Pssst…Two Full Moons Will Occur In *This* Astrological Sign This Year

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It's no secret that full moons are a special time of the month. After all, they bring guiding energy and a fresh perspective—that is, if you’re a fan of astrology.

“In astrology, the full moon will take place when the moon is in the opposite sign to where the sun currently is,” says Alice Bell, an astrologer based in New York City and the author of Trust Your Timing. And as you might have guessed, full moons are kind of special. They only come once a month—or every 29.5 days, if you want to be exact—so there are 12 or 13 every year.

Allow me to get a little (more) woo-woo for a sec. “There's usually a building of energy and momentum and activity that takes place between the new moon and the full moon,” Bell says. So, if you have any intentions at the start of the new moon, you might not see results from them until the full moon.

Meet the expert: Alice Bell is an astrologer based in New York City and the author of Trust Your Timing.

Plus, since the sun is shedding light on the moon in the process, symbolically, full moons are a time for "powerful realizations,” says Bell. If you’ve been repressing some emotions about a particular situation in the past, this moon will often bring those feelings back so you can fully explore them.

Full moons are also a v social time, so you might be craving more human connection than usual. Expect to have some fun plans coming up, or maybe even something spicy going down in your love life.

If you still want to know more, keep reading to find out everything to know about the 2024 full moon calendar, including the exact date and time each one will occur, plus, what each one will bring.

2024 Full Moon Schedule

  • Wolf Moon in Leo: Thursday, January 25 at 12:53 p.m. EST

  • Snow Moon in Virgo: Saturday, February 24 at 7:30 a.m. EST

  • Worm Moon Lunar Eclipse in Libra: Monday, March 25 at 3:00 a.m. EST

  • Pink Moon in Scorpio: Tuesday, April 23 at 7:48 p.m. EST

  • Flower Moon in Sagittarius: Thursday, May 23 at 9:52 a.m. EST

  • Strawberry Moon in Capricorn: Friday, June 21 at 9:07 p.m. EST

  • Buck Moon in Capricorn: Sunday, July 21 at 6:16 a.m. EST

  • Sturgeon Moon in Aquarius: Monday, August 19 at 2:25 p.m. EST

  • Harvest Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces: Tuesday, September 17 at 10:34 p.m. EST

  • Hunter’s Moon in Aries: Thursday, October 17 at 7:26 a.m. EST

  • Beaver Moon in Taurus: Friday, November 15 at 4:28 p.m. EST

  • Cold Moon in Gemini: Sunday, December 15 at 4:01 a.m. EST

When is the next full moon?

Wolf Moon in Leo: Thursday, January 25 at 12:53 p.m. EST

Leo is a sign that's a lot about creativity and romance and it's very warm and affectionate,” Bell says. So, you might find that you’re bringing creative skills into work or feeling the need to slow down at work so you can prioritize hobbies and fun with friends, she adds. You *might* even want to express your feelings toward someone. Aaand since Leo is associated with the heart (and it’s a fire sign), why not channel that high energy by adding some extra cardio into your routine?

Upcoming Full Moons of 2024

Snow Moon in Virgo: Saturday, February 24 at 7:30 a.m. EST

Along with organization, routines, and making lists, Virgo is all about wellness, so as you may have guessed, that’s also the vibe for this full moon. “It may have you making realizations about how you can adjust your routine to be more productive [and] what little tasks are worth your time and energy,” Bell says. You also might be realizing how to better care for your body and think of some adjustments to your schedule or diet that can decrease any bodily stressors.

Worm Moon Lunar Eclipse in Libra: Monday, March 25 at 3:00 a.m. EST

And just like that, you have arrived at your first lunar eclipse of the year, which is essentially “a supercharged full moon,” Bell says. While normally, you might see the effects of a full moon during just the month where it occurs, you’ll feel this lunar eclipse over the next six months (until the next lunar eclipse happens).

So, what does that mean for Libra? Well, it’s “associated with a partnership and relationships and establishing greater peace and balance in certain areas of your life,” Bell says, so you might find yourself wondering how to be a better partner or friend—or even how to change your mindset around dating and relationships.

Pink Moon in Scorpio: Tuesday, April 23 at 7:48 p.m. EST

How’s your mental health RN? I’m only asking because “Scorpio is a lot about doing deeper inner healing, transformative work,” Bell says. So, you might *finally* be ready to cut out that toxic negative friend this month, or even be thinking of ways to improve certain behavioral patterns you’re stuck in. Or, you can consider any elements of control to release in a certain area of your life. For instance, instead of freaking out if Guy From Tinder likes you back, let go of any control you want to have over the situation and focus on your work and friends.

Flower Moon in Sagittarius: Thursday, May 23 at 9:52 a.m. EST

JSYK, Sag is super into travel, education, and spirituality. So, maybe you begin taking an interest in a different culture at this time and find yourself booking a trip to Japan. But this full moon might also have you getting into other spiritual practices. Think: Astrology, crystals, and tarot card readings. From all of this, “you're able to just think more optimistically and see the bigger picture in life,” Bell adds.

Strawberry Moon in Capricorn: Friday, June 21 at 9:07 p.m. EST

Buck Moon in Capricorn: Sunday, July 21 at 6:16 a.m. EST

Sometimes, with the way astrology works, there will be multiple full moons in one sign, and that’s just how it goes. So, in 2024, there will be two Capricorn moons back-to-back. That’s great news for anyone who tends to enjoy thinking about the big picture of their life. “There's more emphasis than usual this summer on realizing what does and doesn't work for you in the long term,” Bell says.

This full moon, you might get clarity about want your life to look like in the future, whether it’s a goal you’re working toward, or a relationship you that’s worth committing to. You’ll also be thinking about “what has longevity and what's going to serve me further down the road,” Bell adds.

Sturgeon Moon in Aquarius: Monday, August 19 at 2:25 p.m. EST

This month, it’s the perfect time to reflect on your community, due to the social nature of Aquarius. During the Sturgeon Moon, think about “what types of people you want to associate with, how you can be more open to meeting new people,” Bell says. Additionally, you might lean into the parts of yourself that are unique and find like-minded people.

Harvest Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces: Tuesday, September 17 at 10:34 p.m. EST

Here, there’s another full moon lunar eclipse. This time, it’s in Pisces—which means it’s going to get pretty emotional. Focus on your emotional nature and mental health, including understanding why you might want “to escape or avoid certain emotions and coming to terms with that,” Bell says.

Aside from all that jazz, Pisces is also pretty spiritual, so you might find yourself more interested in astrology and manifestation. And for better or for worse, the effects of this lunar eclipse will also play out over and over until the next lunar eclipse in March 2025, Bell adds.

Hunter’s Moon in Aries: Thursday, October 17 at 7:26 a.m. EST

Aries represents learning to be more assertive and direct, and taking initiative in your life. So, this month is all about “realizing where you could take action and stop procrastinating,” says Bell. Or, maybe you learn how to stand up for yourself or be more assertive. If you find you’re a bit more aggressive or your emotions are strong and reactive, that *could* be a result of this powerful Aries full moon, Bell says.

Beaver Moon in Taurus: Friday, November 15 at 4:28 p.m. EST

This month, get practical with the help of Taurus. This sign loves to be hands-on with everyday tasks, so if you find yourself focusing on work and thinking over what work is serving you, that’s definitely a good call this month, Bell says. Another thing to focus on? How you can get more in touch with your body and the world around you. “Taurus is all about activating your five senses,” Bell says. So, if you feel you want to take a break from being online à la Selena Gomez and connect with nature or do something creative, you’ve got a green light from me (and this Beaver moon).

Cold Moon in Gemini: Sunday, December 15 at 4:01 a.m. EST

Last but not least is the Cold Moon in Gemini, which is a good time to consider “how you can communicate more effectively with people and get your ideas across,” Bell explains. That might look like reaching out to friends to ask how they're doing, to make it clear you're thinking of them. Or perhaps it means getting super clear about your wants and needs in a romantic relationship. Heck, you might even feel compelled to develop some kind of communication-based project, like starting a podcast, newsletter, or website. Sounds fun to me!

But wait, what about the full moon in Cancer?

Yup, if you read all of that carefully, you’ll notice that there’s no Cancer full moon in 2024. In fact, the next Cancer full moon won’t occur until January 2025.

But this is all par for the course. Since the full moon doesn’t always fall on the same day every year, there might be some years where some signs are excluded, Bell explains. The last full moon in Cancer happened at the end of December 2023, so it’s pushed ahead to 2025. “It's just how the calendar falls this year,” so there’s nothing to really interpret about the meaning of the missing 2024 Cancer moon, Bell says.

Phases of the moon, explained.

New Moon

This happens when the sun and moon are in the same sign. “That's typically the lowest energy part of the month,” Bell says. Something to ask yourself in this time is: What am I leaving behind from this past month and how am I starting fresh for the next four weeks? Just mull over the goals and intentions that you want to pursue moving forward.

First Quarter

In the week leading up to this moon phase, you might start to see new opportunities, begin new relationships, or form new habits or mindsets, Bell explains. “That first quarter moon phase is kind of a critical turning point of where you really start to see activity come together and see progress start to be made on whatever intentions or goals were set at the new moon,” she adds.

Full Moon

The week in between the first quarter and the full moon is typically the busiest of the month because “that's when things continue to come together and start to become more visible” she says. So, by the full moon, you should have some clarity on your intentions. This time is also a period of release where you can decide how to adjust your goals.

Third Quarter

A week later, there’s the third quarter phase. In the week between the full moon and the third quarter, you can incorporate the adjustments or realizations around your goals that came up during the full moon. Then, during the third quarter phase, “that's when energy starts to decrease,” Bell says. “It's a closing out or a winding down of that whole chapter that's been going on since the last New Moon.” You won’t really be starting anything new during this phase.

Well, if you need me, I’ll be patiently waiting with my journal and candles for the next full moon!

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