How to Remove Wine Stains from Table Linens, Carpet, Clothing and More

red wine spilled on carpet
How to Remove Wine Stains from EverythingImage Source - Getty Images

Whether it’s a cozy cocktail party or a large family gathering, there will be spills! But you don’t have to panic if you spill wine on your favorite blouse, table linens or carpet. “The key is to act fast,” says Michael Silva-Nash, vice president of operations for Molly Maid USA. “The sooner you can act, the better your chances that you’ll be able to get out a wine stain.”

That doesn’t mean you have to start cleaning immediately, say, if you’re in the middle of a celebration. But you can take a few basic steps to mitigate the mess and prevent the stain from setting, says Silva-Nash.

The most important thing to remember is that you should never, ever scrub a spill, especially on fabrics and textiles. “That not only damages the fibers, it also drives the stain deeper into the fibers,” says Silva-Nash. Instead, use a white cotton cloth or white paper towel to blot us as much as possible of the liquid. Avoid using a colored cloth or a paper towel that has a printed design because you risk transferring dyes to the area you’re blotting.

Silva-Nash also emphasizes that you should test any cleaning or spotting products on a small, inconspicuous area of the fabric or surface before proceeding. And if you aren’t comfortable trying these DIY methods, contact a cleaning professional. It’s always better to be safe than sorry!

Ahead, follow these suggestions from Silva-Nash, the University of Georgia (UGA) College of Family and Consumer Services, and the Carpet and Rug Institute to get out wine stains from a variety of materials:

How to Remove Wine Stain from Table Linens

how to get out wine stains table linens
LauriPatterson - Getty Images
  • Blot up as much as possible with a white cloth, then blot the area with a cloth dipped in cool water or club soda.

  • If washable, pre-treat the area with a commercial stain remover, or rub with a liquid laundry determent or paste of granular laundry detergent and water, suggests UGA. Then launder with cold water.

  • After washing, check for stain; if you see improvement but it’s not gone, treat and wash it again, says Silva-Nash.

  • For stubborn stains, UGA’s textiles department suggests you can soak the area in 1 quart of warm water, ½ teaspoon of laundry detergent, and 1 tablespoon white vinegar for 15 minutes. Rinse, and launder.

  • If you can’t clean the stain right away, sprinkle on some table salt to absorb the spill. Brush off or gently vacuum it off before proceeding with the above steps.

How to Remove Wine Stains from Clothing

how to get out wine stain clothes
Gala Didebashvili - Getty Images
  • Blot up as much as possible with a white cloth.

  • Rinse the article of clothing from the inside of the garment with cool water, says Silva-Nash.

  • Pre-treat with stain remover, or rub with laundry detergent or a past of granular laundry detergent and water, says UGA.

  • Launder on cold, and check to see if stain is gone before drying. If a shadow of the stain lingers, treat and wash it again.

  • For silks or other fabrics that cannot be laundered, take to the dry cleaner ASAP.

how to get out wine stains carpet
moodboard - Getty Images

How to Get Wine Stains Out of Carpet

  • Blot up the wine as much as possible. It’s especially important not to scrub because this can cause the fiber strands to unwind and fray.

  • If you have one on hand, use a handheld carpet cleaner to extract as much liquid as possible.

  • Use a Carpet and Rug Institute-certified product, which indicates it’s safe to use on carpet, to treat the spot. Follow the label instructions carefully, and always pre-test the product in a hidden area of the room to ensure it won’t damage the carpet.

  • If no color change occurs, apply a small amount of the cleaner to a white cloth and work in gently from the edges to the center of the stain.

  • Keep blotting until the spot is gone. Be patient because it may take numerous attempts. Once you don’t see a shadow, blot the area with clear water to rinse away the spot removal product. If you don’t “rinse,” the residual product can attract soil.

  • If you can’t clean up right away and the spill is in an area of high traffic, blot up as much as possible, then lay a clean towel over the area to prevent people from tracking it elsewhere.

How to Remove Wine Stains from Tile or Marble

how to get out wine stains marble
Westend61 - Getty Images
  • Wipe up spills immediately.

  • Dissolve ½ teaspoon of liquid detergent in 1 quart of warm water. Sponge up stain with this solution. Rinse with a clean cloth dipped in clear water.

  • If wine has stained grout, use a soft toothbrush with this solution to gently rub away the stain. Or use a non-scratching blue scrubbie (like the type you would use for nonstick cookware), says Silva-Nash.

How to Get Wine Stains Out of Concrete

  • Rinse spill right away with a watering can or hose.

  • Clean the area later with a broom or scrub brush and a mixture of 1 teaspoon laundry detergent in 1 quart of warm water, suggests UGA. Rinse well.

How to Remove Wine Stains from Upholstery

how to get out wine stains sofa
Adam Gault - Getty Images
  • Blot up as much as possible with a white cotton cloth or white paper towel.

  • Use a solution of 1 teaspoon detergent with a cup of lukewarm water, suggests UGA. Use a cloth to blot this mixture onto stain. Test first in an inconspicuous area of the upholstered piece.

  • Do not rub, and do not saturate the fabric or you will end up with water rings.

  • Next, mix 1/3 cup of white household vinegar with 2/3 cup of water. Use a clean white cloth to blot the stain. Repeat with detergent and water solution.

  • Sponge with clear water, and let surface dry.

  • If you were not successful, contact a professional cleaning service.

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