Retail Workers Share 8 Characteristics of an Ideal Customer

Woman serving customer at the counter in a clothing store

Retail Role Models

The very existence of the subreddit r/RetailHell — an 80,000-strong community of disgruntled workers — should tell you everything you need to know about the service industry (hint: it sucks!). Besides the pay, Redditors can't help but vent about all the awful customers they have to deal with. The good news is that if you follow these eight ways to be a model customer — ideas from r/RetailHell workers, by the way — you can rest assured that you’re making service workers' lives a little bit less hellish.

The female grocery store employee helps the male customer with his product selection.
SDI Productions/istockphoto

Don’t Skip the Niceties

If there’s one thing you take away from this piece, it should be that politeness matters. So, yes, say hello, ask how an employee is doing, and don’t forget your pleases and thank yous. Checking in with a worker to see how their day is going “always brightens them up," one Redditor shares.

Walmart employee pushes shopping carts
Rusty Clark/Flickr

Return Your Shopping Cart

Don’t leave your cart in the middle of the parking lot or your basket in some random corner of the store. While it may not seem like a big deal, a stray cart is just extra work for an underpaid, overworked employee.

the owner of a small business shop came to closed the shop.

Don’t Shop at Closing Time

Anyone who’s ever worked a day in their life knows that the last hour of the day is the toughest. It’s especially hard in retail, where a flood of entitled customers could come in minutes before closing, adding an extra 30 minutes to your shift. “We all want to go home and have a real life,” a Redditor explains.

Customer making a contactless payment via credit card at a cafeteria.

Stay Off Your Phone

“I make sure to put my phone away and give the employee my full attention,” one Redditor writes, echoing other workers’ sentiments. Understandably, ignoring someone because you’re babbling or swiping on TikTok is rude. Workers aren't robots; they deserve to be acknowledged.

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Be Patient

It’s telling that several service workers emphasized the importance of patience. “If I have an issue with a product or service, I don't BARK ORDERS at the person assisting me,” a Redditor shares. “I am always kind and patient.” Think about it this way: If you were working a stressful low-wage job, how would you want to be treated?

Attractive couple buying tickets at the movie theater and using a smartphone to show a barcode to an employee

Be Prepared

Whether you’re returning something, using a coupon, or buying alcohol, make sure to have everything ready for the cashier — receipt, ID, payment method, etc. “I always have my method of payment ready to go,” one worker writes.

Related: Target Employees Reveal Customer Behaviors They 'Hate'

Clean Up After Yourself

This should go without saying, but don’t leave a mess. One Redditor says that they tidy up their table when they’re finished dining out, while another commenter shares that they always hand and return clothes while shopping.

Flower Shop
FG Trade/istockphoto

Remember That Workers Are Human

Much of this advice boils down to one thing: Treat retail workers like fellow human beings. “It’s so easy to do,” one commenter writes. “I can’t figure out why other people find it so difficult.”

Related: Walmart Employees Share Their Biggest 'Pet Peeves'

This article was originally published on Cheapism

Woman serving customer at the counter in a clothing store

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