Prince Harry – latest court news: Duke accuses royals of withholding phone hacking evidence from him

Prince Harry has accused the royal family of “without doubt” withholding information from him “for a long time” about phone hacking as they did not want to “open a can of worms”, the High Court has heard.

The allegation – relating to News Group Newspapers – emerged in a witness statement submitted by the Duke of Sussex in the high-profile privacy case against Daily Mail publisher Associated Newspapers, which he is bringing alongside Sir Elton John, Baroness Doreen Lawrence, and others.

In the second day of a preliminary hearing at London’s Royal Courts of Justice, the publisher argued that part of the case should be thrown out as it relies on documents supplied confidentially to the Leveson Inquiry.

The allegations – which are denied – include the hiring of private investigators to place listening devices inside cars and the accessing and recording of private phone conversations.

The court heard on Monday that Prince Harry had lost or “cut off” friends as “everyone became a ‘suspect’ since he was misled by the way that the articles were written into believing that those close to him were the source” of articles about him.

Key Points

  • Prince Harry claims Buckingham Palace ‘withheld’ information about historic phone hacking

  • Daily Mail publisher claims privacy case uses files provided confidentially to Leveson Inquiry ...

  • ... as complainants argue banning this ‘highly relevant’ material from case would be ‘draconian’

  • Doreen Lawrence feels ‘played for a fool’ after thinking Mail ‘really cared’ about son’s murder

  • Publisher brands allegations ‘preposterous smears’

  • Judge grants anonymity for Mail journalists involved in alleged phone-tapping

Prince Harry claims Buckingham Palace ‘withheld’ information about historic phone hacking for ‘long time’

Tuesday 28 March 2023 17:01 , Andy Gregory

Prince Harry has said the Royal Family withheld information from him about phone hacking because they didn't want him to bring a claim as it would “open a can of worms”, my colleague Thomas Kingsley reports.

In a witness statement submitted before his civil claim against Daily Mail publisher Associated Newspapers, the Duke of Sussex said that he was conditioned to accept his family's rule to “never complain, never explain” when dealing with the press.

“The Institution made it clear that we did not need to know anything about phone hacking and it was made clear to me that the Royal Family did not sit in the witness box because that could open up a can of worms,” the Duke said in his statement

But discussing phone hacking claims against News Group Newspapers, Harry said “I became aware that I had a claim that I could bring” in 2018.

You can refresh this breaking report for updates:

Duke says Royal Family ‘without doubt’ withheld phone hacking information from him

Doreen Lawrence says she was ‘played by a fool’ by the Mail, court hears

07:39 , Maryam Zakir-Hussain

On Tuesday, Doreen Lawrence also provided a witness statement where she said she was “played by a fool” by the Daily Mail and believed the publication was “on my son’s side and cared about the fight to bring his killers to justice”.

She added that she believed journalists she worked with in her fight for justice were “not only allies but friends”.

Lady Lawrence claimed “covert electronic surveillance” was used on her when she met people at a cafe she would attend when she wanted to speak to people privately. She also claimed corrupt payments had been made to police officers.

“We had always suspected that the police had been involved in corruption because of everything that happened that seemed to make sure Stephen’s killers were not found and put in jail,” Lady Lawrence said.

She added: “I am haunted by the fact that I will never know the truth of what happened to Stephen the night he was killed, or of the failed police investigations into his murder, and now the illegal invasions and spying and stealing of information about his death and about me by The Mail.”

 (AFP via Getty Images)
(AFP via Getty Images)

Watch: Prince Harry leaves High Court after second day of case against Daily Mail publisher

06:00 , Martha Mchardy

What are Prince Harry’s claims?

05:00 , Martha Mchardy

His lawyers claim he was “deprived of important aspects of his teenage years” by the “unlawful actions” of Associated Newspapers.

“In particular, suspicion and paranoia was caused by Associated’s publication of the unlawful articles: friends were lost or cut off as a result and everyone became a ‘suspect’, since he was misled by the way that the articles were written into believing that those close to him were the source of this information being provided to Associated’s newspapers,” they argue in a written submission.

They say the actions of Associated Newspapers amounted to “a major betrayal” of promises made by the media after the death of Harry’s mother, Diana, Princess of Wales.

The hearing before Mr Justice Nicklin is due to conclude on Thursday, but Buckingham Palace said the King would be unable to meet his son because of prior commitments, including an official state visit to Germany on Wednesday

ICYMI: Prince Harry leaving court for the second day

04:00 , Martha Mchardy

 (Getty Images)
(Getty Images)
 (Copyright 2023 The Associated Press. All rights reserved)
(Copyright 2023 The Associated Press. All rights reserved)

Harry and Meghan Frogmore eviction ‘just the start’ of King Charles’ plans to slim down monarchy

03:00 , Martha Mchardy

King Charles III has put into motion his plan to slim down the monarchy, with the eviction of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex from Frogmore Cottage signalling “just the start”, it has been reported.

The monarch, who is set to be crowned alongside Queen Consort Camilla in just six weeks, reportedly wishes to end subsidised rents for members of the royal family over the next five years.

The expectation for royals to fund their own homes apparently also extends to working royals, including the Prince and Princess of Wales, the Princess Royal, and the Duke and Duchess of Edinburgh.

Kate Ng reports:

Harry and Meghan eviction ‘just the start’ of King Charles’ plans for monarchy

Mail ‘saw copy of Elton John’s child’s birth certificate before him’

02:00 , Martha Mchardy

Sir Elton John and David Furnish had not seen a copy of their first child’s birth certificate before it was “unlawfully” obtained by the publisher of the Daily Mail and placed beneath a “derogatory” headline, the High Court has been told.

The singer and his filmmaker husband were described as “outraged” and “mortified” in court documents alleging that the privacy of their home was “ruthlessly invaded” – with their landline allegedly tapped and staff “targeted” – in order “to steal and exploit” information to fuel stories about them.

The couple’s allegations form part of a host of similar claims brought against Associated Newspapers Ltd (ANL) by a group comprising Prince Harry, Baroness Doreen Lawrence, actors Sadie Frost and Elizabeth Hurley, and former Liberal Democrat MP Sir Simon Hughes.

Andy Gregory reports:

Daily Mail publisher ‘saw copy of Elton John’s child’s birth certificate before him’

Watch: Prince Harry's two words of advice for media on second day of High Court hearing

01:00 , Martha Mchardy

Voices: Prince Harry’s relationship with the press used to be ‘mutually parasitic’ – now it’s openly antagonistic

Wednesday 29 March 2023 00:00 , Martha Mchardy

Day two in court was for the diehards, and Sussex – also known as Prince Harry – is going to be dying very hard indeed, writes Tom Peck.

Harry’s relationship with the press isn’t parasitic, it’s antagonistic | Tom Peck

‘Paranoid’ Prince Harry lost friends over ‘unlawful’ newspaper stories, court hears

Tuesday 28 March 2023 23:00 , Martha Mchardy

Prince Harry suffered from “suspicion and paranoia” and lost friends because of newspaper articles, a court heard on Monday, as he launched his campaign to reform the media with a surprise appearance in London.

The Duke of Sussex flew 5,500 miles from his new home in California to attend a High Court hearing as the Daily Mail’s publisher bids to throw out claims against its titles, including accusations of phone-hacking.

The court heard that the allegations against the publisher include the hiring of private investigators to plant listening devices, the recording of private phone conversations, listening to live landline calls, and obtaining medical records.

Alastair Jamieson reports:

‘Paranoid’ Prince Harry lost friends over ‘unlawful’ newspaper stories, court hears

Harry and Meghan Frogmore eviction ‘just the start’ of King Charles’ plans to slim down monarchy

Tuesday 28 March 2023 22:07 , Andy Gregory

Away from the court proceedings, it has been reported that King Charles III has put into motion his plan to slim down the monarchy, with the eviction of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex from Frogmore Cottage signalling “just the start”.

The monarch, who is set to be crowned alongside Queen Consort Camilla in just six weeks, reportedly wishes to end subsidised rents for members of the royal family over the next five years.

The expectation for royals to fund their own homes apparently also extends to working royals, including the Prince and Princess of Wales, the Princess Royal, and the Duke and Duchess of Edinburgh.

One source was quoted as saying that the King “is not some sort of housing association for distant relatives”. My colleague Kate Ng has the full report:

Harry and Meghan eviction ‘just the start’ of King Charles’ plans for monarchy

Voices | I’m an artist who paints in blood – this is why I’m so angry with Prince Harry

Tuesday 28 March 2023 21:06 , Andy Gregory

In this Independent Voices piece, Andrei Molodkin, the artist and former Soviet soldier planning to project a sculpture made with Afghan blood onto St Paul’s Cathedral in protest over Prince Harry’s remarks about killing Taliban fighters in Afghanistan writes:

“Boasting about killing, whether for democracy or not, is something I do not accept. During military service, in the Soviet Union, I saw a fellow soldier put a gun to his heart and shoot himself. Later, we were eating in the canteen and the guards pulled him through the room. His body and clothes were covered in blood, so he left a line like a signature behind him. A bloodline.

“Seeing this man dragged across the floor, it was from there I understood blood as a currency – a material that demonstrated the physical cost of war. The colour of blood shocks us to understand this reality.

“My entire artistic practice has been based on deconstructing the toxic idea of imperialism and foregrounding the politicisation of blood, oil and gas as currencies of war.”

Opinion: I’m an artist who uses blood – this is why I’m angry with Prince Harry

Prince Harry rejects ‘misconception’ that royal households ‘are in constant communication'

Tuesday 28 March 2023 20:01 , Andy Gregory

Prince Harry has said that there is a “misconception” that the royal households “are all in constant communication with one another” – with each office actually “siloed”.

Outlining how he found out other people within or associated with the royal family had brought phone hacking claims against the press, he says: “It is not an exaggeration to say that the bubble burst in terms of what I knew in 2020 when I moved out of the United Kingdom.”

He went on: “There was never any centralised discussion between us about who had brought claims as each office in the Institution is siloed. There is this misconception that we are all in constant communication with one another but that is not true.”

Prince Harry bringing privacy case ‘because I love my country'

Tuesday 28 March 2023 18:59 , Andy Gregory

Prince Harry has said he is bringing his privacy claim against the Daily Mail publisher “because I love my country”.

Ending his written statement to the court, Prince Harry said he was “bringing this claim because I love my country and I remain deeply concerned by the unchecked power, influence and criminality” of the publisher.

“The British public deserve to know the full extent of this cover up and I feel it is my duty to expose it,” he added.

Watch: Prince Harry leaves High Court after second day of case against Daily Mail publisher

Tuesday 28 March 2023 17:51 , Andy Gregory

Doreen Lawrence feels ‘played for a fool’ after believing Daily Mail ‘really cared’ about justice for murdered son

Tuesday 28 March 2023 17:19 , Thomas Kingsley

Baroness Doreen Lawrence also provided a witness statement where she said she was “played for a fool” by the Daily Mail and believed the publication was “on my son’s side and cared about the fight to bring his killers to justice.”

She added that she believed journalists she worked with in her fight for justice were “not only allies but friends.”

“We believed they really cared about Stephen and the injustice of his death and all the failings of the police and legal systems that had meant his killers walked free,” Baroness Lawrence said.

“The idea that something else had been going on behind the scenes completely hidden from me, that I had been played for a fool and for so many years, was deeply shocking and upsetting to me.”

Prince Harry photographed leaving court this afternoon

Tuesday 28 March 2023 16:41 , Andy Gregory


Potentially confidential material is ‘highly relevant’ to privacy case, lawyer says

Tuesday 28 March 2023 15:59 , Thomas Kingsley

David Sherborne, the lawyer representing Prince Harry and the other claimants, says the possibly confidential material they’re relying upon for their case is “highly relevant”.

He claims that even if Mr Justice Nicklin found they were in breach of orders imposed by the Leveson inquiry which restrict their disclosure, removing this element of their argument from the case would be a “draconian” measure.

“We don’t accept that there is no room for manoeuvre,” Mr Sherborne told the judge.

Prince Harry has not returned to courtroom after break in proceedings

Tuesday 28 March 2023 15:38 , Andy Gregory

The Duke of Sussex has not returned to the courtroom in the Royal Courts of Justice during an afternoon break in the preliminary hearing.

Tuesday 28 March 2023 15:17 , Andy Gregory

Baroness Doreen Lawrence has returned to London’s Royal Courts of Justice today for the preliminary hearing of her case against Associated Newspapers.

Her lawyers say that she feels a “deep sense of betrayal” over Associated Newspapers Limited (ANL) allegedly hiring private investigators to “unlawfully or illegally” obtain her private information.

Baroness Lawrence alleges that her landline and bank accounts were monitored by private investigators, who she claims made “corrupt payments” to Metropolitan Police officers for information about the investigation into her son Stephen’s murder in 1993.


‘Paranoid’ Prince Harry lost friends over ‘unlawful’ newspaper stories, court hears

Tuesday 28 March 2023 14:44 , Andy Gregory

Prince Harry suffered from “suspicion and paranoia” and lost friends because of newspaper articles, a court heard on Monday, as he launched his campaign to reform the media with a surprise appearance in London.

The Duke of Sussex flew 5,500 miles from his new home in California to attend a High Court hearing as the Daily Mail’s publisher bids to throw out claims against its titles, including accusations of phone-hacking.

Also in court were Sir Elton John, Sadie Frost, and Baroness Lawrence, who are among the public figures suing Associated Newspapers for alleged unlawful activity.

‘Paranoid’ Prince Harry lost friends over ‘unlawful’ newspaper stories, court hears

Mail publisher claims case is based on confidential documents it sent to Leveson Inquiry

Tuesday 28 March 2023 14:12 , Andy Gregory

A High Court judge has said he is “concerned” about who is responsible for policing confidentiality undertakings made during the Leveson Inquiry.

Associated Newspapers Limited (ANL)’s argument is that part of the case brought by seven high-profile individuals relies upon documents that were provided by the company to the Leveson Inquiry in 2011 and 2012 with the understanding that they were confidential.

The company maintains that these documents are subject to binding disclosure and publication restriction orders and undertakings as to their use, and that lawyers for the people bringing the claim are in breach of these by relying on them without first applying for their disclosure.

However on Tuesday, Mr Justice Nicklin said it was not clear who polices the undertakings as the Leveson Inquiry no longer exists.

He said that “basic contract law” requires that in order for a confidentiality agreement to be enforced someone has to be able to stand there and say that they have the power to enforce it.

“Who is that person?” he asked, adding: “I am now concerned about who is responsible for policing the Leveson undertakings.”

Harry ‘deprived’ of parts of teenage years due to Mail publisher, court told

Tuesday 28 March 2023 14:00 , Maryam Zakir-Hussain

In case you missed it...

The Duke of Sussex claims he was “largely deprived” of important parts of his teenage years due to the unlawful actions of the Daily Mail’s publisher, court documents have shown as he made a surprise appearance at the High Court in London.

Harry, Sir Elton John, his husband David Furnish, Baroness Doreen Lawrence of Clarendon and Sadie Frost all attended the Royal Courts of Justice on Monday for the start of the first hearing in their claims against Associated Newspapers Limited (ANL).

The high-profile individuals are part of a group, which also includes Liz Hurley and former Lib Dem MP Sir Simon Hughes, bringing privacy claims against the publisher over allegations it carried out or commissioned illegal or unlawful information-gathering.

Harry ‘deprived’ of parts of teenage years due to Mail publisher, court told

High Court judge ‘concerned’ about who is responsible for 'policing Leveson undertakings’

Tuesday 28 March 2023 13:57 , Maryam Zakir-Hussain

A High Court judge has said he is “concerned” about who is responsible for policing confidentiality undertakings made during the Leveson Inquiry.

Associated Newspapers Limited (ANL)’s argument is that part of the case brought by seven high-profile individuals relies upon documents that were provided by the company to the Leveson Inquiry in 2011 and 2012 with the understanding that they were confidential.

The company maintains that these documents are subject to binding disclosure and publication restriction orders and undertakings as to their use, and that lawyers for the people bringing the claim are in breach of these by relying on them without first applying for their disclosure.

However on Tuesday, Mr Justice Nicklin said it was not clear who polices the undertakings as the Leveson Inquiry no longer exists.

He said that “basic contract law” requires that in order for a confidentiality agreement to be enforced someone has to be able to stand there and say that they have the power to enforce it.

“Who is that person?” he asked, adding: “I am now concerned about who is responsible for policing the Leveson undertakings.”

Elton John ‘did not see copy of child’s birth certificate before it was unlawfully obtained’ by Mail publisher

Tuesday 28 March 2023 13:38 , Maryam Zakir-Hussain

In case you missed it...

Sir Elton John and David Furnish had not seen a copy of their first child’s birth certificate before it was “unlawfully” obtained by the publisher of the Daily Mail and placed beneath a “derogatory” headline, the High Court has been told.

The singer and his filmmaker husband were described as “outraged” and “mortified” in court documents alleging that the privacy of their home was “ruthlessly invaded” – with their landline allegedly tapped and staff “targeted” – in order “to steal and exploit” information to fuel stories about them.

The couple’s allegations form part of a host of similar claims brought against Associated Newspapers Ltd (ANL) by a group comprising Prince Harry, Baroness Doreen Lawrence, actors Sadie Frost and Elizabeth Hurley, and former Liberal Democrat MP Sir Simon Hughes.

Daily Mail publisher ‘saw copy of Elton John’s child’s birth certificate before him’

Baroness Lawrence arrives at High Court

Tuesday 28 March 2023 12:47 , Maryam Zakir-Hussain

Lawyers are yet to get into their arguments over the continuation of the claims against ANL and whether they should be taken to trial.

Meanwhile, Baroness Lawrence has entered the court room.

She told the court yesterday through her lawyers that she feels a “deep sense of betrayal” over Associated Newspapers Limited (ANL) allegedly hiring private investigators to “unlawfully or illegally” obtain her private information.

 (Getty Images)
(Getty Images)

Watch: Prince Harry arrives at High Court for second day of Daily Mail privacy case

Tuesday 28 March 2023 12:07 , Maryam Zakir-Hussain

Update from the High Court

Tuesday 28 March 2023 11:51 , Maryam Zakir-Hussain

Thomas Kingsley reports live from the High Court

Every seat in the public gallery is filled for today’s hearing with Prince Harry, today wearing a grey suit, is in attendance again listening attentively to the proceedings.

Lawyers have not yet begun to discuss their arguments for why the claims from the Duke and others should be taken to trial or thrown out - first there is a discussion over legal details around confidentiality and restricted documents in this week’s hearing.


Prince Harry not expected to see Charles or William as he makes surprise return to UK

Tuesday 28 March 2023 10:51 , Maryam Zakir-Hussain

The Duke of Sussex has made a surprise return to the UK for the first time since the late Queen’s funeral – but is not expected to meet with the King or the Prince of Wales.

His trip – for a High Court hearing in London in his claim against Daily Mail publisher Associated Newspapers over allegations of unlawful information-gathering – will be seen as demonstrating the strength of his determination over the legal action.

Just weeks ago, Harry laid bare his troubled relationship with his father the King and brother the Prince of Wales in his controversial autobiography Spare.

Prince Harry not expected to see Charles or William as he makes surprise return to UK

Day two of preliminary hearing against Daily Mail publisher begins

Tuesday 28 March 2023 10:32 , Thomas Kingsley

Day two of the four-day preliminary hearing has begun in the High Court. Prince Harry is in attendance again as the judge decides whether the claim will go to trial.

The Duke of Sussex leaving the Royal Courts of Justice on Monday (/PA) (PA Wire)
The Duke of Sussex leaving the Royal Courts of Justice on Monday (/PA) (PA Wire)

Harry returns to High Court for day two of hearing

Tuesday 28 March 2023 10:23 , Maryam Zakir-Hussain

The Duke of Sussex has returned to the Royal Courts of Justice for the second day of a High Court hearing over multiple privacy claims brought against the publisher of the Daily Mail.

Harry arrived at the central London court just after 10am for the second day of a preliminary hearing in his claim against Associated Newspapers Limited (ANL).

The duke is part of a group - along with Baroness Doreen Lawrence, Sir Elton John and David Furnish, former Liberal Democrat MP Sir Simon Hughes and actresses Sadie Frost and Liz Hurley - bringing claims over allegations ANL carried out or commissioned illegal or unlawful information-gathering.

The allegations - which are denied - include the hiring of private investigators to place listening devices inside cars and the accessing and recording of private phone conversations.

Lawyers for ANL, which is also the publisher of The Mail on Sunday and MailOnline, said the allegations are “firmly” denied and that the “stale” claims have been brought too late as it made a bid to throw out the cases.

