Before Purchasing Your Patio Plants, Find Out Why Succulents Are One of the Best Picks

patio plants, close up view of succulents
25 Best Patio Plants to Enjoy All Season Long Wen Ye / EyeEm - Getty Images

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As the weather gets warmer, your patio becomes very enticing — and for good reason. So it's no wonder you'd want to spruce up your outdoor area with low maintenance patio plants. While every part of your home — the office, bedroom and kitchen — can benefit from a touch of greenery, don't forget to add seasonal color to your patio with sun-loving or (low-light) container plants, annuals and perennials.

Before choosing from these plants below, consider how much sun your patio receives and whether you'll be placing plants in your garden or pots. Some colorful blooms, like marigolds, roses and Mandevilla, thrive in full sun (more than six hours a day). Other picks, like the Chinese Evergreen (also known as the Aglaonema), prefer minimal light (full shade means less than an hour or two of sun). And since plants attract our favorite pollinators such as butterflies, bees and hummingbirds, your patio's small garden (and vertical garden too!) will flourish while providing a dose of subtle entertainment when lounging.

While we may deem these patio plants beginner-friendly and easy to care for indoors and outdoors, still take note of your USDA Hardiness zone (find yours here) to see suitable varieties for your region's winter season. Then, browse our assortment of leafy and blossoming plants to bring color to your tropical-inspired room or shady retreat. P.S. They'll look good and make you feel good too!


Lively Root deems these plants "your favorite colorful succulents." They're long-blooming, easy to grow and thrive in bright, natural light, so they're perfect for open-air patios that receive plenty of sun. Find them in various shades of red, orange, yellow and white to really give your outdoor garden a jolt of personality.

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patio plants kalanchoe blossfeldiana in bloom outdoors
Elizabeth Fernandez - Getty Images


Place these tropical plants in full sun and watch their striking leaves vary in shades of red, yellow, green and pink. Keep them happy by watering them once a week and take note of any mushy leaves or black stems (a sign of overwatering).

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patio plants, colorful croton plant growing outdoors
NoDerog - Getty Images


These low-maintenance plants, also known as Madagascar dragon trees, prefer bright, indirect sun, but can tolerate low light. Their sword-like leaves with bold red or purple edges give them a unique look. Before they grow tall, keep them in small pots to display on your patio's table.

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patio plants, close up of dracaena plant outdoors
Elizabeth Fernandez - Getty Images

Majesty Palm

The long green fronds of this slow-growing evergreen make it a popular houseplant. Keep it in bright, indirect light and see it reach up to 10 feet tall. Since the Majesty Palm is a tropical plant, water it every one to two weeks and increase humidity with a humidifier or by misting your plants as necessary.

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patio plants majesty palm in a pot outdoors
Jana Milin - Getty Images

Million Bells

Also known as Calibrachoa, Million Bells have cheerful, bell-shaped flowers that resemble petunias. They can be found in a range of lively hues — yellow, violet, pink and red are just a few options. They're excellent picks for hanging baskets and your vertical garden. Keep it in full sun and fertilize it monthly.

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patio plants a wide view of a hanging basket of million bells flowers
Mark R Coons - Getty Images


Mandevilla is a gorgeous flowering vine that requires a trellis. It blooms all season long with little care, and you can bring it in for winter in cold climates when the nighttime temperatures go below 50 degrees. Full disclosure: It is a little messy indoors, as the leaves and flowers drop in lower light levels. It likes full sun, though it benefits from afternoon shade in the hottest climates.

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patio plants, close up of pink mandevilla plant
unknown - Getty Images


There’s a reason these sturdy annuals have been popular for decades: They thrive on neglect! Marigolds come in bright colors, including the classic oranges and yellows, but new varieties are available in creamy white. They take the heat, last until a hard freeze, and look good in beds or containers without any effort from you. Just give them full sun.

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patio plants close up of yellow marigold blooming outdoors
Siriwan Yothmontre / EyeEm - Getty Images


Lavender has beautiful purple spikes and silvery foliage; it’s drought-tolerant once established. Give it full sun, and plant a variety that will survive in your hardiness zone so it returns next year. Edge your patio with it, or plant it near seating areas so you can enjoy its classic scent.

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patio plants, lavender plant in a pot outdoors
Juliette Wade - Getty Images


Got shade? Fuchsia thrives in full shade. This stunning annual comes in saturated tones of red, purple and pink. It looks best in containers or baskets. Hummingbirds adore this plant, too. This plant is best purchased at a local nursery, as its delicate nature makes it difficult to ship intact or germinate from seed.

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patio plants, close up of a hanging fuchsia plant
Diba Saradari - Getty Images

Ornamental Grasses

Look for short varieties to add architectural interest to pots; tall types offer great screening if used to edge the patio in the ground or in pots. Most are perennial, but read the tag to be sure. Most need full sun.

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patio plants, close up of potted ornamental grass
Mark Turner - Getty Images


This stunning shrub comes in many different sizes and types. A hydrangea’s bloom appears in early to mid-summer and lasts until a hard freeze. They're extremely easy to dry for floral arrangements or wreaths, with most types needing some sun to flower best (they like afternoon shade in the hottest climates). Make sure to plant one that is suited to your hardiness zone.

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patio plants, close up of a pink hydrangea plant outdoors
Joshua McCullough - Getty Images


Blue, purple or white lobelia looks wonderful in baskets or mixed containers. This annual needs mostly shade, though it will tolerate a little morning sun. It blooms best in cool weather, so if it starts to look ragged in mid-summer, trim it back and it should rebound in the fall.

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patio plants, close up of blue lobelia plants
Boris SV - Getty Images


For a sunny patio, succulents are a fun option! They come in hundreds of sizes, shapes and colors and require almost nothing from you. Some are cold-hardy and will survive winter, but if not, you certainly can dig a few up to pot and display on a sunny windowsill.

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patio plants, close up of succulent plants in a pot
Neil Holmes - Getty Images


The pretty purple, pink or white blooms of this plant attract pollinators, and they last all the way to frost. Torenia flowers are lovely when cascading from pots on a shady patio. Some have a slightly grape-like scent.

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patio plants, close up of white and purple torenia flowers
David Q. Cavagnaro - Getty Images


Every garden needs at least one rose! These colorful flowers bloom from early summer to a hard freeze. You'll find an array of varieties, so read the tag and look for those that will survive in your hardiness zone. They bloom best in full sun.

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patio plants, close up of pink roses outdoors
Photo TP2534(7D) - Getty Images

Sweet Alyssum

With tiny white, blush-pink or purple flowers, low-growing sweet alyssum looks beautiful draping over the sides of containers. Plant it where you can catch a whiff of its delightful honey-sweet scent. It’s another favorite of pollinators. It needs full sun but will take some shade.

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patio plants, close up of pink and white sweet alyssum in a pot outdoors
Pinrath Phanpradith - Getty Images


Think outside the box: New types of strawberries have been bred to be more compact and ornamental, and new varieties of blackberry and raspberry bushes have no thorns! Plant these as a low border or in decorative pots. They prefer full sun.

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patio plants, close up of strawberries outdoors
Anne Green-Armytage - Getty Images


For sheer drama, nothing tops an aglaonema! The heart-shaped leaves come in striking reds and pinks, making this plant a favorite accent in pots or along borders. Enjoy them as annuals or dig up the tubers before winter and store them in a cool, dark place to plant again next year. They’re shade lovers.

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patio plants chinese evergreen outdoors
Elizabeth Fernandez - Getty Images


Angelonia plants love the heat! These annuals have tiny orchid-like flowers that come in pretty pastel and deeply saturated shades. Some types are upright, and others cascade from baskets or containers. Give them part to full sun.

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patio plants, close up of purple angelonia plants outside
darkfoxeluxir - Getty Images

Cherry Tomatoes

If you’ve never grown vegetables, cherry tomatoes or any dwarf tomatoes are a good place to start! Many new varieties are compact so they work well in containers — and they’re pretty, too! Give them full sun.

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patio plants cherry tomatoes in a white pot outdoors
DigiPub - Getty Images


For long-lasting color and easy care, begonias are the answer. These annuals come in every size, shape and color, with some preferring part shade, and others tolerating sun. Read the plant tag to know what kind you’re buying. Big plus: Begonias flower without the need for deadheading or removing spent blooms all season.

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patio plants close up of pink begonias
Ron Evans - Getty Images


Catmint is a tough-as-nails perennial with gray-green foliage and little purple flowers for most of the summer. Pollinators absolutely love it! Newer varieties keep a more upright, mounded form and don’t flop over. Plant it in full sun along the edge of your patio or in containers.

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patio plants, close up of catmint outdoors
Zoran Ivanovich - Getty Images


This stunning annual is a hummingbird magnet! With bright orange, red or purple flowers all season long, prepare to enjoy the show. Give your Cuphea a pot of its own because it tends to crowd other plants. It likes full sun.

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patio plants cuphea outdoors with a hummingbird - Getty Images


Herbs are some of the easiest edible plants to grow. Create a small herb garden adjacent to your patio, or place them in pots. Perennial herbs, such as oregano, thyme, chives and sage, will come back every year. Annuals, such as cilantro and basil, are easy to grow from seed. Some, such as rosemary, can be brought indoors to overwinter. Herbs need full sun.

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patio plants, herbs growing outdoors
Rosmarie Wirz - Getty Images

Sweet Potato Vine

This vining annual has colors that range from lime green to the deepest burgundy with interesting leaf shapes. It’s extremely tough, and it needs plenty of room to spread in the planter or bed. It prefers full sun, but will take a little shade.

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patio plants, close up of a sweet potato vine outdoors
Photos Lamontagne - Getty Images

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