Transformation Tuesday with DDP: The power of community helped one, inspired millions

Diamond Dallas Page has made a living out of helping others.

The World Wrestling Entertainment Hall of Famer has been changing lives for over two decades with his DDPYoga program, a fusion of yoga for men who “wouldn’t be caught dead” doing yoga.

He developed it after he suffered a broken back, and soon realized that his workout regimen couldn't just enhance lives, it could save them.

Since 2004, Page has been seeing his program work miracles. We'll look at this Jersey Shore boy’s most inspirational stories through our Transformation Tuesday feature. All have a story of how DDP YOGA changed, and in many cases, saved their lives.

Arthur Boorman would be the poster boy for DDPY and help put DDP YOGA on the map.

Arthur Boorman
Arthur Boorman
  • Arthur Boorman

  • From: Maryland

  • Highest weight: 340 pounds

  • Current weight: 175 pounds

  • Age: 64

  • Occupation: Special education teacher

Why Arthur Boorman: "He was a disabled veteran, morbidly obese and relegated to thinking of himself as a piece of furniture," Page said. "After we spoke a few times, I told him ‘I don’t need to have an MD at the end of DDP to know if you don’t change your lifestyle bro you’re not going to be around five or six years from now.’ That scared the hell out of him - I gave him some encouragement and after two weeks he had lost 20 pounds (more than I expected). He posted a couple grainy videos on YouTube about his experience and I told him if you’re going to film everything you’re going to need to get a better camera and looking back I’m so glad I did that! Thank god he and his son Warren filmed his whole journey because it was unlike any I had ever seen. It wasn’t until 2012 (5 years later), that my buddy and president of DDPY Steve Yu posted the video to YouTube. This was the first time I learned what the term “viral video” meant. The video was soon on the front page of every major website at the time, MSN, AOL, Yahoo sports, Deadspin, GMA, and what really helped us go viral on Twitter was when we had someone tweet 'Stop what you’re doing right now and witness real magic.' It was David Copperfield. It was the number one post on the Reddit homepage. All this put DDPY on the map."

Arthur Boorman
Arthur Boorman

As a paratrooper in the Army, Arthur Boorman was no stranger to jumping out of planes.

But he never fell harder than he did after he got home.

Boorman was in his 40s when his body started breaking down. Years of wear and tear on his body from his 15-year career took its toll.

“An injury knocked me out of the service, I had a large number of smaller injuries, I just kept getting busted up,” said Boorman, who lives in Brooklyn Park, Maryland, a stone’s throw away from Baltimore. “Due to the type of work I did, we had to carry an extremely large amount of gear and I was often the smallest person on the team.

“It was heavy communication equipment, I was landing, I had to hop across the terrain. And as I did it, I kept getting worse and worse. Knees, hips, lower back, shoulder, my elbow. Nothing was that bad, but when you add it all together, it adds up on you.”

To make matters worse, the special education teacher suffered an injury at work that really put him on the shelf.

In reality, the problem wasn’t the injury. It was Boorman was in no condition to help himself get better. His weight had become a problem.

Arthur Boorman
Arthur Boorman

He was 5 foot 6, over 300 pounds, had very little energy, he couldn’t move very well, and he was stuck in misery. It wasn’t just sad. It was incredibly dangerous.

“There were times just walking around would leave me exhausted,” Boorman said. “I once passed out in front of a group of students. After I got out (of the Army), I just fell apart. I would tell myself I’m working an honest job, getting a paycheck, not getting drunk, not doing drugs, not doing stupid stuff, not cheating on your wife, I’m doing OK.

“So what if I can eat an entire pizza, a quart of ice cream and a bottle of soda? I’m doing fine. It’s a lie you tell yourself. I was committing suicide by food and that’s not who I am. The most important thing to me is my family. I wasn’t doing right by them even though I was lying to myself and saying I was good.”

Boorman was desperate to make a change. He didn’t know what to do, but he knew he had to do something. In 2006 he googled broken back and up popped DDP YOGA, which at the time didn’t even have that name.

“I don’t know why I tried it, I was at a point where if I didn’t do something, I don’t want to sound dramatic, but I was going to die,” Boorman said.

Diamond Dallas Page Biography on A&E: Shore native knocks down opponents, builds up fans

DDP YOGA is the creation of Point Pleasant High School graduate and WWE HOF'er, Diamond Dallas Page. He created a hybrid yoga for regular guys. This hybrid of yoga caught Boorman’s eye.

“I knew of DDP, I was at Fort Bragg and the wrestling promotion that Dallas was part of was very popular, so a lot of people watched wrestling,” Boorman said. “I’d see guys walking around in a DDP T-shirt, so I knew who he was. I saw him on TV, you’re on barracks duty, people are sitting around screaming because wrestling is on.

“I was on the internet and looking around, just searching, you tweak the parameters, I was typing in different things, and I searched ‘Yoga broken back.’ I was looking through the results and saw it. I clicked it, figured it doesn’t cost to click. I thought ‘OK, I’m desperate as hell, I gave it a try and everything started happening.”

After signing up, Page reached out to Boorman.

It wasn’t a sales call. It was to check in on him, offer advice and help. It also came with a verbal diamond cutter that may have helped save Boorman’s life.

WWE Hall of Fame: DDP, Eric LeGrand honored

“What happened was I got an email and I thought it’s really good customer service,” Boorman said of the email that actually came from Page. “I said I got to be honest, I’m disabled, I can barely walk, I was a piece of furniture rather than a person. He sends me a phone number. He calls and we have a conversation and you know, Dallas is a really nice person, but at the same time, he knows when someone needs their ass kicked. That was me.

“He gave me a therapeutic ass-kicking. ‘You’re killing yourself, your wife will be a widow, kids will be orphans. That’s not what someone says to cement a sale. He cared a lot more about me as a person that he just met on the phone than he did on the sale or what I would say to other people.

“He cared more about me. And he sent me a whole bunch of stuff about what I should eat and how to change food. This is a lifeline. This is a chance. I don’t have one right now. Can you do it? Yes, I can do this. And I did.”

Page made Boorman work.


Boorman worked out to the DDP YOGA videos every day.

It made him step outside his comfort zone. Though not physically, Page was there every step of the way as Boorman changed what he ate and worked himself into shape.

He didn’t change Boorman’s life.

He saved it.

Arthur Boorman
Arthur Boorman

“It was really amazing, at the same time the voice says ‘this can’t last,’” Boorman said. “That’s why DDPY, you get out of it, what you put into it. There are no guarantees. But if you do it consistently, and you’re working it, it doesn’t mean every day has to be the perfect workout. You’ll do it, and feel like a million bucks. Some days you won’t. You just drug your butt through the workout. Get enough good days and be consistent.

“Really, a month or so after I started pushing it hard, I realized that I was sleeping better, my pants were looser and things were getting better. I was moving better. After a while I could walk without a cane. I fell down a bunch of times, but that’s OK.”

What Boorman did next was the best thing he could have done in Page’s eyes. Page saw someone online helping others through using DDP YOGA. Page wasn’t worried about losing business, he was happy to see one of “his guys” paying it forward.

Boorman made a video with his son Warren & Page of his weight loss and how DDPY saved his life. Eventually, he became a star.

“It went viral and put us on the map,” Page said of Boorman’s video. "It was all over CNN and MSN, shared hundreds of thousands of times. That video has over a billion views across all platforms.

“Arthur never stopped. Two new knees, one new hip, and he just never stopped working.

“He was using DDPY to help others. That’s the biggest thing. We have our DDPYOGA Facebook group where members actually help each other. There’s no need to do it alone. The entire community works together. Arthur thought I would be mad when I saw him teaching others. Brother, you’re helping!”

Boorman continues to work hard at maintaining his weight.

He has his ups and downs like everyone. He credits his wife Vicki and sons Warren, Eric and John for being his inspiration to get better. His family is his life, and they were the reason he worked so hard. But he credits Page with being the catalyst.

“Trust me, I’ve tried a lot of things, I’m not special at all, I’m a special education teacher who wanted to live,” Boorman said. “I’m not special. DDPY is. The program put me on the path, and supported me.

“I don’t want to sound dramatic, but he’s the reason I’m alive. Honest truth, I wouldn’t be alive right now if not for Page Joseph Falkinburg, aka DDP. That’s the truth. It’s bizarre, it’s amazing, here I am, a busted-up former paratrooper, special ed teacher, and a TV wrestler pops into my life. It sounds like a bad sitcom, but it’s the truth.

“It’s weird, but it saved my life.”

That's not how Page sees it.

"I inspired one guy," Page said. "He inspired hundreds of millions."

This article originally appeared on Asbury Park Press: Special Ed teacher to DDP Yoga star: Arthur Boorman's journey
