Rescued Macaw Does the Cutest Little Dance After Taking a Dip in the Water Bowl

CC Cuson/Shutterstock

If you've rescued an animal before, you'll know there are good days and not so good days, But you have to celebrate the days when your pet is really feeling its best. One rescue Macaw in Columbus, Ohio was having one of those good days recently, its owner even caught it doing a little happy dance after a bath.

Kristen Collazo Suárez managed to capture her Macaw Merlin shaking her groove thing in the cutest video online.

Merlin was just chilling at the top of her cage celebrating a successful bath time when she felt the music overtake her. She was rocking as the song played in the background. Honestly, we don't blame her. Who doesn't love listening to your favorite tunes when you get out of the shower?

Related: Macaw's Reaction to Seeing Her Favorite Snow Globe Is Simply the Best

"Merlin took a bath in her water bowl and then danced to music. She had a good day!" her mom wrote in the caption.

A second video on her TikTok page shows Merlin grooving to the Backstreet Boys' song "I Want it That Way."

"My little dancing queen! She loves music," her mama wrote under the video.

Parrots Love Music

It is true that Macaws, which are a type of Parrot, love music. They may not understand the lyrics, but they do react to music like we do. Birds even make their own music when they're in each other's company. Many studies have been conducted to find out why this is; like a 2012 study from Emory University which sought to determine if birdsongs are a musically rewarding trait.

Researchers were hoping to find if there was a moment of "reward" when birds hear birdsongs. What they found was that female birds, when they hear birdsongs, respond to music similarly to how people do. The neural pathways that the human brain employs when it listens to music are the same ones that a bird brain employs. Pretty neat, right? The same can't be said for male birds, who had a variety of different responses to music. Some music even made male birds angry.

But when a bird does like the song they're hearing they really like it. They'll bob and weave, move back and forth, or display other physical responses to songs just like we do. There are certainly types of music that birds respond to more so than others. Some like calming classical music while others like louder music with a faster beat. It's up the bird, really. You'll never know what your bird will like until you start hitting play on Spotify. Who knows, they may even be a fan of your favorite musician, then the two of you could dance together.

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