Republican congressional candidates weigh in on Western Maryland's top priorities.

Mail-in ballots are scheduled to be sent by election officials by April 1 for the upcoming Presidential Primary Election in Maryland, with Election Day scheduled for Tuesday, May 14.

In order to provide information for voters about the candidates that are on the ballot for Maryland’s 6th United States Congressional District, which stretches from Northern Montgomery County west to include Frederick, Washington, Allegany and Garrett counties, the Herald-Mail compiled candidates' responses to a question, as follows.

The 6th District encompasses Maryland’s three westernmost counties. What do you think the top priorities are for Western Maryland constituents and how would you address them?

There are 16 Democratic candidates and seven Republican candidates for the Sixth Congressional District seat. Candidates were given two weeks and two reminders to respond to the question sent to their email address listed on the State Board of Elections website. Those candidates who did not respond are indicated below. Responses were limited to 150 words.

The Herald-Mail is not endorsing any candidate or their response, but is providing the responses below for informational purposes on behalf of the voters and residents of Maryland’s Sixth Congressional District. Here are the Republican candidates and responses.

Republican candidates in Maryland's Sixth Congressional District

Dan Cox

Did not respond.

Chris Hyser

In representing Maryland's 6th District, my focus on the unique needs of our westernmost counties centers on economic revitalization, infrastructure enhancement, and preserving the region's distinct identity.

To foster economic growth, I advocate for targeted investments in industries like agriculture and technology education, promoting job creation and providing tax relief to small businesses. Addressing infrastructure concerns involves advocating for the expansion of transportation networks (such as I-70 and I-81) and broadband access, ensuring our communities remain connected and thrive in the digital age.

By championing these priorities, my goal is to empower constituents and contribute to the sustained development of our vibrant region. Check out my website for a very comprehensive action plan.

Neil C. Parrott

The top priority for western Maryland is the top priority for our country: securing the border. The number of illegal aliens entering our country since Biden took office exceeds Maryland’s entire population. The uncontrolled border results in fentanyl deaths, human trafficking, increased violent crime and unsustainable social program costs.

Editor’s note: The United States Customs and Border Protection Encounters at the Southwest Land Border shows about 5 million migrants apprehended under Title 8 authority since January 2021 while an additional about 2.5 million migrants encountered under Title 42 authority were expelled. The U.S. Census Bureau shows Maryland’s population last year at about 6 million.

We also must prioritize lowering the cost of living, which has increased $11,434 annually for an average family since Biden took office. We can only do this by reducing outrageous government spending and unleashing American energy. A booming economy and low inflation will bring jobs, new businesses and young families to western Maryland.

In addition, as a traffic engineer, I’m particularly interested in improving north/south roadways. We need to increase safety by widening I-81, I-270 and US 219. Doing this will also improve transportation of goods to and through the area, and will bring more investment and business to western Maryland.

Todd A. Puglisi

Did not respond.

Mariela Roca

The top priorities for Western Maryland constituents are the economy, inflation, securing our southern border and increased crime plaguing our communities.

I will work with my colleagues to strengthen our economy, and work towards unleashing energy here at home, especially with our untapped resources here in Western Maryland. I will also work to bring policies that will defend our public safety and national security, and will support parents with parental rights, school choice and women’s rights in sports.

I am passionate about veterans’ resources and healthcare. Our VA healthcare system has so many unaddressed systemic issues and fails to provide adequate and timely care to our veterans. As a veteran, I get my care 100% through the VA and understand firsthand these issues.

Additionally, my experience in medical supply chain logistics is something Congress needs to fix our crumbling US supply chain and end our dependencies on countries like China.

Tom Royals

My name is Tom Royals, I’m a former Naval Flight Officer and combat aviator who is ready to take the values that guided me flying combat missions over Afghanistan and Iraq to fight for the commonsense conservative values of hardworking Maryland families.

Western Maryland is under attack from skyrocketing inflation and reckless spending.

As a husband and a father, our family, like many across Maryland, have a budget and never spend more than we can afford; yet, out-of-touch politicians in Washington can’t seem to do the same.

It’s time to send a fighter to Congress who will restore fiscal discipline in Washington, get the debt under control and bring down prices for Maryland families.

In Congress, I’ll fight to level the playing field for Maryland businesses. I’ll also work to enact policies that support the district’s manufacturing and agricultural sectors and fight to upgrade critical infrastructure here at home.

Brenda J. Thiam

Washington, Allegany and Garrett counties share many commonalities.

One common thread is the opioid crisis that has plagued our community over the last several years. I will work collaboratively with local hospital administrators and mental health centers to seek research-based best practices that are available to help people who seek treatment for addictions.

Washington County is currently building a new medical school. I will seek any additional funding that’s needed to help bring this project to fruition.

In February 2024, the number of unemployed people increased to over six million. Many are on disability for various reasons, but some are capable of working. People aren’t connected to work anymore and businesses are impacted.

I will sponsor a bill to require people who are currently on disability to undergo assessments more often to determine their ability to work. We must require people to return to work if they’re able.

This article originally appeared on Salisbury Daily Times: Republican candidates weigh in on Western Maryland's top priorities
