Quit These 10 Habits To Save (and Make) Money Fast, According to Frugal Living YouTuber Kate Kaden

Whether you want to boost your earnings or savings, small everyday habits could hurt your chances of progressing toward your financial goals. The financial YouTuber Kate Kaden frequently shares about changes she’s made to become more productive, live frugally and address money regrets. A recent video covered these 10 habits to quit to improve your finances.

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1. Lacking Confidence

You can miss out financially if you feel like you can’t make the challenging moves others are making. Kaden gave examples such as paying off loans early and growing a retirement fund. Be confident, get started and put in consistent effort to achieve your financial goals.

2. Keeping Up With Others

Many people put out money to impress others. But Kaden warned, “In the end, you going broke to appear rich is just going to do you harm.” Instead, focus on financial improvement rather than other people who probably aren’t even paying attention.

3. Not Preparing Financially

If you don’t think about your future needs, you can find yourself unprepared financially, especially when tough times come. Kaden talked about important moves such as reducing debt, saving for emergencies and investing.

4. Paying Yourself Last

It can take a long time to meet savings goals if you spend first and save last. While Kaden recommended paying required expenses first, you should be disciplined and dedicate some leftover funds to your savings before splurging on any nonessentials.

5. Wasting Time

Kaden addressed time-wasting habits such as constantly scrolling through social media and binge-watching shows. While she didn’t discourage relaxing, she recommended using time more productively to generate income or do creative tasks. You might consider time-blocking techniques.

6. Staying Up Too Late

Staying up late can leave you unprepared, rushed and even physically unwell. Kaden discussed how this habit can lead to work issues, medical bills and extra food costs. Get enough sleep to feel, work and handle money better.

7. Delaying Investing

Kaden said, “If I could go back in a time capsule, and I tell my son this all the time, invest early, and the compound interest is magical.” Rather than waiting until you’re older and having regrets, start contributing now to build your savings, maximize earnings and be better prepared for retirement.

8. Carrying Credit Card Balances

Not being serious about credit card use can lead to thousands in debt and money lost to high interest. Kaden advised making it a habit to always pay off your card balances. If that’s not possible, at least pay much more than the minimum and cut costs when necessary.

9. Having Unnecessary Subscriptions

Kaden suggested regularly reconsidering your various memberships and subscriptions so you can save money. Cancel the ones you don’t use and make sure you cancel any free trials to avoid surprise charges.

10. Not Knowing Your Worth

Especially if you hate negotiating, you might be limiting your income by taking a poor salary or selling your services for too little. Kaden emphasized, “Be confident in what you’ve got and ask for what you’re worth.”

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This article originally appeared on GOBankingRates.com: Quit These 10 Habits To Save (and Make) Money Fast, According to Frugal Living YouTuber Kate Kaden
