Mayor Aftab Pureval to nominate new Cincinnati Park Board member, replacing Jim Goetz

Jim Goetz joined the Cincinnati Park Board in 2018 and had been serving as its current president. His term expired Jan. 31.
Jim Goetz joined the Cincinnati Park Board in 2018 and had been serving as its current president. His term expired Jan. 31.

Cincinnati Mayor Aftab Pureval is nominating real estate executive John Neyer for a position on the Cincinnati Park Board, instead of tapping current board president, Jim Goetz, for another term.

It's the third replacement Pureval has made to the Cincinnati Park Board since he was elected in 2021.

The appointment comes in the midst of vocal opposition to Cincinnati Parks' plans to add a dog park to Clifton's Burnet Woods, with Preserve Burnet Woods leading the criticism. That group organized a writing-letter campaign in recent weeks, encouraging supporters to write Pureval and members of Cincinnati City Council to ask "for something new" on the board and urge them to select "a voice with environmental fluency in climate change and habitat conservation."

Pureval said the decision − which will ultimately be up to Cincinnati City Council − was about Neyer being the best fit for the board.

"John Neyer is a former interim parks director with a proven track record of prioritizing climate equity and green spaces in our region," the mayor said in a statement. "We have full confidence that he will maintain and expand Cincinnati’s commitment to park excellence, and we’re excited for the work to come.”

Pureval also thanked Goetz for his service: “Jim Goetz provided exemplary leadership on the board over the past six years, during a time of challenge and transition. Mr. Goetz has championed several major, impactful projects and played a big role in keeping Cincinnati as a nationally renowned parks system."

Reached Friday, Goetz called Neyer an excellent choice for the park board. "It is rewarding to know that I leave the board with a very strong parks leadership team in place under the direction of Jason Barron," he added.

John Neyer will be formally nominated as a Cincinnati Park Board commissioner on Wednesday.
John Neyer will be formally nominated as a Cincinnati Park Board commissioner on Wednesday.

Neyer, 51, is CEO of Neyer Management, a Cincinnati-based property management company that's developed more than 275 properties. He served as interim parks director from December 2021 to June 2022 during a time of turmoil in parks management. He previously served about 12 years on the Cincinnati Parks Foundation, two of those as foundation president.

Cincinnati Parks offers universal accessibility, he said in a brief interview on Friday.

"Everyone is entitled to enjoy the magnificence of our parks," he said.

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He said he was happy to learn the park board recently approved spending about $2.9 million for a "biochar project," calling it "terrifically innovative" and a good new use for its Warder Nursery property in Springfield Township. When up and running later this year or early next year, the biochar system will turn parks' wood debris into a charcoal-like material used to enrich soil.

Assuming City Council approves Pureval's nominee, Neyer will join a board with two veterans and two newcomers.

  • Molly North, CEO of commercial real estate developer Al. Neyer and the board's vice president, was appointed in 2021. She and John Neyer work for different branches of the Neyer organization.

  • Susan Castellini, wife of Cincinnati Reds CEO Bob Castellini, has been on the board since 2013.

  • Pureval appointed community volunteer Phyllis McCullum and Cincinnati Music Accelerator founder Kick Lee to the board last year. They replaced Brad Lindner, CEO of United Dairy Farmers, and Linda Lee Thomas, a retired Procter & Gamble Co. executive.

This article originally appeared on Cincinnati Enquirer: John Neyer nominated to replace Cincinnati Park Board member
