Prince Harry and Prince William Walk Side by Side Behind Queen Elizabeth's Coffin

When Prince Philip died, much was made of how Princes William and Harry did not stand side by side as they walked behind their grandfather's coffin. Their cousin Peter Philips, Princess Anne's eldest son, stood between them as a buffer, which many saw as symbolic of the troubles in the Princes' relationship.

But this morning, in the procession behind Queen Elizabeth's coffin, the brothers appeared to put any differences aside by walking together. They joined the King, Duke of York, Princess of Wales, Peter Philips, Vice Admiral Tim Laurence, the Duke of Gloucester, and the Earl of Snowdon in the funeral cortège as it made its way from, Buckingham Palace to Westminster Hall.

The image is an echo of when, almost exactly 25 years ago, William and Harry walked behind their mother's coffin, an experience Prince Harry has described as particularly difficult. "My mother had just died, and I had to walk a long way behind her coffin, surrounded by thousands of people watching me while millions more did on television. I don't think any child should be asked to do that, under any circumstances," he previously said.

Photo credit: Anwar Hussein - Getty Images
Photo credit: Anwar Hussein - Getty Images

Since the Queen passed away last Thursday at the age of 96, the Sussexes have reunited with the rest of the royal family on several occasions, including last night when the late monarch's closest relatives received her coffin at Buckingham Palace, a private moment which was not shared with the public or the press. More publicly, Harry, Meghan, Will, and Kate visited a flower memorial for the Queen over the weekend together, and spoke with those mourning their grandmother.

Photo credit: Chris Jackson - Getty Images
Photo credit: Chris Jackson - Getty Images

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