With his release of ‘narco nephews,’ Biden continues to placate dictator Maduro | Opinion

The Biden administration recently returned two of the Venezuelan regime’s crown jewels: the “narco nephews,” Franqui Flores and his cousin Efrain Campo, both nephews of Nicolas Maduro’s wife, imprisoned in the United States on drug convictions. [Flores and Campo were released to Venezuela in exchange for that country releasing seven Americans.]

This White House, with the support of Democrats in Congress, continues to make concessions to a dictatorship they don’t even recognize as Venezuela’s legitimate government.

It’s essential that Venezuelans living in Florida send a clear message of condemnation.

We should have heeded the warning signs that were clear in 2015 as Nicolas Maduro and Biden, then vice president, shook hands and smiled in Brazil or as the narco-dictator praised “camarade Biden” in a speech that year. Democrats’ strategy toward Venezuela is simple: 1. Travel to Caracás and beg for petroleum; 2. Grant sanction relief to the narco-regime; 3. Swap hostages for narco traffickers who have inundated our country with drugs.

More than ever, we are reminded of the importance of having elected officials in Washington who stand up for our values and principles. While the Biden administration prioritizes concessions, we need members in Congress who fight for the return of democracy and the rule of law in Venezuela.

I always remind my fellow Venezuelan Americans that it was Sen. Marco Rubio who led the call in 2014 for U.S. sanctions against leaders of the Venezuelan dictatorship. While the Obama administration was apprehensive about imposing sanctions, Rubio made the case for the importance of these sanctions. Were it not for his consistent leadership, those sanctions could have never happened.

As we near the November elections, it’s essential Venezuelan Americans are reminded of who has had our backs since day one. Rubio has successfully led and passed important bipartisan legislation like the VERDAD Act and the Venezuela TPS Act. Our cause and aspirations continue to be heard in Congress thanks to his continued leadership and advocacy.

Ernesto Ackerman is president of Independent Venezuelan American Citizens.

