Police say woman left a package of drugs intended for Central Ky. jail inmates in a bush

A Berea woman has been arrested after police say she was caught trying to smuggle cocaine, methamphetamine and other contraband into the Madison County Detention Center.

Lilliann Reed, 28, “was involved in trafficking illegal narcotics in Madison County and was attempting to introduce those substances into the Madison County Detention Center,” the Madison County Drug Task Force said in a news release Friday.

Kentucky State Police said in a uniform citation filed in Madison District Court that a woman later identified as Reed was caught on surveillance video Aug. 25 driving from the Madison County Detention Center to the parking lot at the Family Court building, where she got out, walked to a bush and then got back in her vehicle and left.

A package retrieved from the bush contained methamphetamine, cocaine, “various pills, suboxone strips, a syringe, 3 disposable vapes, and 1 re-usable vape stick with 2 cartridges suspected to be THC,” the citation states.

When investigators talked to Reed at her residence, she told them Nathan Hisle at the detention center “had orchestrated the purchase” of the contraband, police said in the uniform citation.

When asked “if she had anything inside the residence” police said Reed took an investigator into a bedroom, where there was “a small amount of white powder” that she said was heroin on a counter.

A work release inmate told investigators Hisle offered him $500 to bring the package into the maintenance building, where another man “would get it from there,” according to the citation.

Reed was arrested Tuesday and was being held in the Madison County Detention Center on charges of first-degree trafficking in controlled substance, (cocaine); first-degree trafficking in controlled substance, (methamphetamines), and first-degree possession of controlled substance, (heroin), according to the news release.

Hisle, 28, is charged with conspiracy to first-degree trafficking in a controlled substance, first offense, less than or equal to four grams of cocaine, and conspiracy to first-degree trafficking in a controlled substance, first offense, less than or equal to two grams of methamphetamine, Madison District Court records indicate.
