Report About Windowless Apple Car Met With Heavy Dose Of Mockery

The internet has found its new Cybertruck.

The jokes flowed freely Wednesday after the website VR Scout reported that Apple could be considering a car design featuring an in-car virtual reality entertainment system and no windows.

Apple reportedly filed a patent on May 3 for the entertainment system, which could replace the view of the real world in a car with virtual environments. It noted that “autonomous vehicles may have limited or even no windows, and thus the motions that passengers experience in such vehicles may not match what they are visually seeing, potentially causing motion sickness” and offered solutions that would combat that.

The article featured a concept design of the Apple car produced by Concept Creator and Letsgodigital. It’s not Apple’s design.

Apple has been working on creating an autonomous vehicle for several years and has filed a number of relevant patents, but the company has remained secretive about its plans and hasn’t made any official announcements.

While windowless design may not be realistic, Twitter users couldn’t help but pile on to the concept.

This article originally appeared on HuffPost and has been updated.
