Prince Louis Is a Little Show Stopper With His Facial Expressions During Coronation Balcony Moment

King Charles III waited his whole life for this moment -- to finally and officially be crowned the king of England -- but that didn't stop Prince Louis from stealing the spotlight with yet another entertaining round of random facial expressions.

The 5-year-old prince put on a show when the royal family stepped out onto the balcony at Buckingham Palace on Saturday, at times looking intrigued and at other times bored. He also waved to the crowd with a bit of sassiness. Louis stood alongside his parents -- Prince William and Kate Middleton -- both of whom appeared to get a kick out of his antics.

Louis pouted during some portions of the balcony walkout but at other times he appeared impressed with all the pomp and circumstance, particularly during the military flyover. He was also seen screaming at the top of his lungs, which prompted Kate to chuckle.

He wasn't the only child on the balcony. He was also joined by Princess Charlotte, Prince George and the other Page of Honours in Nicholas Barclay, Ralph Tollemache and Lord Oliver Cholmondeley, but it was Louis who commanded attention.

Prince Louis
Prince Louis
Prince Louis
Prince Louis
Prince Louis
Prince George
Prince Charles

Louis' antics didn't differ too much from how Charles acted when he was only 4 years old and attending Queen Elizabeth's coronation ceremony in 1953. Charles himself, while standing alongside the royal family on the balcony, looked just bored.

Earlier in the day, Louis stole the show during the coronation ceremony when he was captured yawning. He was noticeably restless during the ceremony, and he left halfway through the ceremony, though a source told ET that the little Prince's exit was planned that way.

Louis is no stranger to attracting attention. He made a stir back in June 2022 at the Platinum Jubilee celebrations for the late queen, sticking his tongue out, shouting, and making silly faces during multiple public appearances.

A royal source told ET last month that William and Kate would be making a decision about whether Louis would be attending his grandfather's coronation ceremony at Westminster Abbey closer to the time of the service.


Watch Prince Louis Yawn as King Charles Is Crowned at Coronation

See Prince Louis Adorably Yawning at King Charles' Coronation

Why Prince Louis Left in the Middle of King Charles III's Coronation

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