Prince Harry Straight-Up Calls Prince William His "Arch-Nemesis" in New Memoir

Wondering how hard Prince Harry comes for Prince William in his upcoming memoir, Spare? You are not prepared! On top of accusing his brother of physically attacking him (we'll get to that in a moment), Harry reportedly calls William his "arch-nemesis." And he was asked about it during an upcoming interview with Good Morning America's Michael Strahan.

In a teaser from the interview (which airs Monday morning), Strahan asks Prince Harry, "There's a quote in the book where you refer to your brother as your 'beloved brother and arch-nemesis.' Strong words. What did you mean by that?"

In response, Harry says "There has always been this competition between us, weirdly. I think it really plays into or always played by the 'heir/spare.'"

Spare is obviously the title of Harry's book, and it seems pretty clear that being second to Prince William has had a profound impact on him. According to The Guardian, who published an excerpt of Harry's book, he recalls that King Charles allegedly told Princess Diana when Harry was born, “Wonderful! Now you’ve given me an heir and a spare – my work is done.”

Despite this arguably toxic dynamic, William and Harry were close for much of their lives— but had a huge falling out when Harry got together with Meghan Markle, who William allegedly called “difficult”, “rude” and “abrasive” before physically attacking Harry in the kitchen of his Kensington Palace home. More on that below:

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