graduate with her mother, they will be presented their diplomas together. Tonya is a sophomore this year. Twelve grandchildren grace the Gardner family.

“Ginny” as her friends best know her, would have graduated with the class of 1939, but she decided homemaking was more alluring. As the years passed by she felt more and more that she had missed a very important part of her life in not graduating, and this year she decided to do something about it. So she enrolled in Pellston school to complete her high school education.

She and another mother from Pellston, Mrs. Neil (Marine) Plagens, will lead their class procession at the May 31 graduation exercises for their diplomas. Mrs. Gardner said she wished that she could convey to the youth of today the utmost importance of a high school education, and that should they decide to become drop-outs, that someday they as did she, will regret the decision. They will realize what they have missed, she said.

Mr. and Mrs. Gardner’s other children are Mrs. (Bonnie) Robert Bowman of St. Johns, Mrs. (Genae) Terry Menzie of Westland, Mrs. Carlene Robbins of Livonia, and Mrs. (Carrie) Gary Niswander of Pellston.

This article originally appeared on The Petoskey News-Review: Reviewing the news: Ice cream and graduates
