Readers' views: IndyStar's comics omissions

Here's what community members had to say in recent letters to the editor we received. Submit your own thoughts here.

Don't forget about George Herriman

After reading the front-page story titled, "The comic strips that transformed America," and then seeing a picture of a college professor holding a book about George Herriman, I was disappointed to see no mention of Mr. Herriman, who is arguably the first African-American cartoonist (born of mixed race parents in New Orleans) with a comic strip in a major American newspaper.

"Krazy Kat" was one of the most successful and best-known comic strips of the early 20th Century.

I realize it is too much to hope to see a revival of the comic strip in any city newspaper; the strip was never politically correct and always filled with violence. However, I still hoped that at least Mr. Herriman's contribution to American pop culture would be acknowledged with more than a picture of a man holding a book about him.

Robin Lee Lovelace


What about "Mutts"?

Why isn’t “Mutts” listed on the new daily comics schedule?

Patrick McDonnell’s comic strip is a wonderful, educational and heartwarming advocate for animal welfare as well as a sweet, funny, charming and uplifting story.

I am very sad that it is not listed as a continuing feature in IndyStar.

Mary Ann Garber


Bring back Sunday "Doonesbury"

I am extremely disappointed to learn that the Star is dropping the Sunday editions of "Doonesbury," while keeping the daily editions.

The daily editions are reruns. The Sunday strips are new and current. This makes ZERO sense.

Tom Weber


Why IndyStar matters

The IndyStar's rehiring of talented columnist James Briggs and the continuing excellent human interest stories from Gregg Doyel in the sports section prove that newspapers should be here to stay and not just online.

The impact of the Sunday edition also proves the value and importance of local papers. A little boy would have a much longer wait for a service dog and a 14-year-old child with triplets and no support would be lost in the sea of laws, nonprofits and immaturity. A local story brought to light a tragedy that unfolded round bullying and gave our legislature the impetus to act.

Those stories, among many others, and the powerful columns and information from Doyel and Briggs are why we must continue to support The Star even as technology changes our habits. Keep on writing, guys. You and your colleagues and editors are too important to disappear!

K.J. Adcock


This article originally appeared on Indianapolis Star: Letters to the editor: IndyStar comics changes
